Title: Mystery of the corpse?

Carrot: Under the tree for flower viewing... a corpse is sleeping...
Carrot: What do they mean by that!? What's the connection between flower viewing and a corpse!? Dock1, explain please!
Burdock: We usually gain new knowledge by conducting our investigations... We should find something out if we try digging it up.
Carrot: I see! I'll try digging right away!
Carrot: ...Ah!! Found something!! Something was buried!!
Carrot: What is this!? Something that looks like an unknown stone tablet appeared!! Is this somehow connected to the mystery of the corpse!?
Burdock: <Ah... It's the stone tablet I forgot that I wanted to take my time researching later on and left it temporarily buried...>

1 Carrot's nickname for Burdock