Title: Ingredient guessing quiz

Pothos: So, Echo1 remembers any sound she heard even once... ...Therefore! How about trying to guess what I'm eating right now!? <chowing down>
Sickle-shaped Solomon's Seal: I think I can do that.
Sickle-shaped Solomon's Seal: ...Cucumber.
Pothos: Correct!
Pothos: To the next one then...
Sickle-shaped Solomon's Seal: ...Spring onion.
Pothos: Correct! This will be the last one. There's a chance you haven't heard this one before. <chewing>
Sickle-shaped Solomon's Seal: Hm... This sound is...
Sickle-shaped Solomon's Seal: The sound of tying the stem of cherries using your tongue... it is.
Pothos: Awesome! Correct! You actually knew this one!
Sickle-shaped Solomon's Seal: Big sister tried doing it, so I had the chance to hear it.

1 Sickle-shaped Solomon's Seal's codename in the Deep Record organization