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  1. #1

    Join Date
    Feb 2017
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    DMM Flower Knight Girl Notice

    Nothing much about this thread, I'll use it to collect DMM FKG news, update log etc.
    I mostly will do it in rough translate not go into much detail.
    **I'm not from English native speaking country, please be aware**

    Past Notice

    2017/12/26 maintenance notice

    2017/12/27 - 2017/12/29 additional notice

    2018/01/05 maintenance notice + additional notice

    2018/01/10 maintenance notice + additional notice

    2018/01/15 maintenance notice

    2018/01/18 maintenance notice + additional notice

    2018/01/22 maintenance notice

    2018/01/25 event notice + maintenance notice

    2018/01/29 maintenance notice

    2018/02/05 maintenance notice
    Last edited by twilightdream; 02-07-2018 at 03:43 AM.

  2. #2

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    2017/12/26 maintenance notice.

    ▼Event Will eat soba together with you in New Year started.
    Event take place from 2017/12/26 - 2018/01/10.
    It's a raid boss event, kill event boss to collect event currency.
    There will be 3 special event mission release from 2018/01/01 - 2018/01/03.
    All event mission will get 30% stamina discount.

    ▼Let's play 3rd anniversary campaign continue.
    Following secial quest added.
    - Kill raid boss.
    - Play whale ship mission.
    Both campaign have 10 step, do all step to collect all reward.
    This special quest will available from 2017/12/26 - 2018/01/10.

    ▼Stamina discount
    This following mission get stamina discount for 30%
    - All whale mission.
    - All ultimate mission.
    - All broken unique mission.
    Stamina discount take place from 2017/12/26 - 2018/01/10.
    **They said all unique mission, but right now it's only that' broken one that require a lot of TP tp play**

    ▼Danjou exp up.
    From 2017/12/26 - 2018/01/05 you will get 1.5x more danjou exp for playing any mission.

    ▼Nico gold up campaign.
    As last FKG Niconico live have 400k comment, dev reward player with gold up campaign.
    From 2017/12/26 - 2018/01/05 you will get 2.0x more gold for playing any mission.

    ▼Thank you campaign 36th month.
    As a thank that player help FKG survive for 36th month.
    Player will get 2 gem for everyday login.
    Duration is from 2017/12/26 - 2018/01/05.

    ▼New year is coming login bonus campaign.
    From 2017/12/28 - 2018/01/15.
    More detail soon™

    ▼New girls and they bloom-power only has been add.
    - ★ 6 Edelweiss New year ver.
    - ★ 5 Chocolate Lily New year ver. (Kuroyuri New year ver.)
    - ★ 5 Formosan Cherry (Kanhizakura)
    Special gacha tap for following girls has been added.
    This 3 following girls also available in all star 2017 gacha tap.

    ▼This following charecter get bloom-power only.
    - ★ 6 Edelweiss New year ver.
    - ★ 5 Chocolate Lily New year ver. (Kuroyuri New year ver.)
    - ★ 5 Formosan Cherry (Kanhizakura)
    - ★ 5 Chinese Quince (Karin)
    - ★ 6 Red Spider Lily miko ver. (Hikanbana miko ver.)
    - ★ 5 Anemone miko ver.
    - ★ 5 Green Bell
    - ★ 5 Coral Bush bridal ver. (Manryu bridal ver.)
    - ★ 5 German Iris Tanabata ver.

    Girls ability adjust.
    - ★ 6 Epidendrum swimming suit ver.
    - ★ 6 Dancing Lady Orchid bridal ver. (Oncidium bridal ver.)

    ▼Let's play 3rd anniversary gold gacha campaign.
    A special gacha tap will be available from 2017/12/26 - 2018/01/05.
    This gacha tap use gold to roll. There are ★ 2 ~ ★ 5 in this gacha.
    Only ★ 5 that appear before 2017/12/11 will be in this gacha.
    **No rate show for this**

    ▼Rate-up gacha for current new girls has been added.
    This following girls will have more chance to appear in this gacha.
    - ★ 6 Edelweiss New year ver.
    - ★ 5 Chocolate Lily New year ver. (Kuroyuri New year ver.)
    - ★ 5 Formosan Cherry (Kanhizakura)
    This gacha tap will available from 2017/12/26 - 2018/01/10.

