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  1. #1

    Join Date
    Nov 2016

    Title: Carriage

    Sylphium: ... <looking>
    Angelonia: Could it be that you like carriages, Sylphium?
    Angelonia: I admire things like going to a ball in a carriage and dancing with the prince~! Carriages are great, aren't they? <awestruck>
    Sylphium: Don't include me on your own. ...It's not like I like them or anything.
    Angelonia: Eeh~? You were looking though~!
    Sylphium: I wasn't.
    Angelonia: You were~!
    Sylphium: There wasn't a carriage I wasn't looking at.
    Angelonia: That's kind of scary, you know!?
    Name: Volarmis
    DMM ID: 317568967

  2. #2

    Join Date
    Nov 2016

    Title: A lean face?

    Horse Chestnut: Did the book about dogs come in handy?
    Yarrow: So you were the one who gave that book to Soft Windflower1.
    Yarrow: Well, I guess so... I have a feeling that thanks to that cooking method, Chikuwa's face may have become more lean... or maybe not...
    <Chikuwa: Bow-wow!>
    Horse Chestnut: Wha!?
    Horse Chestnut: Lean!? Just by changing its food, such an effect occurred...? Are we witnessing the process of evolution with our very own eyes!? We must leave a record of this!! <excited>
    Yarrow: Nah... I think I just imagined it...
    Horse Chestnut: Amazing!! I feel like the distance between various parts of its face has changed, if only a little!!
    Yarrow: It actually changed!! <Awesome!!>
    Chikuwa: ...
    <Out of consideration, Chikuwa made his face appear more crisp than usual>

    1 See chapter 193.
    Name: Volarmis
    DMM ID: 317568967

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