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  1. #261

    Join Date
    Nov 2016

    Title: Magical herb tea

    Jujube: Even though I said I want to visit mom and dad...
    Jujube: Will I be able to do that just by drinking this herb tea you made for me, Creeping Bugleweed?
    Creeping Bugleweed: I mixed some magical powder that can grant wishes into it. <Fufu...>
    Jujube: Magical powder...? Does something like that really exist?
    Coriander: Hm~mmm? I don't think so... <??>
    Creeping Bugleweed: Fufu... I wonder?
    Coriander: Ah, it's Creeping Bugleweed... What is she up to...?
    <Creeping Bugleweed looking around>
    Creeping Bugleweed: Ah, here you are Commander... You know, I have a proposition...
    Creeping Bugleweed: How about giving Jujube a day off? As the town's pharmacist I believe she's in need of one soon...
    Name: Volarmis
    DMM ID: 317568967

  2. #262

    Join Date
    Nov 2016

    Title: *** Santa

    Pickerel Weed: Here's Sister Santa~! <Ta-dah!>
    Nerine: "Sister Santa" sounds good... I'd like a *** Santa name for myself too.
    Pickerel Weed: Fufu, what kind of Santa do you want to be, Nerine?
    Nerine: Hmmm... Let's see...
    Nerine: I want to become a Santa who places the most importance on delivering presents to the children!
    Pickerel Weed: I see... In that case, you're Child Santa!!
    Nerine: Ooh! That's true! You're right!!
    <Nerine: Yaay!! I'm Child Santa!!>
    Sea Aster: <I don't think that's quite correct...>
    Name: Volarmis
    DMM ID: 317568967

  3. #263

    Join Date
    Nov 2016

    Title: Sea Aster and Asian Pogonia

    Sea Aster: Asian Pogonia, thank you...
    Asian Pogonia: Sure, see you later. Thanks for the memo, Aster.
    Pickerel Weed: Sea Aster is a quiet person, isn't she?
    Asian Pogonia: She is. I know however that in that there are a lot of emotions mixed into that "thank you" ♪
    Asian Pogonia: Look, you can tell even from this memo.
    Pickerel Weed: Eh...? Where from? I can only see a simple memo...
    Asian Pogonia: "Today I'd like cream stew for supper, so I'm going to buy carrots, potatoes and vegetables for a chicken salad". ...Also, "I've stopped by Commander's place earlier". "I want to take a walk together at night" is what is written here.
    <Asian Pogonia: Fufu ♪ A walk, huh~>
    Pickerel Weed: There's so much information in there!?
    Name: Volarmis
    DMM ID: 317568967

  4. #264

    Join Date
    Nov 2016

    Title: Playing in the snow

    Christmas Cactus: While playing in the snow, if you experience more fun than the feeling of cold, won't it make you forget your sensitivity to the cold!?
    Cactus: Let me see... <making snowballs>
    Cactus: Done...!
    Cactus: ...Fufu. True, I think I feel like the cold can be a bit enjoyable now...
    Cactus: ...Christmas Cactus, what did you make...?
    Christmas Cactus: Fu-fu~♪ Look, look! I made a cute thing too~!
    Christmas Cactus: Mantis shrimp1 sushi ☆
    Cactus: Mantis shrimp sushi...!

    1 Christmas Cactus's japanese name reads "Shakobasaboten", while mantis shrimp reads "shako", so she means either "mantis shrimp sushi" or "Shako(basaboten)'s sushi"
    Name: Volarmis
    DMM ID: 317568967

  5. #265

    Join Date
    Nov 2016

    Title: Mass production VS

    Cactus: Waa... What a big cake...!
    Wheat: Since it's a cake I wanted everyone to eat, I pulled out all the stops.
    Cactus: If it's this much, it should be enough for all the flower knights we currently have...
    Wheat: Yes. If it turns out it's not enough, leave the mass production to Wheat.
    Reeves Spirea: Waa~! That cake looks absolutely delicious!
    Reeves Spirea: Is this one serving?
    Wheat: Eh...!?
    <Wheat: This much for a single person!!?>
    Wheat: I see... This challenge... I'll take you up on it...! <intensifies>
    <Wheat: Mass production vs mass consumption...!!!>
    Cactus: Challenge...!?
    Name: Volarmis
    DMM ID: 317568967

