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  1. #271

    Join Date
    Nov 2016

    Title: Wanting to see you smile more

    Mimulus: There you have it! That's it. Performance by Mimulus and the Topuare1 <ta-dah!>
    Mertensia: Awesome! As expected of Mimulus! You really are the best~!
    Mimulus: <I'm so glad...! She enjoyed it so much~!>
    Mimulus: <I want to make her smile more with our performances...!>
    Mimulus: O, oka~y! Next, I will serve as the replacement for the ball in the art of hanakagomari2 I'll be showing you!
    Mertensia: <Oooh...> Eeh!? Awesome...! To think you can even perform such an act...!
    Mimulus: I... I can't get out...
    Mertensia: EEEEEEH~~!?

    1 It seems to be the name of her monkey group, though I can't find any possible translation for it
    2 A performance involving juggling balls and a bottomless basket in the form of a hammer, just like Mimulus's weapon
    Last edited by Volarmis; 01-18-2020 at 11:58 PM. Reason: Thanks to kuresta for the video reference :D
    Name: Volarmis
    DMM ID: 317568967

  2. #272

    Join Date
    Nov 2016

    Title: Lily and Wheel Lily

    Wheel Lily: I want to try doing a hidden talent act with Lily!
    Lily: Alright! Sounds like it'll be the absolute best performance!
    Lily: My mike performance and Wheel Lily's yo-yo...
    Wheel Lily: Dream cooperation act!!
    Wheel Lily: Hm~ but doing it just like that seems too normal~
    Lily: That's right! Then how about I sing while spinning like a yo-yo? <Like this!!>
    Wheel Lily: I see! In that case, I'll be showing off my yo-yo tricks while being the mike!
    Lily: Good idea!
    <It was a big hit with the children>
    Name: Volarmis
    DMM ID: 317568967

  3. #273

    Join Date
    Nov 2016

    Title: The wish of my Lady

    <Cardamine Lyrata: Please find a place where I could observe a young boy wearing half-pants in the nature.>
    Clove: <...is what my Lady has said, so I came to check out the park, but...>
    Clove: <for some reason today of all days there are no young boys anywhere around here...!>
    Clove: <I won't be able to fulfill my Lady's wish like that...!>
    Clove: <Just what am I supposed to do...!>
    Clove: M... My Lady...
    Clove: Forgive me... Since I wasn't able to find a place to observe young boys from, I'll be the young boy instead...
    Cardamine Lyrata: EEH!?
    Name: Volarmis
    DMM ID: 317568967

  4. #274

    Join Date
    Nov 2016

    Title: I want to be praised

    Red Dead Nettle: This is a dance that expresses your joy~
    Lippia: It's awesome you can express anything with a dance!
    Lippia: How would a dance that expresses my desire to get praised a lot look like?
    Red Dead Nettle: Hmmm, let's see...
    Red Dead Nettle: Something like this~? <praise me~>
    Lippia: I see~
    Lobelia: Oh my, Lippia? What are you doing? Shouldn't you be in the middle of work right now?
    Lippia: Hyaa!? Miss Lobelia!?
    Name: Volarmis
    DMM ID: 317568967

  5. #275

    Join Date
    Nov 2016

    Title: If you pray

    Pachystachys: I feel like eating meat for today's supper... Please listen to my wish, Sleeping Princess.
    Cranesbill: Please~!
    Cranesbill: It's great we're having meat today, isn't it? <Hamburg steaks!!>
    Pachystachys: Yes, it's all thanks to Sleeping Princess.
    Winter Cherry: Today's hamburg steaks are made only with tofu, so it's not really meat.
    <Cranesbill: Eeh~!! Is that so!?>
    Pachystachys: So that was the case...
    Pachystachys: However, right now I've offered a prayer to Sleeping Princess again and... <chew chew...>
    Pachystachys: ...yup, it seems my haburg steak is made of meat now.
    <Cranesbill: Sleeping Princess is awesome!!!>
    Winter Cherry: ...
    Name: Volarmis
    DMM ID: 317568967

