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  1. #281

    Join Date
    Nov 2016

    Title: The best Ragaraja school1

    Lewisia: There are a lot of Ragaraja schools, but the school of archery is the best, as expected.
    Nadeshiko: The Ragaraja single blade school is wonderfull too, you know.
    Little girl: Uwa~ah! My balloon~! <Somebody~>
    Nadeshiko & Lewisia: Oh no! We need to get it for her!
    Lewisia: Then again shooting it down with a bow is not an option...
    Nadeshiko: So is cutting the tree to get it...
    <Hypericum zooming by>
    Hypericum: Ragaraja school ninja art! Tree climbing jutsu!!
    <Little girl: Thank you, big sister~!!>

    1 A few of the flower knights, including Nadeshiko, Lewisia and Hypericum, use skills that have the name of their martial art's school in their names - that being 愛染流 (lit. love - dyed - school), which the wiki translates to "Ragaraja"
    Name: Volarmis
    DMM ID: 317568967

  2. #282

    Join Date
    Nov 2016

    Title: Boobs

    Flame Lily: Oh no! I got stuck in a hole in the wall...
    Flame Lily: and because of my boobs I can't pull out!!
    Flame Lily: Ah! Perhaps if I try that massage to make your boobs smaller I read about in a book before I might be able to pull out...!? <groping commences>
    Kijimushiro: Flame Lily... Doing such a thing in a place where people can easily see you is simply bad manners. <Bad!>
    Flame Lily: Kijimushiro, I'm sorry! I just can't get out... <trying>
    Kijimushiro: <How about this!> I'll keep you hidden, so go for it now...!
    Flame Lily: Thank you very much~! <groping resumes>
    Last edited by Volarmis; 03-04-2020 at 09:58 PM.
    Name: Volarmis
    DMM ID: 317568967

  3. #283

    Join Date
    Nov 2016

    Title: Toothpick

    Harujion: A button fell off!
    Avens: Are you ok? Sis-sis... no, I can sew it back on!
    Avens: ...is what I'd like to say, but even though I have a thread, I've got no needle...
    Harujion: I have just the thing!
    Harujion: A toothpick! You can use it instead of a needle to do the sewing!
    Avens: A toothpick!? Why are you carrying one with you...?
    Harujion: I always walk around with one! My grandma taught me to bite on it when I can't eat my meal! <Like this!>
    Avens: <Keeping a stiff upper lip...!!>1

    1 "The samurai glories in honourable poverty" - when a samurai wasn't serving a master and therefore didn't have food to eat, he allegedly kept a toothpick in his mouth in order not to show others that he is hungry
    Name: Volarmis
    DMM ID: 317568967

  4. #284

    Join Date
    Nov 2016

    Title: Nee1

    Flowering Peach: I'll put my nameplate [neemupureeto] here...
    Avens: Hm? Do you want something from sis-sis [neene]?
    Flowering Peach: Sis-sis [neene]...?
    Avens: Ah... sorry. I have a lot of little sisters and I'm called sis-sis [neene] by them, so I unconsciously react to "nee"...
    Flowering Peach: So that's the case. That just means Avens really cares for her little sisters-wane.2
    Avens: Hm? What's that? <turns back>
    Avens: Ah... sorry. I thought you were calling me again... <flustered>
    Flowering Peach: You even react to "ne"!? Isn't your margin of error a bit too wide!?

    1 This one relies heavily on the Japanese language so I'll just leave it like it is
    2 Flowering Peach's speach quirk - contains "ne"
    Last edited by Volarmis; 11-23-2023 at 03:42 PM.
    Name: Volarmis
    DMM ID: 317568967

  5. #285

    Join Date
    Nov 2016

    Title: I want to know

    Bluet: So this is the rumored body shrinking juice! I wonder, just how small can it make you? I want to know so badly~!
    Heart Tree: Stop right there! I forbid you from drinking such a suspicious thing! It's absolutely forbidden!
    Bluet: But I want to know!
    Heart Tree: What would you do if it was poisonous!?
    <bird taking a sip>
    Bluet & Heart Tree: Ah...!
    Heart Tree: EEEEEEH!?
    <Bluet: Awesome!! The birdy became an egg!!>
    <Heart Tree: Getting smaller in that meaning!?>
    <Heart Tree: More importantly, what do we do with this!?>
    Bluet: Let's keep the egg warm... <sleeping>
    Bluet: Munya...
    Name: Volarmis
    DMM ID: 317568967

  6. #286

    Join Date
    Nov 2016

    Title: That's a tail, you know?

