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  1. #1

    Join Date
    Nov 2016

    Title: Seeking freedom

    Yuki Yanagi: Haah~~
    Yuki Yanagi: I'm not getting anywhere close to finishing!
    <Yuki Yanagi: Aaaaaaah~>
    Astra Galus: What's wrong, Yuki Yanagi?
    Yuki Yanagi: I've been stashing away my reports and somewhere along the line the pile has become this big-!
    <Yuki Yanagi: I'm not getting anywhere close to finishing!>
    Astra Galus: I see... In that case, leave it to me!
    Astra Galus: ACHOU-!!
    Astra Galus: With this, the pile was finished off. You're free Yuki Yanagi. <Fufufu>
    <leftover mess>
    Yuki Yanagi: Yaay~! Freedooom~!
    <menace rising>
    Nazuna: Let's add a written apology assignment for two to the order to restore those reports...
    Name: Volarmis
    DMM ID: 317568967

  2. #2

    Join Date
    Nov 2016

    Title: The day of 3

    <lively atmosphere>
    Nazuna: Everybody1! It's the final stretch for the preparations for the Brilliant Festa! Let's do our best!
    <Chocolate Lily: Hey you! If you slack off, I won't forgive1 you!>
    Everybody: Ye-es!
    <Yomena: Oh no-! Somebody wash that stain1 off~!>
    <everybody hurrying>
    Peach Blossom: Finished-!
    <everybody exhausted>
    Viola: So tired... I can't move another step...
    <everybody sleeping>
    Nazuna: Good job, everybody. <Fufu>
    <FKG 3rd anniversary>

    1 In these places there's always a "san" (meaning "three") in one of the words - it's bolded out.
    Last edited by Volarmis; 07-24-2019 at 11:24 AM.
    Name: Volarmis
    DMM ID: 317568967

  3. #3

    Join Date
    Nov 2016

    Title: Partner weight

    Japanese Anemone: Hmm... There are various ways to train one's body, aren't there....
    Gajumaru: Yes, lady Japanese Anemone.
    Gajumaru: I usualy train while Kijumun1 acts as a weight for me.
    <Kijumun being affectionate>
    <Gajumaru: 1, 2, 1, 2.>
    Japanese Anemone: I see...
    Japanese Anemone: That fine idea sounds fun. I'd like to try doing training with a partner one day as well.
    Gajumaru: Yes ma'am!!
    <Gajumaru sparkling>
    Gajumaru: I've brought all the partners of various flower knights from all over Spring Garden here.
    <partners sparkling and lively>
    Japanese Anemone: <I'll collapse if I put so many of them on me...!>

    1 Gajumaru's fairy.
    Name: Volarmis
    DMM ID: 317568967

  4. #4

    Join Date
    Nov 2016

    Title: Colorful pancakes

    Japanese Anemone: <Hmmm...> Once in a while I feel like eating something I don't usually eat.
    Coleus: Yes, I've been waiting for you to say that. Here, Coleus's special colorful pancakes!
    Japanese Anemone: I was surprised by the lively appearance at first, but it is quite tasty. <chew chew>
    Coleus: That's great.
    Coleus: From ones with vivid colors,
    Coleus: to monochrome or pastel colors,
    Coleus: I still have a lot of them, so please eat your fill!
    Japanese Anemone: EH!?
    Japanese Anemone: Co-Coleus, how about we eat together?
    Japanese Anemone: <As I thought, I can't finish these by myself...!>
    Coleus: <beaming> Waah! Can I!?
    Japanese Anemone: Sure...! <Of course!>
    Name: Volarmis
    DMM ID: 317568967

  5. #5

    Join Date
    Nov 2016

    Title: Today's big sister

    Bianca Clover: I wanted the new rare "Pig Otter" from the "Otter Samba" set and I ended up buying them in boxes...
    Clover: It's fine, big sis! Let's do our best to eat them together!!
    <1 hour later...>
    Bianca Clover: I've had enough...
    <full stomach sounds>
    Clover: Uuugh...
    Clover: Big sis, leave it to me! I'll arrange them into some different dish so it'll be easier to eat the rest of them!
    Bianca Clover: Clover...!
    Bianca Clover: <Thank you very much...!>
    Clover: Finished!! Otter Samba sandwiches!!
    Bianca Clover: ......
    Name: Volarmis
    DMM ID: 317568967

  6. #6

    Join Date
    Nov 2016

    Title: Sunny-side up

    Lavender: Oh my!
    Snapdragon: Lavender, what's up?
    Lavender: I was preparing breakfast for the Commander and it turns out the egg had twin yolks.
    Snapdragon: Waah-! Awesome!!
    Lavender: This is a sign that I'll be forever together with the Commander... I want to give this to the Commander quickly and see his delighted face...!
    <Lavender: Haaaaah...>
    Snapdragon: In that case, I'll make it so he'll be even more delighted!
    Snapdragon: Ta-dah! I've made it even more cute!
    Lavender: What in the world have you done!?
    Name: Volarmis
    DMM ID: 317568967

  7. #7

    Join Date
    Nov 2016

    Title: The way to cure a cold

    Asian Rice: <Ha...> Ah-choo!
    Aloe: Ma1, have you caught a cold?
    Aloe: Granny told me that wrapping your neck with a leak is good for curing a cold!!
    <folk remedy in practice>
    Asian Rice: Thank you very muh... ha...
    Asian Rice: Ah-choo!
    Aloe: Wha...? It's not effective...?
    Asian Rice: It's not that, I just think it will take more time to cure it...
    Aloe: Hmmmm, I'm still worried... Since it's come to this, I can only use my ace in the hole...!!
    Aloe: If you give your cold to someone else, you'll be cured!! That's the only thing left for us to try!!
    <inviting to the bed>
    Asian Rice: That's a big no!!

    1 Aloe's nickname for Asian Rice, it seems.
    Name: Volarmis
    DMM ID: 317568967

  8. #8

    Join Date
    Nov 2016

    Title: Lychnis's coat

    Lychnis: Thank you very much for preparing a change of clothes for me!
    Lychnis: I was in a fix when they got torn during training, so you really helped me out...
    Akane: Don't mention it!
    Akane: Truth to be told, as a service this time I additionally dyed it using a kimono design I came across in Lilywood as an inspiration!1
    Lychnis: Is that so? I can't see it being any different than usual...
    Akane: I've decorated the lining of the coat with a food motive! I've tried making it with the sushi that both Lychnis and Nadeshiko like so much! <uncovering>
    Lychnis: Waaah!!

    1 See chapter 62.
    Name: Volarmis
    DMM ID: 317568967

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