Title: Snow Pea's field

Flat Sea Holly: Snow Pea, you like working the field, don't you?
Snow Pea: ...Yeah. <plowing>
Flat Sea Holly: <sigh> If we plant my favorite candy in this field, I wonder if we'll get a lot of it in return...
Flat Sea Holly: Just kidding... <Ahaha>
Snow Pea: Good grief... I don't know if it'll sprout but let's plant one together. <I'll be taking one.>
Flat Sea Holly: EH!?
Snow Pea: I don't know if it'll be fine to take care of it the same way as other vegetables... <planting>
Snow Pea: It'll be great if it sprouts.
Flat Sea Holly: Ah...
Flat Sea Holly: No...
Flat Sea Holly: <I just wanted to make a joke...!!>