    ▼Bloom reprint gacha 13th.
    This following girls will have more chance to appear in this gacha.
    - ★ 6 Chocolate Lily (Kuroyuri)
    - ★ 5 Apple (Ringo)
    - ★ 5 Water Hyacinth (Suigyoku)
    All rate-up girls in this gacha have bloom form.
    This gacha tap will available from 2017/12/26 - 2018/01/05.

    ▼Niconico live limit time stage.
    This special stage is available in special mission tab.
    There are 3 stage on this one, all stage require 10 stamina to play.
    Last 2 stage is broken mission please be aware.

    ▼New ultimate mission has been add. This mission available on Tuesday.

    ▼Story mission 45 has been add.
    This story mission will appear when player clear story mission 44.
    A quest for clearing story mission 45 has been add.

    ▼Re-event Cresent Moon island & midsummer Sun.
    Event available from 2018/01/04 2018/01/17.
    Current re-event A wish to reach Heaven will end on 2018/01/03.

    Add CQS to this following girls.
    - ★ 6 Edelweiss New year ver.
    - ★ 5 Chocolate Lily New year ver. (Kuroyuri New year ver.)
    - ★ 5 Formosan Cherry (Kanhizakura)
    - ★ 5 Chinese Quince (Karin)
    - ★ 5 Baikeisou
    Baikeisou is special girl that will be sell in C93.

    ▼8 new toy (decoration) has been add in garden shop.

    ▼Charecter pot
    Wishbone Flower (Torenia) flower pot has been add.

    2 new BGM has been add.

    ▼Following shop get item refill / reset.
    Life crystal shop
    D-medal shop
    Unique medal shop

    ▼Wishbone Flower (Torenia) has been add to Bond crystal shop and D-medal shop for exchange.

    ▼Line-up for D-medal ticket has been update.

    ▼Niconico live gift.
    Gift from Niconico live will be send on 2017/12/27.
    Last edited by twilightdream; 01-07-2018 at 05:41 AM.

  3. #3

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    **2017/12/27 service notice**

    ▼Delay on support service.
    New year break time.
    All issue that report on 2017/12/29 - 2018/01/04 will get delay reponse.
    Please... oh service is off...

    **2017/12/28 additional notice**

    ▼2nd part of current re-event now start.
    Current re-event A wish to reach Heaven 2nd part is now available.
    Also event jewelry has been add.
    Don't forget to collect event currency to trade for Beardtongue.
    After that you can melt her to bond crystal.
    Current re-event will end on 2018/01/03.

    ▼Selection gacha
    Special gacha tap let's salt with shrine maiden celebrate for romance miko-san now available.
    This gacha tap will available from 2017/12/26 - 2018/01/03.
    Following girls get rate-up for this gacha.
    - ★ 6 Red Spider Lily miko ver. (Hikanbana miko ver.)
    - ★ 5 Anemone miko ver.
    - ★ 5 Green Bell
    - ★ 5 Coral Bush bridal ver. (Manryu bridal ver.)
    - ★ 5 German Iris Tanabata ver.

    ▼Here it come New year login bonus
    From 2017/12/28 - 2018/01/15 there will be special login bonus.
    Login for 10 days in row to recieve all gift.

    **2017/12/29 maintenance notice**

    ▼Next maintenance will be on 2018/01/05 Friday 14.00 - 17.00 JPT.

  4. #4

    Join Date
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    **2018/01/05 maintenance notice**

    ▼Event Will eat soba together with you in New Year 2nd part started.
    Event take place from 2018/01/05 - 2018/01/10.
    It's a raid boss event, kill event boss to collect event currency.
    All event mission will get 30% stamina discount.

    ▼Let's play 3rd anniversary campaign continue.
    This following mission get stamina discount for 30%
    - All event mission.
    - All whale mission.
    - All ultimate mission.
    - All broken unique mission.
    Stamina discount take place from 2018/01/05 - 2018/01/10.

