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  1. #341

    Join Date
    Nov 2016

    Title: The day of 6

    Nazuna: I, Nazuna... Have awakened my 6th sense!!
    Di Yu: Truly, a sudden declaration...?
    Nazuna: Things like that awaken suddenly! Now, let's try to see which of these boxes contains the "extremely spicy curry"... <Mmmmmm...>
    Nazuna: The right one!!
    Canola, Di Yu, Cepha Lanthera & Saint Paulia: <staring>
    Saint Paulia: <uncovered> Waa~ She got it right~
    Canola: That's righ...
    Canola: Wait, you can just tell by the smell, since it's curry!! That's just your "sense of smell"!!
    Ivy & Curry Plant: <6th sense... So cool...!!>
    Last edited by Volarmis; 01-27-2021 at 02:39 PM.
    Name: Volarmis
    DMM ID: 317568967

  2. #342

    Join Date
    Nov 2016

    Title: Santolina and Lavender

    Santolina: Lavender! If it's fine with you, could we chat for a while?
    Lavender: Why would you like to chat with me? Don't tell me you want to come between Commander and me...
    Santolina: When we were together on our previous mission I started feeling a strong kinship with you!
    Lavender: Kinship? Refrain from feeling something like that on your own.
    Lavender: Now if you excuse me, I need to do some maintenance on the toothbrush I got from Commander and decorate my room with it.
    Santolina: Is that so... Even though I thought we would have a meal together and prepared a hot pot...
    Lavender: Hot pot!?
    <Lavender: I'm going back as soon as I finish eating.> <chowing down>
    <Santolina: Sure! Using the occasion, I'd like to hear a lot about Commander from Lavender!>
    <Lavender: The fate between Commander and me->
    Aloe: Lave is eating a meal with another girl!! Let me join you~!!
    Name: Volarmis
    DMM ID: 317568967

  3. #343

    Join Date
    Nov 2016

    Title: The Thousand Winged

    [The ancient disaster, Hraesvelgr]
    [Also known as "The King of Thunder and Dawn" or "The Thousand Winged"]
    Lantana: ...which means, we need to face him with flower knights who also govern a thousand of something!!
    Ghost Weed: I see!
    Lantana: I've brought 3 of such flower knights which came to my mind with me!!
    Lantana: Lycoris, who has a thousand tails!!
    <Lycoris: I have nowhere near a thousand...>
    Lantana: Lewisia, who has a thousand secret techniques!!
    <Lewisia: You mean my "Thousand sparkling flame blossoms"1>
    Lantana: And last, but not least... "Once in a thousand years beauty"!! It's Pumpkiiiiiin!!
    Pumpkin: Eh, eeeeeeh~~!?

    1 Lewisia's technique name - 千煌華火 (千 - thousand 煌 - glitter/sparkle 華 - flower/blossom/glorious 火 - fire/flame)
    Name: Volarmis
    DMM ID: 317568967

  4. #344

    Join Date
    Nov 2016

    Title: Adult chocolates

    Bauera: I get the feeling that Hemerocallis also prepares adult chocolates for Valentine's Day~!
    Barrenwort: Yeah, yeah!
    Hemerocallis: Fufu, is that so? Actually, it's only the regular ones. For example, ones like chocolate bonbons with western alcohol filling.
    Bauera: An adult~!
    Barrenwort: When you said "adult chocolates" I imagined a life-sized chocolate in the shape of Hemerocallis~
    <Choco Hemerocallis: I'm you present~>
    Bauera: Obviously, that's out of the question since you can't even carry it around~!
    Barrenwort: Eh? It can be carried around, you know?
    Bauera: Eh?
    Barrenwort: It can be carried around, you know?
    Name: Volarmis
    DMM ID: 317568967

  5. #345

    Join Date
    Nov 2016

    Title: Can't be helped!

