Title: Famous duck? Bachimo

Baikasou: Yes, yes, be sure to learn it properly.
<Bachimo sniffing>
Baikamo: Big sis, what are you doing-kamo?
Baikasou: I'm making him learn the smell of the expen... absolutely lovely pot Baikamo brought before.
<Bachimo sniffing>
Baikasou: I thought he might be able to find another one.
Baikamo: Awesome-kamo! If it works, won't I be able to search for pots together with Bachimo-kamo!?
<Bachimo on the move>
Baikamo: He's saying to go this way-kamo!
Baikasou: Let's go take a look.
Bachimo: ... <stopped>
Baikasou: Hm? He stopped.
Baikamo: Now that I think about it, after taking a few steps Bachimo forgets what he's learned1-kamo!

1 Common "birdbrain" trope.