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  1. #1

    Join Date
    Nov 2016

    Title: Showdown! Lotus and Pygmy Water Lily

    Pygmy Water Lily: Lotus!!
    Pygmy Water Lily: Today is the day we settle our competition!!
    Lotus: Aah! Since lately we've been stopped by our advisors each time, we haven't been able to organise one...! I accept your challenge!!
    <Pygmy Water Lily: That's the spirit!!>
    Pygmy Water Lily: Fufu... I've decided that the next time we'll be having a competition, we'll decide it with this!
    Pygmy Water Lily: Using these outfits, said to be the craze among the citizen of the Underwater City not too long ago,1
    Pygmy Water Lily: we'll be having a dance showdown!!
    Lotus: Wea... Wearing those, huh...!!
    <Lotus: I remember seeing these before...!!>
    Lotus: If you want to give up, do it now while you have the chance!!
    Pygmy Water Lily: I'm not done yet-!
    Blood Iris: What in the world are you wearing!!

    1 Refer to comic no. 25.
    Name: Volarmis
    DMM ID: 317568967

  2. #2

    Join Date
    Nov 2016

    Title: Seven times fallen, eight times...?1

    Pickerel Weed: Aaaah~~! I've failed aga~in! <crying>
    Squirrel Tail Grass: What's the matter, Pickerel Weed!?
    Squirrel Tail Grass: Come on, in times like this you... what was it? Ummm.... Ummm... ...ah! I remember now! Seven times fallen, eight times reversed!2 <grabbing hands>
    Pickerel Weed: Heh...? That is...
    Pickerel Weed: I should toss myself in pain...? <sobbing>
    <background warzone>
    Squirrel Tail Grass: Ah! My mistake!! Ummm... Ummm... Ah, I remember now!
    Squirrel Tail Grass: Seven times fallen, eight kinds of pain!!3
    Pickerel Weed: Eeeh!? <As I thought...!!!>
    Squirrel Tail Grass: ...not that! Ummm ummm ...four directions, eight directions!!4
    Pickerel Weed: What are you talking about!?
    <It was "seven times fallen, eight times stood back up".>

    1 七転八起 ("Nana korobi, ya oki") - Means "Not giving up". Further mistakes here usually come from swapping one kanji.
    2 七転八倒 ("Shichiten battou") - Means "writhing in agony".
    3 七転八苦 ("Nanaten Hakku") - Made of two parts: "fall seven times" and "eight kinds of suffering".
    4 四方八方 ("Shihou happou") - Means "in all directions".
    Name: Volarmis
    DMM ID: 317568967

  3. #3

    Join Date
    Nov 2016

    Title: Polar opposite twin sisters?

    Sparaxis: Rabbit-ear Iris and Blood Iris, you're really polar opposites, aren't you?
    Blood Iris: ...is that so I wonder?
    Rabbit-ear Iris: There are also things we're pretty similar in!
    Sparaxis: Heeh-! I see. For example?
    Blood Iris: The food we like is the same. Both me and Rabbit-ear Iris like fish dishes.
    <Blood Iris: We were just getting ready to eat.>
    <fish displayed>
    <Rabbit-ear Iris: It looks so tasty, right~>
    Iris sisters: Now then, as for this fish
    Blood Iris: I want to make my number one favorite sashimi with it.
    Rabbit-ear Iris: I want to make my number one favorite grilled fish with it.
    Sparaxis: <As I though, they're polar opposites...!!>
    Name: Volarmis
    DMM ID: 317568967

  4. #4

    Join Date
    Nov 2016

    Title: The most eye-catching T-shirt

    Carnation: It's unusual to be making the T-shirts for the competition by hand, right?
    Bianca Tulip: Though it is fun, isn't it?
    Heliconia: Wa-ha-ha-!! To stand out the most at all times - that's my policy!!
    Heliconia: Watch me make the most eye-catching T-shirt of all!
    <painting furiously>
    Heliconia: Ta-dah!! A T-shirt showing your super nice body!!
    Heliconia: You can't go wrong with big breasts when it comes to standing out!!
    Peperomia: Heliconia, your T-shirt looks so interesting~!
    <Geranium: It really does.>
    <Geranium's breasts bounce onto the scene>
    Heliconia: <I forgot there are a lot of girls with real nice bodies here!!>
    Name: Volarmis
    DMM ID: 317568967

  5. #5

    Join Date
    Nov 2016

    Title: Celebration! 100!

