Title: Medicinal porridge

Plum: Today's lucky item is medicinal porridge~!
Rangiku: Is that so? In that case I'll make some for you!
Rangiku: Here's your medicinal porridge~! <steaming>
Plum: Waa~! It looks delicious!
<zoom -> splat>
Plum: Kyaa!?
Rangiku: A manyuu apeeared out of nowhere and jumped into the porridge...!!
Plum: I'm so sorry! Because of me, bad luck struck Rangiku's porridge...
Rangiku: No, it's fine. Let's go with this!
<Rangiku: I've heard rumors that medicinal cooking like this exists too!!> 1
Plum: Somehow, I think that's a bad ingredient to use, you know!?

1 See chapter 10.