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  1. #371

    Join Date
    Dec 2017
    The reworks they have been doing since May really have changed the game.
    Even Alstroemeria they give you is pretty good now.
    Those FMs can really help your team, so it’s worthwhile to figure those out.
    Get the 90 FG girl Knotweed. She is real good. Those tickets probably only go up to Cardamine Lyrata.
    Crit/weakness teams are still the best bet for most stuff. Balsam and Yarrow prison island come to mind.
    Throw Dendrobium on any full crit team with weakness. Dendro by herself will kill 90% of maps.
    Crit counter is useful too. Get Tampala she is broken

  2. #372

    Join Date
    Sep 2016
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    Dendrobium is now OP yes. The best turn 1 girl.
    Cardamine is OP too. Good on the offense side with all her self buff and awesome on support side with her 3 negate damages for herself, guts and x2 skill act when attacked.

    For girls who are not on R-medal shop/free 6* ticket list, Konagi and Convoluvus are top S-tier. They are kind of non-crit RRose. Crit is now nerfed. Recentrly we got crazy bosses with Crit rate debuff ability, making all crit teams at 5* teams level.

    Tampala is good but I won't say broken. She has a lot of trouble with high def enemies. She needs a lot of Def buff for her counter or a lot of Atk buff for her skill and HP drain. And she is not on the R-medal shop/free 6* ticket list.

    Tarragon is a nice Crit+Counter too. Seconded by Firethorn as RG 5*.

    Balsam, Prison Island Yarrow and Meconopsis are RRose level and crazy beatsticks. But they are all Crit. Beware the Crit debuff wave above our heads.

    Japanese Anemone (Aspirational Relaxed Queen) is very good too with x2 skill act and +30% damages when attacked. Flame Lily is her discount version but not available with R-medals (anyway, everything after Cardamine is not on R-medal shop).

    Pursuit is now better. Most girls deals now 30% of total power damages instead of 20% (and some did up too 40%). And it seems it's not affected by defense. As 6* pursuit girls I like Liverwort, Duranta and Hyacinth.
    Atk down debuff is nice too. At least, it was needed for some crazy stuff (but it was just a test for the future bunch of hardest stages and it's now gone until the true release).
    Solar Blast is very good too with Flower Memories. You can easily get 4* memories that gives +10% Solar Blast damages. Since SB damages works multiplicatively and not additively, it's broken.

    Since we are in the middle (or only begening?) of 6* and RG5* rework, it may be a good idea to keep one or two 6* tickets to pick a girl if she became broken.
    Oh and maybe you noticed it but they do rework gacha where you can get a free ticket for 55 rolls (=250FG) to choose one of the currently reworked 5* or 6*.

    ID: 481766521 (DMM)
    Name: maotd
    Good old memories
    10+1 roll in a nutshell

  3. #373
    Phob - OH! thanks, I actually saw Knotweed and was like "would be nice to get her without gatcha...", her being in the shop for 90 FG was a steal, bought her in an instant lol

    Maotd - thanks very much, a very helpful list indeed! I'll go thru each of the names you've provided and see if I want to add any to my team, this should keep me busy for some time, haha! And no, I didn't know, I guess I'll go roll 55 times and see what happens, I have the spare FGs + need the rarity up crystals anyways.

    And yeah solar drive, I'd really like to try that sometime, it was such a gimmicky thing in the past, but it seems that it's much more viable nowadays

    DMM ID: 838832909

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