    ▼Reinforce exp campaign.
    From 2018/01/05 - 2018/01/10 player will get 10% more exp for reinforce charecter / equipment.
    Also chance for get great success will increase.

    ▼This following charecter get bloom illust.
    - ★ 6 Coral Bush (Manryu)
    - ★ 5 Rabbit-ear Iris (Kakitsubata)
    - ★ 5 Flowering Rush (Hanai)
    - ★ 5 Curry Plant (Imoteru)

    ▼This following charecter get bloom-power only.
    - ★ 6 Alstroemeria Future Gratitude ver.
    - ★ 5 Idsuroei (Kumomagusa)
    - ★ 5 Habanero
    - ★ 5 Wishbone Flower (Torenia)
    - ★ 5 Yamashitae (Yakunohinahoshi)

    ▼Selection gacha bloom charecter.
    This following girls will have more chance to appear in this gacha.
    - ★ 6 Coral Bush (Manryu)
    - ★ 5 Rabbit-ear Iris (Kakitsubata)
    - ★ 5 Flowering Rush (Hanai)
    This gacha tap will available from 2018/01/05 - 2018/01/10.

    ▼Permanent re-event Princess of Flower capital has been add.
    Both 1st & 2nd part of this event are available.

    Add CQS to this following girls.
    - ★ 6 Coral Bush (Manryu)
    - ★ 5 Rabbit-ear Iris (Kakitsubata)
    - ★ 5 Flowering Rush (Hanai)
    - ★ 5 Curry Plant (Imoteru)

    ▼4 new decoration has been add in garden shop.

    ▼New Pest profile
    20 new pest are able to catch in player garden, along side with its profile.

    ▼Following shop get item refill / reset.
    Coin shop

    ▼Re-event 'Searching for my waifu' has been remove.

    ▼Dialogue change in permanent re-event 'Properity Festival Fos Foresia'

    **2018/01/05 Notice for twitter campaign**
    Gift from twitter campaign will be send on 2018/01/15.

    **2018/01/06 maintenance notice**
    ▼Next maintenance will be on 2018/01/10 Wednesday 14.00 - 17.00 JPT.
    Last edited by twilightdream; 01-07-2018 at 05:40 AM.

  5. #5

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    **2018/01/10 maintenance notice**

    ▼Event The Furious Snowball fight started.
    Event take place from 2018/01/10 - 2018/01/22.
    It's a card flipping event.
    Let's collect a lot of event currency to flip all card.

    Let's play 3rd anniversary campaign continue.
    ▼Run through Secret garden campaign.
    There will be special campaign for playing secret garden.
    This campaign has 10 step, do it all to cellect reward.
    Duration from 2018/01/10 - 2018/01/22.

    ▼Stamina discount.
    This following mission get stamina discount for 30%
    - All CQS duration from 2018/01/10 - 2018/01/22.
    - All Aqua-shadow Boss duration from 2018/01/10 - 2018/01/15.
    - All Nation Defense mission duration from 2018/01/11 - 2018/01/16.

    ▼Evolution item mission campaign.
    There will be special evolution item maps from 2018/01/10 - 2018/01/22.
    This special maps will drop evol / bloom item when player finish it.
    - 赤の進化竜と開花鳥 will give red drake & bird.
    - 青の進化竜と開花鳥 will give blue drake & bird.
    - 黄の進化竜と開花鳥 will give yellow drake & bird.
    - 紫の進化竜と開花鳥 will give purple drake & bird.
    - 世界花の花びらと開花の秘薬 will give nation petal & elixir.

    ▼Secret garden reward boost campaign.
    From 2018/01/10 - 2018/01/22 all SG will give player more life crystal.
    - Basic SG will give player 2 life crystal.
    - Medium SG will give player 9 life crystal.
    - Advance SG will give player 16 life crystal.

    ▼10 Days Bonus login.
    Player will get 2 gem for everyday login.
    Duration from 2018/01/10 - 2018/01/20.

