Title: Swimsuit maid

Touch-me-not: Hamanadeshiko asked me to work at her beach hut as a swimsuit maid, but...
Touch-me-not: How should I serve customers as a maid?
Exacum: If it's fine with you, can I read out the menu to show you the words I often use while working as a maid for young lady Bessera?
Touch-me-not: Thank you! I'll be repeating after you then.
Exacum: Welcome back!
Touch-me-not: Welcome back!
Exacum: I will be serving you now!
Touch-me-not: I will be serving you now!
Exacum: Frankfurters, correct? Coming right up!
Touch-me-not: Frankfurters, correct? Coming right up!
Exacum: ...by the way, young lady, what are frankfurters?
Touch-me-not: By the way, young...
Touch-me-not: Eh!?