Title: Doable for everyone make-up jutsu

Isogiku: At that time, by moving your hands like this, you can achieve an efficient swimming style. <splashing>
Gilia: <clapping> Awesome! Thank you~! With this, I feel like I can do it easily too.
Gilia: To thank you for teaching me, I'll teach you an efficient way to apply make-up ☆
Isogiku: <moved> Really? Thank you very much!
Gilia: Extreme speed ☆ efficient up-make jutsu, first step~! Prepare your tools.
Isogiku: I see... The first thing to do is a normal preparation.
Gilia: Second step~! Bahyu~n ♪
Gilia: Finished ☆
<Gilia: Easy, isn't it?>
Isogiku: !?
Isogiku: Isn't Gilia the only one who can do that!?