    ▼3000 DMMpt gems campaign.
    From 2018/01/10 - 2018/01/29 there will be discount for buying gems.
    Player can buy 60 gems for 3000 DMMpt. It's a 1 time deal.

    ▼New girls and they bloom-power only has been add.
    - ★ 6 Stock
    - ★ 5 Lion's Ear (Reo no chisu)
    - ★ 5 Peperomia
    Special gacha tap for following girls has been added.
    ★ 6 Stock also available in rainbow coin shop.

    ▼This following charecter get bloom-power only.
    - ★ 6 Stock
    - ★ 5 Lion's Ear (Reo no chisu)
    - ★ 5 Peperomia
    - ★ 5 Viburnum

    ▼Girls ability adjust.
    - ★ 5 Dancing Lady Orchid (Oncidium)
    - ★ 5 Tatarian Aster (Shion)

    ▼Rate-up gacha for current new girls has been added.
    This following girls will have more chance to appear in this gacha.
    - ★ 6 Stock
    - ★ 5 Lion's Ear (Reo no chisu)
    - ★ 5 Peperomia
    This gacha tap will available from 2018/01/10 - 2018/01/22.

    ▼Multiple Attack pick-up gacha.
    This gacha tab will contain a small pool of girls that can do multiple attack.
    This gacha tap will available from 2018/01/10 - 2018/01/15.
    Do note that there's no special rate for this gacha tab.
    *I don't understand why some girls in this gacha count as multiple attack girls but what ever*

    ▼New Nation Defense has been add.
    Mission 8-5 will be available for all Nation in Nation Defense mission.

    Add CQS to this following girls.
    - ★ 6 Stock
    - ★ 5 Lion's Ear (Reo no chisu)
    - ★ 5 Peperomia
    - ★ 5 Viburnum

    ▼8 new decoration has been add in garden shop.

    2 new BGM has been add.

    **2018/01/11 additional event notice**

    ▼Re-event Cresent Moon island & midsummer Sun.
    The 2nd part of current re-event is now available.
    Also event jewelry has been add.
    This re-event mission will end on 2018/01/17.

    ▼Selection gacha yo shy & reserved waifu
    This special gacha tap will contain only 8 girls from ★ 6 & ★ 5 rarity.
    - ★ 6 Herbaceous Peony (Shakuyaku)
    - ★ 6 Herbaceous Peony Halloween ver. (Shakuyaku Halloween ver.)
    - ★ 6 Helenium
    - ★ 6 Helenium Easter ver.
    - ★ 5 Cyclamen Princess of Light ver.
    - ★ 5 Star Cluster (Pentas)
    - ★ 5 Hototogisu (Toad Lily)
    - ★ 5 Hototogisu Swimming siut ver. (Toad Lily Swimming siut ver.)
    Do note that there's no special rate for this gacha tab.
    *I don't know the word to describe for ていしゅく so just use shy and reserved*

    **2018/01/12 maintenance notice**
    ▼Next maintenance will be on 2018/01/15 Monday 13.00 - 17.00 JPT.

  6. #6

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    Feb 2017
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    **2018/01/15 maintenance notice**

    ▼Event The Furious Snowball fight 2nd part started.
    Event take place from 2018/01/15 - 2018/01/22.
    It's a card flipping event.
    Let's collect a lot of event currency to flip all card.
    Secret Graden has been add to help player collect more event currency.

    Let's play 3rd anniversary campaign continue.

    ▼Stamina discount.
    This following mission get stamina discount for 30%
    - All CQS duration from 2018/01/15 - 2018/01/22.
    - 24th Whale mission duration from 2018/01/15 - 2018/01/22.

    ▼Gold up campaign.
    From 2018/01/15 - 2018/01/22 you will get 1.5x more gold for playing any mission.

    ▼3rd login campaign 1st approch.
    Duration from 2018/01/15 - 2018/02/04.