  6. #276

    Join Date
    Nov 2016

    Title: Imitations-su

    Anisodontea: Truth to be told, these hair ornaments are imitations of the hair ornaments senior Kitsune no Botan usually wears-su~!
    Kitsune no Botan: Is that so...
    Kitsune no Botan: Imitating... are you happy with it?
    Anisodontea: Imitating the senior I respect so much and having a matching look makes me happy, for sure-su!
    Kitsune no Botan: Come here and brush my teeth like always-su.
    Anisodontea: Eeh!? Senior, what are you doing so suddenly-su!?
    Kitsune no Botan: I tried imitating Anisodontea. ...did you like it?
    Anisodontea: So that's the case-su!! I'm happy-su~!! Let me brush your teeth-su!! <toothbrush equipped>
    Kitsune no Botan: Fufufu...♪
    Name: Volarmis
    DMM ID: 317568967

  7. #277

    Join Date
    Nov 2016

    Title: An ordinary citizen's rest day

    Chicory: I'm so looking forward to experiencing an ordinary citizen's rest day! Take good care of me today!
    Dipladenia: Even though I'm not sure if you'll enjoy it all that much... Take good care of me.
    Dipladenia: First up is the parfait ♪ In this store they prepare it with lots of fruit and it's totally delicious.
    Chicory: Oh my! Ordinary citizen's parfaits are so intricate!
    Chicory: Haah~! It was delicious~! Let's take a quick break and go for the next one!
    Dipladenia: Sure.
    Plumeria: Ah! Dipladenia!
    Plumeria: What a coincidence to run into you in town! If you're taking a break, here, rest your head on my lap~ <pat pat>
    Dipladenia: Plumeria... Right now is a bit...
    Chicory: Is this an ordinary citizen's way to take a break!? Let me try it too, please!
    Name: Volarmis
    DMM ID: 317568967

  8. #278

    Join Date
    Nov 2016

    Title: What do you think?

    <in chocolate-making class>
    Victoria: The word in the streets seems to be that the return gift for Valentine's is expected to be three times bigger.
    Victoria: What in the world should I give for the return gift to become Commander himself...
    Victoria: Dividing Commander in 3 and giving a part to Commander... sounds silly, doesn't it... Fufu <mixing>
    Convallaria: To divide my beloved Commander in 3... I wouldn't even dare to think such a sad thought. <breaking chocolate>
    Victoria: Fufu... However isn't it wonderful to receive Commander's body? <Fufufufufufu>
    Convallaria: I don't understand what you are trying to say... <Fufufufufufu>
    Victoria & Convallaria: What do you think, Mistletoe? <turning>
    Mistletoe: Wha!!? Do... Don't dump this on me please!!
    Name: Volarmis
    DMM ID: 317568967

  9. #279

    Join Date
    Nov 2016

    Title: Round off udon1

    Rose Moss: Master... Here's some udon to round off the hot pot...
    Lewisia: Udon...
    Rose Moss: Ah...!
    Rose Moss: Master never really liked noodles...
    Rose Moss: I, I'm sorry...
    Lewisia: No problem! What I don't like about them is when the noodles get cut off, because it reminds me of a snapping bow string and I find that to be a bad omen.
    Lewisia: Therefore...
    Lewisia: It should be fine if I just slurp them up without biting them!! <slurping>
    Rose Moss: Th... they will get stuck in your throat if you do that...!

    1 The last meal eaten when going restaurant hopping​
    Name: Volarmis
    DMM ID: 317568967

  10. #280

    Join Date
    Nov 2016

    Title: Lychnis's coat

    Lychnis: Thank you very much for preparing a change of clothes for me!
    Lychnis: I was in a fix when they got torn during training, so you really helped me out...
    Akane: Don't mention it!
    Akane: Truth to be told, as a service this time I additionally dyed it using a kimono design I came across in Lilywood as an inspiration!1
    Lychnis: Is that so? I can't see it being any different than usual...
    Akane: I've decorated the lining of the coat with a food motive! I've tried making it with the sushi that both Lychnis and Nadeshiko like so much! <uncovering>
    Lychnis: Waaah!!

    1 See chapter 62.
    Name: Volarmis
    DMM ID: 317568967

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