    Passion Flower: Red Cat's Tail, your hair also looks like a tail.
    Red Cat's Tail: Fufu...
    Red Cat's Tail: Truth to be told, this thing that looks like hair is actually a tail.
    Red Cat's Tail: <Though that's obviously a lie ♪>
    Passion Flower: Eeeh!? So that was the case!?
    Red Cat's Tail: The thing that looks like your hair is actually a tail too, you know?
    Passion Flower: <!!?> What are you talking about~!? My hair is just hair!
    Red Cat's Tail: Isn't it standing up as if trying to intimidate me right now? ♪
    Passion Flower: Eeeh!? ...Ah! When did this happen...!!
    Name: Volarmis
    DMM ID: 317568967

  7. #287

    Join Date
    Nov 2016

    Title: Flower viewing

    Heart Tree: A tea party that also serves as flower viewing is a fine thing, is it not?
    <Red Cat's Tail munching away>
    Passion Flower: That's right.
    Bluet: Heart Tree! Look, look~!
    Heart Tree: Bluet!? What in the world are you wearing!? <A headband!!?>
    Bluet: It seems this is this country's style for flower viewing! You wrap hair ornaments around your head, drink, sing, dance and fall asleep in the end while hugging a sake bottle!
    Heart Tree: What is that supposed to be!? I have never heard such a thing! Do you see any people like that...
    Heart Tree: h... here...!!
    Hop: <Munya...>
    Heather: <I can still drink more~>
    Name: Volarmis
    DMM ID: 317568967

  8. #288

    Join Date
    Nov 2016

    Title: Being a vice-commander

    Scoop: Today, instead of Nazuna, the Commander's assistant-for-a-day Scoop will be stamping documents!
    Scoop: Scoop will also attend meetings!
    Scoop: Additionally, I will also be the vice-commander!
    Scoop: Leave all the support you'd need to Scoop!
    <the night of that day>
    Scoop: Ti... tired...
    Scoop: Being Commander's assistant and the vice-commander is such hard work... ...I don't want to do it anymore...
    Scoop: I'll never be the vice-commander again!! <crying>
    <to be continued?>
    Name: Volarmis
    DMM ID: 317568967

  9. #289

    Join Date
    Nov 2016

    Title: Hanging out naked

    Yuzu: Brodiaea, let's hang out naked!
    Brodiaea: Eeh!? Naked!? What do you mean...!?
    Brodiaea: What do you know... By hanging out naked you meant a dip in the hot springs.
    Yuzu: Yes! It's Yuzu's hobby to stay at Luffa's inn and enjoy the hot spring.
    Brodiaea: Wah!? What's that sound!? <startled>
    Yuzu: ...Aah
    Yuzu: That was a cat. They appear a lot near this hot spring.
    Brodiaea: What do you know, it was a cat.
    <Luffa lurking>
    Name: Volarmis
    DMM ID: 317568967

  10. #290

    Join Date
    Nov 2016

    Title: From one end to the other

    Orange: I finally bought everything that was to buy from one end of that shop to the other ♪
    Mikan: We bought quite a lot, haven't we?
    Mikan: Since we have have so much luggage, walking home just like this will be difficult.
    Orange: That's true...
    Orange: Let's stuff the luggage inside a carriage and return like that.
    Mikan: Good idea! As expected of my big sister!
    Orange: Excuse me-! Can I rent all the carriages from that end to the other~?
    Mikan: Big sister! As single carriage will be enough!!
    Name: Volarmis
    DMM ID: 317568967

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