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  1. #11

    Join Date
    Nov 2016

    Title: Hot blooded! Easter Cactus

    Easter Cactus: I'm bad with cold or chilly things, but
    <flames roaring>
    Easter Cactus: I love things that get hot!!
    Easter Cactus: Like sport competitions!!
    <Pasukoa presenting>
    Easter Cactus: Or like the excitement when listening to extremely lively music!!
    Easter Cactus: Of course, my work as a flower knight that allows me to protect this beloved world can get me pretty heated up too!! <Whe-w!>
    Purslane: A hot [attakai] hearted person was here [attanokai], all along!1
    Easter Cactus: Oh... Purslane...
    Easter Cactus: That was ho-... ho-... interesting... <shivering>
    <Pasukoa frozen>
    Purslane: Eeeh [hie]!? Why did the tension suddenly get all chilly [hiehie]!?1
    Easter Cactus: A... Ahaha...

    1 Japanese puns, based on words with similar pronounciations, stereotypically met with cold reactions
    Last edited by Volarmis; 07-17-2018 at 04:02 AM.
    Name: Volarmis
    DMM ID: 317568967

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