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  1. #31

    Join Date
    Nov 2016

    Title: What kind of taste?

    Echinacea: Wine is a pretty tasty thing, isnt' it?
    Pinkladies: Yes.
    Pinkladies: Wine is a circle. Tasty wine is a pointless thing but it has a "rolled around after picking up" taste to it.1
    Echinacea: ...I see.
    Echinacea: <I don't get it though...>
    Pinkladies: Echinacea, you liked the black tea, right?
    Pinkladies: What kind of taste did the black tea have?
    Echinacea: Black tea...?
    Echinacea: ...Right, let's see...
    Echinacea: The moment a mouthful enters your mouth, the intensity that spreads through it... it's just like the Flasberg Canyon...
    <commenting away>
    Echinacea: Then again it is the country exceeding it, visible further away. The flavor is like the Mafur Plateau's soft fluttering breeze... Ahh, that really is the legendary "Hot Spring of Life", is it not?
    Pinkladies: ...I see.
    Pinkladies: <I don't get it though...>

    1 This description is intentionally irrational.
    Last edited by Volarmis; 10-29-2018 at 10:45 AM.
    Name: Volarmis
    DMM ID: 317568967

  2. #32

    Join Date
    Nov 2016

    Title: Pleasant hot spring

    Hop: It's the hot spring!!
    Hop: The sake you drink while warming up is the best~!!
    <exhales after a sip>
    Pinkladies: You're really enjoying yourself, aren't you Hop?
    Hop: I'm only getting started!
    Hop: That's because I had the idea we could make a hot spring egg1 and I brought an egg with me!
    Pinkladies: An egg...?
    Pinkladies: Hop, you're not inferior to Pinkladies in being a free spirit are you?
    Hop: Ta-dah! Radish's partner! It's Muurii!
    Muurii: ?
    Pinkladies: Isn't that a turnip?
    <It's a daikon2>

    1 Eggs cooked in hot springs, sometimes even black in color
    2 Oriental radish
    Last edited by Volarmis; 10-29-2018 at 10:45 AM.
    Name: Volarmis
    DMM ID: 317568967

  3. #33

    Join Date
    Nov 2016

    Title: Radish's admiration

    <Radish & Muurii staring>
    Nazuna: Radish... If you keep staring at me like that it'll make me feel awkward.
    Radish: I'm sorry...! Since I admire Nazuna it just turned out like that...!
    Radish: Honestly speaking, I've been observing and imitating Nazuna...
    <getting embarassed>
    Radish: Like in eating porridge...
    Radish: or in trying to hum melodies.
    <Nazuna: It's kind of embarassing, isn't it?>
    Radish: Additionally...
    Radish: I think it's about time I split this part in half!!
    <Radish: If we're talking about Nazuna, it's this, right!!>
    Nazuna: <I wonder if I should stop her here...>
    Name: Volarmis
    DMM ID: 317568967

  4. #34

    Join Date
    Nov 2016

    Title: 3 sisters on good terms

    White Pansy: Purple Pansy, I've made you some pumpkin soup.
    Purple Pansy: Thank you very much.
    Yellow Pansy: Ah, Purple Pansy, here you are!
    White Pansy: Kyaa!
    Purple Pansy: Ah...!
    Yellow Pansy: Woah~... All sticky... Sorry, big sis.
    <White Pansy: Are you all right, Yellow Pansy?>
    Yellow Pansy: Purple Pansy, don't look so down.1
    Yellow Pansy: Wanna lick? <I'm fine with it.>
    Purple Pansy: I wonder, who's the one looking down (on me) here?1

    1 Original joke is based on the word for "lick", which can mean that or "underestimate/look down on/make fun of". Changed to somehow work with the language.
    Name: Volarmis
    DMM ID: 317568967

  5. #35

    Join Date
    Nov 2016

    Title: Cookie disappearance case

    Streptocarpus: It's a case...
    Streptocarpus: The cookies I thought I would be eating later are missing.
    <empty plate>
    <Streptocarpus: I was really looking forward to it too...>
    Japanese Barberry: Oh my... This is serious, isn't it?
    Streptocarpus: Is this Nightshade and Larkspur's doing, I wonder? <Hmmm...>
    Japanese Barberry: Who knows... It's hard to say...
    Streptocarpus: Fine!
    Streptocarpus: Let's investigate!!
    Streptocarpus: Let's go, Japanese Barberry!!
    Japanese Barberry: Eh!?
    Japanese Barberry: Oh, right!
    Japanese Barberry: <Who might have thought those were Carpus's cookies...>
    <Japanese Barberry: I should go and buy some later...>
    <true culprit -> Japanese Barberry>
    Last edited by Volarmis; 04-02-2022 at 07:09 AM.
    Name: Volarmis
    DMM ID: 317568967

  6. #36

    Join Date
    Nov 2016

    Title: This is the new skill!

