Title: Spider Lily's special skill?

Plumed Cockscomb: Lily, you're good at knitting, right? Teach me~!
Spider Lily: Alright!
Plumed Cockscomb: By the way, Lily's also good at binding with ropes and such, right~? <Move this through here...>
Spider Lily: Fufu, that's right. I won't do that with nitting yarn though. <knitting>
Plumed Cockscomb: Ahaha! For sure! That's right~! <Ahaha~>
Plumed Cockscomb: ...hm?
Plumed Cockscomb: What!? When did this happen!? Lily! What's the meaning of this!? <bound>
Spider Lily: I DID NOTHING.1

1 This maybe an allusion to the fact that Spider Lily's gaze and whispers have powerful suggestion properties