    ▼This following charecter get bloom illust.
    - ★ 6 Ivy New Year ver.
    - ★ 5 Pomegranate (Zakuro)
    - ★ 5 Cymbidium
    - ★ 5 Japanese Red Elder (Elder Flower)

    ▼Selection gacha bloom charecter.
    This following girls will have more chance to appear in this gacha.
    - ★ 6 Ivy New Year ver.
    - ★ 5 Pomegranate (Zakuro)
    - ★ 5 Cymbidium
    This gacha tap will available from 2018/01/15 - 2018/01/22.

    ▼2000 DMMpt pick-up gacha.
    This gacha tab will give more easy chance to obtain following girls.
    - ★ 6 Cherry (Sakuranbo)
    - ★ 6 Ivy New year ver.
    And rate-up for this following girl(s).
    - ★ 5 Ivy

    In this pool ★ 4 will be the lowest rarity and has specific rate.
    ★ 6 0.8% ★ 5 10.2% ★ 4 89% ★ 3 0%
    This gacha tap will available from 2018/01/15 - 2018/01/22.
    It's a unlimit purchase deal.

    ▼New Whale mission has been add.
    Mission 24-1 - 24-5 will be available.

    Also New equipment has been add in whale shop.

    ▼Re-event Survey record of the summer sea.
    Event available from 2018/01/18 2018/01/31.
    Current re-event Cresent Moon island & midsummer Sun will end on 2018/01/17.

    Add CQS to this following girls.
    - ★ 6 Ivy New Year ver.
    - ★ 5 Pomegranate (Zakuro)
    - ★ 5 Cymbidium
    - ★ 5 Japanese Red Elder (Elder Flower)

    ▼3 new decoration has been add in garden shop.

    ▼New Pest profile.
    20 new pest are able to catch in player garden, along side with its profile.

    ▼Following shop get item update / refill / reset.
    - Bond crystal shop
    - Whale shop
    - Coin shop
    - 2nd event shop

    ▼Re-event shop Cresent Moon island & midsummer Sun will be remove.

    ▼Tweet campaign gift will be deliver on 2018/01/16.

    ▼Compensation rainbow coin for New Year deal has been deliver.

  7. #7

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    **Additional notice**

    ▼Re-event Survey record of the summer sea.
    Duration from 2018/01/18 - 2018/01/31.

    ▼Selection gacha Survey record of the summer sea.
    This following girls will have more chance to appear in this gacha.
    - ★ 6 Wolf Berry (Kuko)
    - ★ 5 Watercress (Creson)
    - ★ 5 Fennel
    Duration from 2018/01/18 - 2018/01/24.

    **Maintenance notice**
    ▼Next maintenance will be on Monday 2018/01/22 from 14.00 - 17.00 JPT.

    ▼DMM maintenance.
    On Thrusday 2018/01/25 DMM will down for maintenance from 01.00 - 09.00 JPT.

  8. #8

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    Feb 2017
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    **2018/01/22 maintenance notice**

    ▼Event Noble Grace Brilliant Festa started.
    Event take place from 2018/01/22 - 2018/02/05.
    It's a voting event, collect a lot of vote card for your belove waifu.
    Event mission will give player 2 type of card.
    - Voting card.
    - Promote card.
    Use Voting card to vote for your favorite girl(s).
    Promote card use for summoning speacial secreat garden.
    The number card counting for reward will not decrease, so you can freely use it.

    ▼Vote Ranking
    Overall Ranking.
    1st - 3rd place winner in total ranking will obtain following feature.
    - 1st alternative ver. in ★6 rarity / Special skin / personel equipment / garden deco.
    - 2nd alternative ver. in ★5 rarity / Special skin / personel equipment / garden deco.
    - 3rd alternative ver. in ★5 rarity / Special skin / personel equipment / garden deco.

    Event Girls Ranking.
    1st - 3rd most vote event girls in total ranking will obtain following feature.
    - 1st alternative ver. in ★6 / garden deco.
    - 2nd garden deco.
    - 3rd garden deco.

    ★2 - ★4 Rarity Girls Ranking.
    Girls in ★2 - ★4 rarity that get most vote will obtain alternative ver. in ★5.