    Nightshade: I'll be practising my new petal card skill now!! Observe it carefully, my squire!
    <winding up>
    <Nightshade: I'll hit that banana square on!>
    Larkspur: <getting nervous> Yes!!
    Nightshade: YAH!!
    Nightshade: Ah...!
    Nightshade: Darn it!! My hand sli...
    Larkspur: Meister... this is...
    Nightshade: So-, sorry... It wasn't on pur...
    Larkspur: <admiration rising> To carve a pest using cards is amazing!! This is the new skill: "Pest banana split"1, isn't it!?
    Nightshade: Eh...
    Nightshade: Exactly!! Ha Ha Ha!!
    <Nightshade: It's really well made isn't it!!>
    Nightshade: <I'm glad I managed to gloss over that one...>

    1 I still can't recognize the pun here ("Gaichuu Banaanu") and went with the one I've thought up last time.
    It seems to be the sum of "pest", "banana", "flower" and "steal", so to make it a bit more interesting I went with banana splits (split as in run away or as in cut).
    Name: Volarmis
    DMM ID: 317568967

  7. #37

    Join Date
    Nov 2016

    Title: The voice of a case?

    <Streptocarpus can hear the voice of the scene of the crime>
    Voice: <Help me!!>
    Streptocarpus: Hm!
    Streptocarpus: Where?
    Voice: <Help me!! Grant me my wish!!>
    Streptocarpus: Wish?
    Voice: <Yes! I have only one wish! I want you to revere the chivalrous thief, lady Nightshade!!>
    Voice: <I want you to sing her praises-pa!!1 <oops...> ...sing her praises!!>
    Streptocarpus: Hm?
    Voice -> Larkspur: Grant me my wish...
    Larkspur: Ah...
    Larkspur: Waaaaaaaaah!!
    <Streptocarpus and Japanese Barberry shaking the tree>
    Larkspur: Aaaaaaaaaah!!

    1 The habit of Larkspur to add "-pa" to the end of her sentences.
    Last edited by Volarmis; 05-12-2018 at 09:58 AM.
    Name: Volarmis
    DMM ID: 317568967

  8. #38

    Join Date
    Nov 2016

    Title: Curry dancing girl-mya!1

    Water Fringe: I've tried making some curry with the currently popular sweets and Bucky's favorite beans!
    Buckbean: Myamya!?
    Buckbean: Is this really curry? As always, your cooking looks unbelievable, Fringy.
    Water Fringe: <beaming> Is that so? However, it has a ton of nutrients and I think it is quite tasty.
    Buckbean: You're right! Delicious-mya-! <awestruck>
    <Water Fringe: I'm glad you like it!>
    Water Fringe: Eat a lot so you can keep up your dance training!
    Buckbean: Sure! I'll dance a lot after eating this much!
    <After a few hours...>
    Buckbean: I ate too much and now my belly is heavy-mya~!! <Myaa~>
    <Buckbean: I can't dance like this-myaa!>
    Water Fringe: Oh my...

    1 Buckbean's habit of adding "-mya" or "-mi" to the end of her sentences.
    Last edited by Volarmis; 05-15-2018 at 12:48 PM.
    Name: Volarmis
    DMM ID: 317568967

  9. #39

    Join Date
    Nov 2016

    Title: I'll play a trick on you

    Daisy: Trick or
    Daisy: treat!!
    Gomphrena Globosa: Yes, yes! <Fufu>
    Gomphrena Globosa: I've properly prepared some candy...
    Daisy: If you don't give me some fried rice omelet, I'll play a trick on you!!
    Gomphrena Globosa: Eh? ^.^
    <Daisy: Fu fu fu-! If it's this, she couldn't have prepared any...> <Fufufu...>
    <Daisy: With this, I'll be playing a trick on Gomphrena Globosa...>
    Gomphrena Globosa: Here you go, I've prepared some fried rice omelet~
    <Gomphrena Globosa: Eat up while it's still hot!>
    Daisy: Waah~! It looks so delicious~!
    Daisy: Wait, whaa!?
    Name: Volarmis
    DMM ID: 317568967

  10. #40

    Join Date
    Nov 2016

    Title: The princess and the squirrel

    Daisy: Waah~!
    Daisy: Pitahaya is a princess~!
    Daisy: Ha!!!
    Daisy: If we're talking about a princess and a squirrel, it's that story with the pumpkin carriage!
    Daisy: The squirrel turns into a horse!! Come, ride on my back!! Pitahaya!!
    Pitahaya: Eh!?
    Daisy: We're going to the ball like this, Pitaharella!!
    Pitahaya: Ummm...
    Pitahaya: <I seem to recall that in that fairy tale it was the mouse that turned into a horse... ...Well, whatever...>
    <Daisy trembling>
    Pitahaya: ...
    Name: Volarmis
    DMM ID: 317568967

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