Title: Radish's admiration

<Radish & Muurii staring>
Nazuna: Radish... If you keep staring at me like that it'll make me feel awkward.
Radish: I'm sorry...! Since I admire Nazuna it just turned out like that...!
Radish: Honestly speaking, I've been observing and imitating Nazuna...
<getting embarassed>
Radish: Like in eating porridge...
Radish: or in trying to hum melodies.
<Nazuna: It's kind of embarassing, isn't it?>
Radish: Additionally...
Radish: I think it's about time I split this part in half!!
<Radish: If we're talking about Nazuna, it's this, right!!>
Nazuna: <I wonder if I should stop her here...>