    Pussy Willow: Even though I act willfully like a cat, I want someone to say "can't be helped" at me~
    Pussy Willow: Like "Since it's Pussy Willow, it can't be helped"!
    Pussy Willow: Nodding Anemone, let's aim for "can't be helped" together!
    Nodding Anemone: Eh!? M, me too...?
    Pussy Willow: Today we're spending the whole day freely, as we like! Since I'm Pussy Willow, it can't be helped!
    Nodding Anemone: Ah, since I'm Nodding Anemone, it can't be helped... ...u, ummm...
    Nodding Anemone: W, what should I do to spend the whole day as I like? Do you know, Panso?
    Panso: ......
    Name: Volarmis
    DMM ID: 317568967

  6. #346

    Join Date
    Nov 2016

    Title: Cat love

    Herb-of-grace: Haaa~~~~! Lord kitty mofu mofu.... mofu mofu... mofu mofu~~!! Just one more minute... just one minute... haah... haah... <breathing in some cat>
    Herb-of-grace: Ah...! <It's gone...> <cat jumps away>
    Pussy Willow: Herb-of-grace's expressions of love sure are something~
    Herb-of-grace: Seeing lord kitty's great form, somehow I just can't help but always get excited and lose myself...
    Pussy Willow: Is that so~! I don't think there's anyone else who could get so exci...
    Nepeta: Kitty~~♪
    Nepeta: Nfufu~~♪ Arench chu a cutie today as well~♪ I'll mofu mofu, wipe wipe you good~♪ Aaah~~~~~~ this scent... so good~~ so good~~♪ Nyafufu~♪ <breathing in some cat>
    <Pussy Willow: There is!!>
    Name: Volarmis
    DMM ID: 317568967

  7. #347

    Join Date
    Nov 2016

    Title: Luffa's tastes

    Bryonia: Since this costume fits Luffa's tastes, I'm being made to wear it...
    Bougainvillea: It makes you look like a doll and I think it's cute...
    Bryonia: Bougainvillea, would you like to try wearing one too? If Luffa likes it, she may give you free entry to her hot springs.
    Bougainvillea: Eh... No... It's not like I don't want to, but... <Hot springs...?>
    Bougainvillea: <Look here...> As you can expect, no doubt such an outfit wouldn't...
    Bryonia: No...
    Luffa: No!!
    Luffa: <pops out> You pass!!
    Bougainvillea: Eh!?
    Bryonia: Ah, Luffa. <You were peeping again.>
    Name: Volarmis
    DMM ID: 317568967

  8. #348

    Join Date
    Nov 2016

    Title: Risky swimsuit: continued

    Burning Bush: Blue Lace Flower, can you knit lace swimsuits?
    Blue Lace Flower: [special skill: lace knitting] Yes, I can. Should I make one?
    Burning Bush: You can!?
    Burning Bush: <A lace swimsuit...! If it's what I'm thinking about, it should be risky swimsuit, which makes you think you can barely see something...!!>
    Burning Bush: <However if I'm wearing one alone in secret...♡> <getting excited>
    Blue Lace Flower: Thank you for waiting, Burning Bush. Here's your promised lace swimsuit.
    Burning Bush: Yaay~! Thank you very much!
    Blue Lace Flower: I thought a modest design showing little skin would be a good idea, so I went for a one-piece type that extends down to your knees. <properly>
    Burning Bush: ......
    Last edited by Volarmis; 02-07-2024 at 11:44 AM.
    Name: Volarmis
    DMM ID: 317568967

  9. #349

    Join Date
    Nov 2016

    Title: High five

    Gold Bunny: Whew... pest repulsion complete!
    Isogiku: Much appreciated!
    Gold Bunny: Thank you! Isogiku, give me a high five~♪ <happily running over>
    Isogiku: Eh? Ah... sure!
    Gold Bunny: Wha~? I can't reach...
    Isogiku: Ah...
    Isogiku: S... sorry. It seems my breasts are in the way... Could we do one with our hands lower...? <embarassed>
    Gold Bunny: No problem-♪
    Name: Volarmis
    DMM ID: 317568967

  10. #350

    Join Date
    Nov 2016

    Title: Rabbit dishes

    Duranta: I've made some egg dishes for Cobra Lily... With this, she'll become more squishy squishy...
    Cobra Lily: Waa~! Thank you~!
    Cobra Lily: Your rabbit costume is so cute~ ...Ah, I'd like to try some rabbit dishes too~ <chowing down>
    Duranta: Rabbit dishes...?
    Duranta: <Rabbit... Rabbit meat is similar to bird meat and she won't become so squishy squishy with such a light meat...>
    Duranta: <Meat of something that's still a rabbit, but more squishy squishy than rabbit's...>
    Duranta: ......Me? <realization>
    Cobra Lily: ?
    Name: Volarmis
    DMM ID: 317568967

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