    Nazuna: Today we celebrate the number 100!!
    Nazuna: Let's all wear these glasses and celebrate together, everybody.
    Canola: Even if you say something like that suddenly, there are only normal pairs of glasses here.
    <Nazuna & Saint Paulia: Glasses are cute, right~~>
    Cepha Lanthera: Well, we do have these normal glasses...
    Canola: When we're lined up like this~ it somewhat looks like the digits multiplied, doesn't it~
    <100 00 00 00 00!!>
    Nazuna: It really does!!
    Nazuna: Celebration!! 100 hundred million!!1
    Canola: You know that's wrong, right!?

    1 The Japanese count large numbers a little differently - there's a specific kanji for ten thousand (万) and one for hundred million (億).
    Name: Volarmis
    DMM ID: 317568967

  6. #6

    Join Date
    Nov 2016

    Title: Ro-whatshername1

    Laurentia: Nasturtium!! <Nin!>
    Laurentia: Today is the day I'll win the competition with you and finally make you remember my name!
    Laurentia: Not the usual "Ro-whatshername", but properly, "Laurentia"... <fufufu> <painting>
    Nasturtium: Ok, so what's the competition today, Ro... lledbun?
    Laurentia: What's with the Rolledbun! It's Laurentia!
    <Laurentia: How come it's always like this!!!>
    Nasturtium: Well, your hair is tied up in a bun, so somehow it turned out like that.
    Nasturtium: I'm sorry, Ro... lledcabbage. <looking at her hair>
    Laurentia: You're not reflecting at all, are you!? <pissed>

    1 There's no "L" in Japanese and "R" takes its place in foreign words.
    Name: Volarmis
    DMM ID: 317568967

  7. #7

    Join Date
    Nov 2016

    Title: Lively ninja

    China Root: Lively doing shuriken training!! <throw>
    China Root: Lively doing natural medicine studies!! <mixing>
    China Root: When you're lively,
    China Root: any mission is a piece of cake!
    Wabisuke: China Root, you're being full of vigor today as well, aren't you?
    China Root: Yes! Being lively is my only redeeming feature after all!
    Wabisuke: In that case...
    Wabisuke: how about cleaning up this room now as lively as before?
    China Root: Wha!? Just when did this happen!?
    Name: Volarmis
    DMM ID: 317568967

  8. #8

    Join Date
    Nov 2016

    Title: Carnation in summer

    Carnation: Since every day is hot, please be careful of heatstrokes! Don't forget your hat, towel, fan or supply of drinking water!!
    White Tulip: Thank you very much!
    Carnation: <Haah...> I'm sorry... I was so into it... I went too far...
    White Tulip: No such thing! I'm really grateful. <Fufufu>
    Carnation: Thank goodness! ...In that case, continuing <searching>
    Carnation: I'm going to Winter Rose to get ice to make shaved ice for everyone!!
    White Tulip: That's going overboard!!
    Name: Volarmis
    DMM ID: 317568967

  9. #9

    Join Date
    Nov 2016

    Title: The location of nuts

    Gourd: What is it doing?
    <squirrel patting the earth>
    Walnut: It's burying nuts under the tree as a food reserve for later. It's already the tenth one~
    Walnut: The problem is that it forgets where they are buried, so I'm remembering that instead~
    Gourd: Awesome! Where are they buried?
    Walnut: Let's see, 3 over there~ and 5 under that tree over there!
    Gourd: Hmm? Aren't there 2 missing? In the end, you did not remember correctly. <Fufufu>
    Walnut: Fufufu~ those are...
    Walnut: being secretly eaten in the mouth of this child~!
    <surprised squirrel>
    Gourd: The perfect memory and observational skills!
    Name: Volarmis
    DMM ID: 317568967

  10. #10

    Join Date
    Nov 2016

    Title: The replacement item

    Zebrina: Wheew~!
    Barley: Are you OK drinking water that quickly?
    Zebrina: I had a meeting with Commander and I was so nervous my throat went dry, so I really needed this...
    Zebrina: Hah...!
    Barley: What's wrong?
    Zebrina: Excuse me... I suddenly really need to use the restroom...
    Barley: This is bad...! The problem is that there is no restroom anywhere near, so we need to quickly look for one! <panicking>
    Zebrina: You're right...! Somewhere near here... <searching>
    Zebrina: Somewhere near... <staring>
    Zebrina: Near... <target aquired>
    Zebrina: Excuse me... May I borrow that container you have there...? <panting>
    Barley: Zebrina, what are you thinking!?
    Name: Volarmis
    DMM ID: 317568967

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