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  1. #221

    Join Date
    Nov 2016

    Title: A rival appears?

    Duranta: Cobra Lily is the most squishy squishy...~!
    Cobra Lily: Ehehe~
    Cobra Lily: Ah! That's Kudzu's friend, Poyo~
    <Poyo floating around>
    Duranta: Ah, you're right...
    <world of squishiness>
    Duranta: This may be the most squishy squishy too...
    <hugging Poyo>
    Cobra Lily: Eeeh~
    <Cobra Lily: I feel a bit conflicted...>
    <Kudzu: Where are you, Poyo~?>
    Name: Volarmis
    DMM ID: 317568967

  2. #222

    Join Date
    Nov 2016

    Title: Poyo's ability

    Kudzu: My kuzumochi1... I wanted to make it a reward for myself after training... <empty stomach>
    <kuzumochi dropped on the ground>
    Poyo: ...
    Kudzu: What are you doing, Poyo...?
    <Poyo moving the plate>
    Kudzu: <Ah...!!> You can't! You're making yourself the substitute for it, aren't you!? Even if you're a kzuzumochi spirit you simply can't do that~!
    <Poyo concocting and spitting out new food>
    Kudzu: <Eh?> You sucked in the old ones and you're making new ones with them!?
    <Kudzu: Such an ability!!?>
    Kudzu: Even the soy flour...!!
    <Poyo sprinkling the flour>
    Kudzu: I have no idea how you're doing that, but thank you, Poyo~!

    1 Mochi made out of Kudzu root starch.
    Name: Volarmis
    DMM ID: 317568967

  3. #223

    Join Date
    Nov 2016

    Title: Buds!

    Hamanadeshiko: Bastard! What are you eating behind my back!?
    Cobra Lily: <startled> Eeeh!?
    Cobra Lily: I'm sorry...! I didn't think this was yours, Hamanadeshiko...!
    Hamanadeshiko: My lunch...! Damn you! I won't forgive you! Take this!
    <belly block>
    Hamanadeshiko: What!?
    Hamanadeshiko: Not bad! Ok! From today on we're buds!
    Cobra Lily: Yup! Sorry I ate your lunch~
    Hamanadeshiko: Don't sweat it! We're buds, right?
    Name: Volarmis
    DMM ID: 317568967

  4. #224

    Join Date
    Nov 2016

    Title: Oracle

    Mountain Lily: Today's snack for Lady Casablanca... Honey toast or pancakes... Which should it be... <Hmmm...>
    Mountain Lily: Ok! Let's make pancakes!
    Voice: Mountain Lily... Can you hear me?
    Voice: It's honey toast... You should make honey toast...
    Voice: Lady Casablanca feels like eating some honey toast...
    Mountain Lily: <alarmed> Who is it...!? ...nobody's here.
    Mountain Lily: That voice right now, could it be... The Goddess of Snacks...?
    Mountain Lily: Let's obey the oracle and make honey toast.
    Casablanca: <Who would have thought the same trick would work again...>1

    1 A reference to the event story "Finding the Strength to Help the Ruler" - Mountain Lily's event
    Last edited by Volarmis; 07-20-2019 at 08:35 AM.
    Name: Volarmis
    DMM ID: 317568967

  5. #225

    Join Date
    Nov 2016

    Title: Everyone matches

    Fritillaria: Fufu~! As I thought, I look good in a micro bikini! Friti is looking good today as usual~! Very cu~!
    Corn Cockle: Oh? Tillari, the same swimsuit? What a coincidence.
    Fritillaria: Since it's already like this, let's get Protea and Tarragon in matching swimsuits and go out to play together!
    <Fritillaria: I've brought exactly two more of these!>
    Corn Cockle: My~! How lovely~! Let's go find the two of them right now.
    Tarragon: Lady Protea! You can't go this way! Go that way quickly! <panicking>
    Protea: <confused> Vice-chairman? What might have happened?
    <Fritillaria: Where are those two~?>
    <Corn Cockle: I thought I saw them around here previously...>
    <Tarragon: Hurry, hurry~>
    <Protea: Eeh~?>
    Name: Volarmis
    DMM ID: 317568967