  6. #266

    Join Date
    Nov 2016

    Title: Christmas Party

    Christmas Begonia: The Ionocidium snowman is complete!
    Christmas Rose: We made it just like her!
    Christmas Rose: Now that it's successfully made, let's start this Christmas Party!
    Christmas Begonia: Party! Yay ♪
    Christmas Rose: Ah... But the Ionocidium snowman... looks lonely by itself, don't you think?
    Christmas Begonia: That's true... Alright! Leave it to me!
    Christmas Begonia: Let's party together~!
    <snowman melting>
    Christmas Rose: The Ionocidium snowman!!

    Thanks to DragonSword001 for spending the time to translate this comic.
    Name: Volarmis
    DMM ID: 317568967

  7. #267

    Join Date
    Nov 2016

    Title: I want to slack off

    Japanese Snowball Bush: What a beautiful kimono.
    Epidendrum: These children put it on me~
    Epidendrum: Though wearing this outfit all day, I couldn't slack off and now I'm tired.
    Epidendrum: I'm taking it off~
    Japanese Snowball Bush: Don't do that! You can't just take off you clothes like that in a place like this.
    Epidendrum: Eeeh~~
    Japanese Snowball Bush: If you do it like that, the clothes will get all wrinkled! You need to properly put them on hangers one by one!
    Epidendrum: So that's what you meant~ <I'm so glad~>
    Name: Volarmis
    DMM ID: 317568967

  8. #268

    Join Date
    Nov 2016

    Title: This year's bell

    <Nazuna bots ringing the bell>
    Cepha Lanthera: Huh? Nazuna, you're not going to ring the bell?1
    Nazuna: <Fu fu fu...> I asked the Chibi Nazunas to help me out, so now I can spend my time in peace!
    Nazuna: Now then... I still have quite a lot of time before I need to go check up on them, so let's leisurely drink some tea...
    Canola: Nazuna!! We have a problem!!
    Canola: The Chibi Nazunas mistook the strength they needed to put into it and split the bell right down the middle, so it seems they want you to go over there and weld it back together! <Here you go>
    Nazuna: EEH!?

    1 See chapter 58
    Name: Volarmis
    DMM ID: 317568967

  9. #269

    Join Date
    Nov 2016

    Title: Moving towards the new year

    Snowdrop: Soapwort, you smell even better than usual!
    Soapwort: Thank you!
    Soapwort: That may be because I've been taking way more baths than usual! I want to join in on the new year's countdown with a clean body.
    Snowdrop: Isn't that wonderful! I'll do the same~!
    Snowdrop: Taking my time and carefully washing up, I can feel my heart being cleansed too~
    Snowdrop: ...Ah, that's right! If I clean the bath to a sparkle, I may feel even better joining in on the new year's countdown! Let's do this!
    Snowdrop: Wha!? Where did all that time go!!
    Name: Volarmis
    DMM ID: 317568967

  10. #270

    Join Date
    Nov 2016

    Title: Special skill practice

    Gooseberry: Let go with your hands... Catch your balance... Raise one of your legs...
    Redcurrant: !!
    Redcurrant: That's a lot of popcorn bags on you! Gu is awesome!
    Gooseberry: I wanted to practice my feeling of balance...
    Redcurrant: Ok! Redcurrant will also use this bag like Gu and make her special skill grow like bababa-n~!
    <Gooseberry: Do your best~>
    Redcurrant: Hey, you there! I can see the sparkles in your eyes ♪ Would you like to try doing some circus tricks with us!?
    Bag: ...
    <Redcurrant's special skill: scouting new circus group members>
    Name: Volarmis
    DMM ID: 317568967

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