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  1. #1

    Join Date
    Nov 2016

    Title: Which one is Jersey Cudweed?

    Nipplewort: Everyone calls me mother, ufufu!
    Jersey Cudweed: That's true, ufufu!
    Jersey Cudweed: There, try to guess which was the real one.
    Chickweed: That was almost identical, I can't say which one was the real mommy Jersey Cudweed~ <Hmmm...>
    Chickweed: Which one is it...
    <Jersey Cudweed & Nipplewort: Ufufu~>
    Chickweed: Ah! I know! I'll know once I touch you~! I see, I see... <groping around>
    <Jersey Cudweed: Oh my~>
    Chickweed: This is Nipplewort!
    <Chickweed: Since she's small there!>
    Turnip: ?
    Nipplewort: That is Turnip.
    Name: Volarmis
    DMM ID: 317568967

  2. #2

    Join Date
    Nov 2016

    Title: The day of 4

    <Perfect! Commander's aide, Nazuna!>
    Nazuna: Ya-ho~! My name is Nazuna!
    Nazuna: I'm a perfect commander's aide!
    Nazuna: Both as Commander's backup...
    Nazuna: and in writing reports, I'm perfect~!
    Nazuna: I'm a commander's aide who's respected by everyone!
    <door opens>
    Canola: Nazuna! There you are!
    Canola: ...by the way, what are you doing?
    <Nazuna: Ah! Canola!>
    Nazuna: Today we celebrate the number 4, so I took the challenge to draw a 4-panel manga!
    <Nazuna: You're in it as well, Canola!!>
    <door opens>
    Cepha Lanthera: Nazuna! Commander is running around looking for you since an important report hasn't been submitted!
    <Canola: Ah, I also came here to tell her that...>
    Nazuna: Aaah!! I forgot!!
    Name: Volarmis
    DMM ID: 317568967

  3. #3

    Join Date
    Nov 2016

    Title: Medal

    Mini Rose: Lady Novalis! I've finished my mission! <humming>
    Mini Rose: ...fufu, I want to be petted a lot~! <running>
    Rose Diana: If it's about lady Novalis, she left for an urgent job and won't be back for a while.
    Mini Rose: <shock> It can't be! I thought I would get praised a lot too...
    Rose Diana: It can't be helped.
    Rose Diana: ...saying so, I feel for you so I made a medal as proof of your hard work ...although using origami...
    Mini Rose: A medal!? Awesome~! <happy>
    Rose Diana: ...don't expect too much.
    Rose Diana: ...here you go.
    Mini Rose: That's way too perfect!!
    Name: Volarmis
    DMM ID: 317568967

  4. #4

    Join Date
    Nov 2016

    Title: A poem by Rosa Novalis

    Multiflora: I see... Lady Novalis usually spends her time in places like this.
    Mini Rose: Yes!
    <the ice-cream stretches>
    Rosa Novalis: The girl stretches out her arms, like in a dance...
    Rosa Novalis: as if trying to grab hold of the stars...
    Rosa Novalis: her legs stretched forward in her desire to catch up to her dream... <humming>
    Mini Rose: A girl...? What's this about, I wonder?
    Multiflora: Isn't this some sort of metaphor? Lady Novalis has a romantic character after all.
    Rosa Novalis: <humming>
    <Nazuna: Ow ow ow ow... <trembling>>
    <Nazuna: Just a bit more and it will be my new record... <trembling>>
    Name: Volarmis
    DMM ID: 317568967

  5. #5

    Join Date
    Nov 2016

    Title: Incantation? Order?

    Kalanchoe: Small sized milk chocolate coffee with a whipped cream topping and a teddy bear cookie topping, extra chocolate please.
    Multiflora: That's an impressive name for a drink.
    Kalanchoe: You can customize it yourself, after all~!
    Kalanchoe: Using words like "topping" or "extra" you can add or increase the amount of ingredients!
    Multiflora: I see, then as I have a sweet tooth...
    Multiflora: Small sized hot coffee with sugar topping, sugar topping, sugar topping, sugar topping, sugar topping, sugar topping and sugar topping.
    Multiflora: My ideal coffee. <heartmark>
    Kalanchoe: <It looks like she ordered just sugar...>
    Name: Volarmis
    DMM ID: 317568967

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