    Newcomer Ranking.
    1st - 3rd most vote girls that appear after 2017/01/24 in total ranking will obtain following feature.
    - 1st alternative ver. in ★5 / personel equipment.
    - 2nd personel equipment.
    - 3rd personel equipment.

    Nation Ranking.
    Girls who get most vote by each nation will get they own garden deco.

    Let's play 3rd anniversary campaign continue.

    ▼3rd anniversary free gacha roll campaign.
    Duration from 2018/01/23 - 2018/02/05.
    There will be special gacha tap for player to roll.
    Player can roll this gacha once a day.
    After roll player will get 1 D-Medal.
    Lowest rarity for this gacah tap is ★4.

    ▼Event gacha discount campaign.
    Discount gems amount for roll current event gacha.
    For 1 roll use 3 gems, for 11 roll use 30 gems.

    ▼3rd anniversary special quest campaign.
    From 2018/01/22 - 2018/02/05 2 special quest will be available.
    - Gathering Quest.
    - Hunting pest Quest.
    Both quest have 10 step reward, do all step to get all reward.

    ▼Stamina discount.
    From 2018/01/22 - 2018/02/05 this following mission get 30% stamina discount.
    - Current event mission.
    - All story mission.

    ▼Gold up campaign.
    From 2018/01/27 - 2018/02/05 player will get 2.0x more gold for playing any mission.

    ▼37th month release.
    From 2018/01/22 - 2018/02/01 player will recieve 2 free gems per day.
    As a thank that player help FKG survive for 37th month.

    ▼3rd login campaign 2nd approch.
    There will be special login campaign from 2018/01/27 - 2018/02/15.

    ▼New girls and they bloom-power only has been add.
    - ★6 Japanese Anemone (Shūmeigiku)
    - ★5 Gajumaru
    - ★5 Clover
    - ★5 Coleus
    ★6 Japanese Anemone also available in rainbow coin shop.

    ▼Rate-up gacha for current new girls has been added.
    This following girls will have more chance to appear in this gacha.
    - ★6 Japanese Anemone (Shūmeigiku)
    - ★5 Gajumaru
    - ★5 Clover
    This gacha tap will available from 2018/01/22 - 2018/02/05.
    Also discount gems amount for roll is active for this tap.

    ▼Selection gacha bloom charecter.
    This following girls will have more chance to appear in this gacha.
    - ★6 Acacia
    - ★5 Wood Sorrel (Katabami)
    - ★5 Skunk Vine (Saotomebana)
    This gacha tap will available from 2018/01/22 - 2018/01/29.

    ▼Story mission 46 has been add.
    This story mission will appear when player clear story mission 45.
    A quest for clearing story mission 46 has been add.

    Add CQS to this following girls.
    - ★6 Japanese Anemone (Shūmeigiku)
    - ★5 Gajumaru
    - ★5 Clover

    ▼8 new decoration has been add in garden shop.

    ▼Juke Box
    1 new BGM has been add.

    ▼Following shop get item refill / reset / update.
    - Life crystal shop.
    - Special challenge medal shop.

    ▼Line-up for D-medal ticket has been update.

  9. #9

    Join Date
    Nov 2016
    Thanks for always doing these, twilightdream.

    By the way, from what I noticed, you get a D-medal each time you hit the next prize limit with your amount of cards.
    So for example, when you collect your 250th ticket, you get a notice box and a D-medal in your inbox.

    EDIT: On second thought, that may have been from the campaign quests.
    Last edited by Volarmis; 01-24-2018 at 04:14 AM.
    Name: Volarmis
    DMM ID: 317568967

  10. #10

    Join Date
    Feb 2017
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    Quote Originally Posted by Volarmis View Post
    Thanks for always doing these, twilightdream.

    By the way, from what I noticed, you get a D-medal each time you hit the next prize limit with your amount of cards.
    So for example, when you collect your 250th ticket, you get a notice box and a D-medal in your inbox.

    EDIT: On second thought, that may have been from the campaign quests.
    Thanks for visit the wall of text thread.
    I will try to dig in the reward detail next time.
    Maybe will post it in Hunter event thread.

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