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  1. #5

    Join Date
    Nov 2016

    Title: The candy formula

    <Di Yu is a clever girl who specializes in psychological warfare>
    Saint Paulia: <Which one is it~> In one of my hands a piece of candy~
    Di Yu: RIGHT!!
    Saint Paulia: is hidden~ ...oh my, oh my~?
    Saint Paulia: Woah~! How did you know...
    <formula expanding>
    Di Yu: Since your right hand is slightly bigger, it is truly the right... <mumble mumble>
    Di Yu: Then again... ...making it look like that <mumble mumble>
    Di Yu: Making it the opposite, the left... Then again since it's Saint Paulia we're talking about then again the opposite, the right... Then again making it the opposite of the opposite, the left... Right... Left... Right... <mumble mumble>
    Saint Paulia: Di Yu...?
    <DI Yu overheating>
    Di Yu: Le...
    Di Yu: Ri...
    Di Yu: Rieft!!
    <new kanji discovered>
    Saint Paulia: Ehh!!?
    Last edited by Volarmis; 11-03-2018 at 12:24 AM.
    Name: Volarmis
    DMM ID: 317568967

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