  6. #226

    Join Date
    Nov 2016

    Title: Trace of a conspiracy once again1

    Di Yu: You were the perpetrator?
    <Pasukoa caught>
    Tsurubakia: Hm? What's this? These weird footprints are... making a round indent on the muddy surface of the ground... <staring>
    Di Yu: Ah... That is...
    Tsurubakia: <babbling away> Hmph... something like this maybe? If these footprints are real they should belong to the Beast of Demise Shimreli2 that comes from the world parallel to our own known as Silver Lace3.
    Tsurubakia: <still babbling> Since the never-ending conflicts of this world are the result of the ruler of Silver Lace causing disturbances in our world, we're trying to bring peace to this world that has both a normal and a hidden side.4 ...Yes, just like it was written in a book.
    Nymphaea: As I thought, these were the footprints of a mysterious creature, weren't they!? I'm sorry, I'm sorry, it's my fault...!! <panicking>
    Tsurubakia: No, don't worry about it. Actually, there is a solution to this situation...
    Di Yu: <Surely, keeping the truth hidden is the correct answer...?>

    1 See chapter 27.
    2 シムレリ = shimureri
    3 シルバー・レース = shiruba re-su, so probably Silver Lace or Silver Race.
    4 If anyone has a better idea how to translate this, take your shot.
    Last edited by Volarmis; 09-12-2021 at 12:55 AM.
    Name: Volarmis
    DMM ID: 317568967

  7. #227

    Join Date
    Nov 2016

    Title: Nazuna and Osanazu

    Osanazu: Yaay! Big sister! <hugs>
    Nazuna: Osanazu! We finally meet!
    Osanazu: Now that I stop to think about it what do sisters usually do together?
    Nazuna: <Hmmm...> Let's see... Things like eating meals together or shopping together perhaps...?
    Osanazu: Waa~! That sounds like fun! Let's do all that! Big sister! <launching off>
    Nazuna: Wah...! Sure, let's, but don't suddenly start running like that or you'll trip...
    Osanazu: It's fine~!
    Osanazu: <trips> Kya!
    Nazuna: NOT HAPPENING!!
    <Nazuna: Big sister guard!!!>
    Name: Volarmis
    DMM ID: 317568967

  8. #228

    Join Date
    Nov 2016

    Title: Doable for everyone make-up jutsu

    Isogiku: At that time, by moving your hands like this, you can achieve an efficient swimming style. <splashing>
    Gilia: <clapping> Awesome! Thank you~! With this, I feel like I can do it easily too.
    Gilia: To thank you for teaching me, I'll teach you an efficient way to apply make-up ☆
    Isogiku: <moved> Really? Thank you very much!
    Gilia: Extreme speed ☆ efficient up-make jutsu, first step~! Prepare your tools.
    Isogiku: I see... The first thing to do is a normal preparation.
    Gilia: Second step~! Bahyu~n ♪
    Gilia: Finished ☆
    <Gilia: Easy, isn't it?>
    Isogiku: !?
    Isogiku: Isn't Gilia the only one who can do that!?
    Name: Volarmis
    DMM ID: 317568967

  9. #229

    Join Date
    Nov 2016

    Title: Spade-chan

    Isogiku: That's a big spade... isn't it heavy?
    Spade-chan: Not as much as it looks like ♪ Do you want to try holding it?
    Isogiku: Wah...! It really isn't as heavy as it looks like, though... <a lot of things swaying>
    Isogiku: the cord is too long for me, so it's swaying a lot.
    Spade-chan: Isogiku, be careful of your chest. You don't know where someone might be looking. <fixing the camera>
    Isogiku: Spade-chan? Where are you looking while speaking?
    Spade-chan: Ok, it's fine now ♪ <manual censorship applied>
    Isogiku: ?
    Name: Volarmis
    DMM ID: 317568967

  10. #230

    Join Date
    Nov 2016

    Title: Sooner or later1

    Achimenes: Today is so cold, I'm feeling really sleepy... If I only had some spicy food to wake myself up...
    Montbretia: Oh, in that case, the meal I can recommend is only that.
    Montbretia: Ta-dah! Extremely hot curry, extra large serving ♪
    Achimenes: Ho... Hot...! Delicious too.
    Montbretia: Eat all you want ♪
    Achimenes: I will. With this, my sleepy eyes will snap open right back!
    Achimenes: Munya... <sleeping>
    Montbretia: <Oh my...> She became sleepy after eating so much.

    1 Literally "Osokare hayakare", which contains a pun to curry ("Kare-")
    Name: Volarmis
    DMM ID: 317568967

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