Title: Pan!1

Twinspur: I tried baking some bread~!
Clustered Bellflower: Yay~! It looks delicious!
<Bread pops>
Clustered Bellflower: Whoa!?
Twinspur: Prank successful~! It's toy bread that goes "pan"~! ...huh?
Twinspur: Wha...?
<Clustered Bellflower heavily panting>
Clustered Bellflower: Ah... Excuse me. It reminded me of the sound I hear when my big sister slaps my butt as punishment, so I just... <heart beating fast>
<Spotted Bellflower: Bad!>
<Clustered Bellflower: Forgive me big sister~❤>

1 Pun untranslatable - "pan" is both bread and an onomatopaeia for slapping something or a loud popping sound in Japanese