Title: Tiger Lily's present

Tiger Lily: Here's a Christmas present for you, master!
Lycoris: I've told you to quit calling me that, haven't I?
Lycoris: Well, whatever, thank you. I wonder what's inside. <unpacking>
Tiger Lily: It's something I like very much. I wanted to share it with master... <excited>
Lycoris: KYAAAAA!!
Lycoris: Nattou1!? <stinky & sticky>
Tiger Lily: No, that's not it!
Tiger Lily: Nattou on rice. <steamy>
Lycoris: In the end it's still nattou, you know!!

1 On a holiday called Setsubun in Japan the tradition is to invite good luck into your home and
drive away the bad luck represented by ogres called Oni by throwing beans at them.
This is probably the reason why Tiger Lily likes nattou.