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  1. #1

    Join Date
    Nov 2016

    Title: The charm of nudity

    Leucophyllum: Whew-! It went well one way or another! Good job on the mission, everyone! <disrobes>
    Dill: Ababababa!? Why are you taking your clothes off!?
    Leucophyllum: Sorry, sorry! Since I feel more relaxed in the nude, I did that without noticing...
    Dill: Is that so...!?
    Leucophyllum: Aah! Dill, you should get what I'm talking about once you try it yourself!
    Leucophyllum: Actually, it's a mystery for me how can one live without going nude.
    Dill: Uuu...
    Dill: I don't know if I'll understand the greatness of it, but... Since you insist...... <undoing buttons>
    Dill: !!
    Dill: <I can feel the wind on my skin... In the olden days... As well as when people are born, feeling this wind......>
    Dill: I agree, you might be onto something here...
    Leucophyllum: I am, am I not!?
    Name: Volarmis
    DMM ID: 317568967

  2. #2

    Join Date
    Nov 2016

    Title: Mystery of the corpse?

    Carrot: Under the tree for flower viewing... a corpse is sleeping...
    Carrot: What do they mean by that!? What's the connection between flower viewing and a corpse!? Dock1, explain please!
    Burdock: We usually gain new knowledge by conducting our investigations... We should find something out if we try digging it up.
    Carrot: I see! I'll try digging right away!
    Carrot: ...Ah!! Found something!! Something was buried!!
    Carrot: What is this!? Something that looks like an unknown stone tablet appeared!! Is this somehow connected to the mystery of the corpse!?
    Burdock: <Ah... It's the stone tablet I forgot that I wanted to take my time researching later on and left it temporarily buried...>

    1 Carrot's nickname for Burdock
    Name: Volarmis
    DMM ID: 317568967

  3. #3

    Join Date
    Nov 2016

    Title: Don't say "small"!

    Solidago: Linaria-! Let's eat some takoyaki!
    Linaria: Takoyaki!? I'd really like some!
    Linaria: Ah, this one is so small and cute!
    Solidago: Small!?
    Solidago: Don't say "small"!!
    Linaria: Why not? It is obviously smaller compared to the other takoyaki...!
    Solidago: Compared to that takoyaki, mine are evidently bigger~~~~!! <Waaah>
    Linaria: Eh...? <What is...?>
    Seashore Aster: Allow me! It seems like we have a misunderstanding here, so let's straighten it out first.
    Name: Volarmis
    DMM ID: 317568967

  4. #4

    Join Date
    Nov 2016

    Title: Cotton candy lookalike

    Twinflower: Here you go! Twin tails, complete!
    Moss Rose: Thank you very much!
    Moss Rose: This twin tails hairstyle is so fluffy and absolutely beautiful ♪
    Twinflower: It sure is! It kind of looks like Moss Rose's favorite cotton candy, doesn't it?
    Moss Rose: It does, you're right! Would you be even able to tell the difference between me and the cotton candy seeing only the silhouettes?
    Twinflower: Ahaha ♪ Come on, I can do that at least~
    Twinflower: <Moss Rose is on the> right!!
    Name: Volarmis
    DMM ID: 317568967

  5. #5

    Join Date
    Nov 2016

    Title: Love poem

    Marsh-marigold: "Right now I'm just a common girl, but I believe a prince is coming to meet me... I'm seeing a dream of one day becoming a princess...♪" <Fufu...♡>
    Twinleaf: What are you up to, Marsh-marigold?
    Marsh-marigold: Ah...! You know... I've been writing love poems. <It's a bit embarassing...>
    Twinleaf: Love poems, huh... Isn't that just lovely? Could I try my hand at them too?
    Marsh-marigold: Twinleaf's poems! I'd love to hear them! <beaming>
    Twinleaf: "...I'll always be waiting. Feel free to prioritize other girls and leave me for the very last..." <Sounds good, right...?>
    Marsh-marigold: <A blighted love poem...!?>
    Last edited by Volarmis; 02-07-2024 at 11:46 AM.
    Name: Volarmis
    DMM ID: 317568967

  6. #6

    Join Date
    Nov 2016

    Title: Magic for flying in the sky

    Butterfly Bush: Just like we did that one time, thanks to Scotch Broom's magic, I'd like to fly in the sky once again. <Just like that!!>1
    Butterfly Bush: ...which brings us here! I had magic cast on me again~! It's the 3rd time, so I know exactly how to fly!
    Nigella: That's awesome, Butterfly Bush.
    Butterfly Bush: Did you get magic cast on you too, Nigella!?
    Nigella: ...Yeah. In my case, it's on my scythe. ...Then again, since it's dangerous to fly too high
    Nigella: ...I thought we should try moving low like this during our flight.
    Butterfly Bush: That's kind of ground-breaking, isn't it!?

    1 Reference to Event Story "The Witch's Friends' Odd Night"
    Name: Volarmis
    DMM ID: 317568967

  7. #7

    Join Date
    Nov 2016

    Title: Sisters who look nothing alike?

    Rain Lily: Do we really look nothing alike, Zephyranthes?
    Zephyranthes: I don't mind that at all!
    Rain Lily: Even though the stylish trends you follow are different,
    Rain Lily: if we match our hairstyles for example, we should look exactly the same! <I have a wig here.>
    Zephyranthes: I see!
    Zephyranthes: How is it? I think it turned out quite good...
    Rain Lily: ......Hmmm~...
    Rain Lily: Just putting the wig on is not enough! First, let's properly adjust it and put on some Zephyranthes-like ornaments...
    Zephyranthes: ...Didn't your goal change here?
    Name: Volarmis
    DMM ID: 317568967

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