Title: Protea-chan

Tarragon: <Today I finally want to call lady Protea "Protea-chan"...!>
Tarragon: <Using the natural flow of our conversation, I'll make my "-chan" calling debut~!>
Protea: This black tea is absolutely delicious. Vice-chairman, do you like black tea?
Tarragon: <Here it is...! Let's do this...!>
Tarragon: Ah...! I like it too..!
Tarragon: P, Protea-cha1<bite>
Tarragon: Ow!!
Protea: Protea tea...? <scared>
<Protea: Me...?>

1 Okay, this one is based on those name honorifics in Japanese.
"-chan" is used when addressing either a young girl or an intimate female friend, while "cha" translates to "tea".
I was thinking of making Terragon say something like "Pro-tea" (bite in the middle) or "Protea-tea" (stuttering),
but it didn't sound all that good said out loud.