Title: A poem by Rosa Novalis

Multiflora: I see... Lady Novalis usually spends her time in places like this.
Mini Rose: Yes!
<the ice-cream stretches>
Rosa Novalis: The girl stretches out her arms, like in a dance...
Rosa Novalis: as if trying to grab hold of the stars...
Rosa Novalis: her legs stretched forward in her desire to catch up to her dream... <humming>
Mini Rose: A girl...? What's this about, I wonder?
Multiflora: Isn't this some sort of metaphor? Lady Novalis has a romantic character after all.
Rosa Novalis: <humming>
<Nazuna: Ow ow ow ow... <trembling>>
<Nazuna: Just a bit more and it will be my new record... <trembling>>