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  1. #1

    Join Date
    Nov 2016

    Title: Ingredient guessing quiz

    Pothos: So, Echo1 remembers any sound she heard even once... ...Therefore! How about trying to guess what I'm eating right now!? <chowing down>
    Sickle-shaped Solomon's Seal: I think I can do that.
    Sickle-shaped Solomon's Seal: ...Cucumber.
    Pothos: Correct!
    Pothos: To the next one then...
    Sickle-shaped Solomon's Seal: ...Spring onion.
    Pothos: Correct! This will be the last one. There's a chance you haven't heard this one before. <chewing>
    Sickle-shaped Solomon's Seal: Hm... This sound is...
    Sickle-shaped Solomon's Seal: The sound of tying the stem of cherries using your tongue... it is.
    Pothos: Awesome! Correct! You actually knew this one!
    Sickle-shaped Solomon's Seal: Big sister tried doing it, so I had the chance to hear it.

    1 Sickle-shaped Solomon's Seal's codename in the Deep Record organization
    Name: Volarmis
    DMM ID: 317568967

  2. #2

    Join Date
    Nov 2016

    Title: A Fox's Wedding1

    South Enchanter's Nightshade: A sunshower... It finally came down... <sigh...>
    South Enchanter's Nightshade: As expected, I can't see any fox's wedding procession like on that day...
    South Enchanter's Nightshade: ...huh, wait!?
    South Enchanter's Nightshade: That swaying, can it be...!?
    Statice: Ah! South Enchanter's Nightshade! Help us take away the laundry~!
    Statice: <The rain suddenly came down~>
    South Enchanter's Nightshade: Ah, sure!
    Angelica: <Why it is me who's getting all drenched~>
    South Enchanter's Nightshade: So I really was mistaken... I can't seem to witness it... <running along>

    1 In Japanese folklore a sunshower is a sign of a youkai (spirit/fairy/demon) fox female having her wedding procession, like in the last panel
    Name: Volarmis
    DMM ID: 317568967

  3. #3

    Join Date
    Nov 2016

    Title: The trendy karaage

    Vanilla: I've bought some of the "Ouban Karaage" that's trending right now. <steaming>
    Japanese Indigo: Thank you~!
    Japanese Indigo: <I've already eaten this with a number of people... Honestly, I may be slightly tired of it at this point...>
    Japanese Indigo: Thanks for the meal♪
    Angelica: Thanks for the meal! <bite>
    Angelica: Wait, SWEET!? Why is it so sweet, when it is karaage!?
    Angelica: Wah! If you look closely, the outside is actually sprinkled with sugar and the inside is filled to the brim with honey, isn't it!?
    Japanese Indigo: You're right-! It's so different and sweet-! <It's a taste I haven't tried before~!!>
    Vanilla: Sweet and tasty♪ [<- Has a sweet tooth]
    Angelica: Wha!? Except me, everyone accepted it!?
    Last edited by Volarmis; 07-21-2021 at 05:12 AM.
    Name: Volarmis
    DMM ID: 317568967

  4. #4

    Join Date
    Nov 2016

    Title: Mechanazunagers

    Nazuna: Since you already became Mechanazunagers, it'd be great if you had a rangers-like victory pose!
    <Mechanazunagers: You're right!!>
    Nazuna: I think that a flower-like pose would be good after all...
    Nazuna: <Hm...> Let's see... For example...
    Nazuna: Making your hands look like a flower - Blooming Pose! Or something...
    Nazuna: ...wait ...what?
    Nazuna: Isn't that one a bit too advanced!?
    [They fell apart 3 seconds later]
    Last edited by Volarmis; 07-26-2021 at 11:47 PM.
    Name: Volarmis
    DMM ID: 317568967

  5. #5

    Join Date
    Nov 2016

    Title: Poltergeist?

    <cupboard door slams>
    Longstalk Holly: Fuaaah!?
    Longstalk Holly: Nobody touched it, yet the cupboard by itself...!? How... <silence>
    Aeonium: <Ah.> Right now a ghost closed it.
    Longstalk Holly: <Eh?> Is this what they call a poltergeist? Is the ghost acting out of anger...?
    Aeonium: You're wrong~
    Aeonium: Right now the ghosts were taking part in an obstacle race and one of the little ones fell out and bumped the cupboard by accident~
    Longstalk Holly: They're enjoying themselves!!
    Name: Volarmis
    DMM ID: 317568967

  6. #6

    Join Date
    Nov 2016

    Title: Being positive

    Purple Loosestrife: Pomegranate, you're always so positive, it's so cool! Is there a trick to being so positive?
    Pomegranate: Hmmm, let's see...
    Pomegranate: No matter what happens, if you face forward and go, you'll be "forward-looking"! ...Or something!
    Purple Loosestrife: I see...!
    Purple Loosestrife: Look forwa...
    Purple Loosestrife: Hiawah!? <headshot>
    Pomegranate: Purple Loosestrife!?
    Purple Loosestrife: ...no matter what happens... face forward... and go... <creeping forward>
    Pomegranate: I'll help you right away, so stop for a moment!!
    Name: Volarmis
    DMM ID: 317568967

  7. #7

    Join Date
    Nov 2016

    Title: Let's make a sherbet

    [Put finely crushed ice and salt into a bag.]
    [Then put a bag with juice into it.]
    Rainbow Rose: If you then close the bag and, without breaking it, energetically fondle it, the temperature will continue to drop quicker the quicker the ice melts, making the juice into a sherbet.
    <Rainbow Rose: Just like this!!>
    Chelone: I've got it...!
    Chelone: Hm...? The feeling of this bag...
    Chelone: Reminds me of the fish I've touched previously...
    Chelone: I was only doing a water quality inspection and yet it's the first time I've seen such a fish there... I want to go there with Ichigou1 again... <Fufu>
    Rainbow Rose: What happened to doing it energetically!? <It'll all melt like that!!>

    1 The name of Chelone's turtle
    Last edited by Volarmis; 08-12-2021 at 10:24 PM.
    Name: Volarmis
    DMM ID: 317568967

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