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  1. #381

    Join Date
    Nov 2016

    Title: Deep red liquid

    Lilac Squirrel: Kukuku... As I thought, only this deep red blood can appease mine thirst...!
    Lilac Squirrel: <Though this is actually vegetable juice...>
    Flowering Peach: Hm...? Lady Lilac Squirrel!
    Flowering Peach: I was just about to prepare some beef stroganoff, so... would Lady Lilac Squirrel join me for the meal?
    Lilac Squirrel: What!? That's a favorite of mine! I'll gladly join you!
    Lilac Squirrel: Ah! In that case, you are allowed to use this red liquid as the hidden ingredient. <It'll enhance the taste.>
    Flowering Peach: Eh!? Making blood the hidden ingredient!?
    Lilac Squirrel: Ah!!
    Lilac Squirrel: N... No, it's fine!! This is not blood after all!!
    Flowering Peach: That is not blood!?
    Lilac Squirrel: E-ah!!
    Lilac Squirrel: Umm, no, this here is blood!!
    Flowering Peach: Eeeh!?
    Name: Volarmis
    DMM ID: 317568967

  2. #382

    Join Date
    Nov 2016

    Title: Peach and Flowering Peach

    Flowering Peach: Big sister Peach! Trick or treat!
    Peach: Oh, Flowering Peach.
    Peach: Fufu, what if I said I won't give you any candy
    Peach: what kind of prank would Flowering Peach play on me? <Just kidding...>
    Flowering Peach: EH......? Big sister won't... give me any candy...? <depressed>
    Peach: Oh my!? <So much!!?>
    Flowering Peach: Candy...... <burned out>
    Peach: I... I'm sorry Flowering Peach!! I properly prepared the candy. I've prepared a lot of it!!
    Name: Volarmis
    DMM ID: 317568967

  3. #383

    Join Date
    Nov 2016

    Title: Victory dance

    Silk Tree: Since we're already in these outfits, should we dance the pest extarmination victory dance?
    Cyclamen: Eeh!? Something like a victory dance is impossible for me!
    Silk Tree: I had the chance to talk about it with a dancer in the past1, so...
    Silk Tree: I'll teach you.
    Silk Tree: The trick is to convey the joy you feel from the victory and the feelings of apprectiation for everyone with your dance. Let's start with Browallia...
    Cyclamen: I see... Then even the shy me can do that.
    <Browallia: Our next destination is...>
    <Silk Tree and Cyclamen doing their dance>
    Browallia: Uwah!? What is it!? Did I do something wrong!?

    1 See chapter 236
    Name: Volarmis
    DMM ID: 317568967

  4. #384

    Join Date
    Nov 2016

    Title: Traditional Chinese medicine cocoa

    Wolf Berry: Today, a bit cold. Wolf Berry, traditional Chinese medicine cocoa, prepare. Everyone, nice and toasty ♪
    Browallia: I see... Traditional Chinese medicine cocoa, huh...
    Watercress: <Wolf Berry... Once again she's boldly trying to mix up traditional Chinese medicine with something sweet1...! Even though those kind of things need to be prepared really carefully to avoid failure...>
    [past memories...]
    Watercress: Wo... Wolf Berry!
    Browallia: In that case, if we decorate it beautifully like this and try to add it bit by bit while drinking, won't it improve the meal's presentation?
    Watercress: Wait just a mo... what?
    Browallia: Ah! It doesn't need to be said, but it's not like I'm interested in this kind of cute and stylish drinks! That's absolutely not the case!!
    Wolf Berry: ?
    Watercress: <I can't say for sure, but this time it might actually work...!?>

    1 See chapter 329
    Name: Volarmis
    DMM ID: 317568967

  5. #385

    Join Date
    Nov 2016

    Title: Quiz! Deep Record

    Marshmallow Plant: I've got a quiz for the Asian Hazel who's often solving puzzles in her free time ♪
    Asian Hazel: I think puzzles and quizes are different things, but sure.
    Marshmallow Plant: Here's your question then. <puts on hat>
    Marshmallow Plant: Which of the members of Deep Record fits the term "pitiful" the most?1
    Asian Hazel: That's quite a question. <What's with the hat?>
    Asian Hazel: ...Let's see here... Considering Marshmallow Plant's usual speech and conduct...
    Asian Hazel: It came to me. Is the answer "everyone"?
    <the usual Marshmallow Plant: Everyone is so pitiful.>
    Marshmallow Plant: Fuffu- ^.^
    Marshmallow Plant: The answer is that "pitiful" can also mean "pit full", so the one most probable to be filling a pit was our fieldwork specialist, Pothos~
    Asian Hazel: So it was actually a word pun!!

    1 The best I could do with this - she originally asks "who's the most pitiful [kawaisou]" while "kawa isou" can mean "river removal"
    Name: Volarmis
    DMM ID: 317568967

  6. #386

    Join Date
    Nov 2016

    Title: The concept of being stylish

    Escallonia: The concept of being stylish is so troublesome.
    Escallonia: I'm only wearing these clothes because they're needed during my missions as well...
    Ionocidium: I agree~! I also like clothes that are easy to wear and spend time in.
    Escallonia: Ionocidium! I see our interests align.
    Ionocidium: Truth to be told, I could spend an entire day lazing around wearing only a shirt~ <Just like this~>
    Escallonia: ...lazing around?
    Escallonia: Flower knights have no time to be lazing around! Any free time should be spent on training!
    Ionocidium: What!? You're actually not my ally!!
    Name: Volarmis
    DMM ID: 317568967

  7. #387

    Join Date
    Nov 2016

    Title: Bewitched by a fox

    Stokes' Aster: Lycoris, you have an absolutely fine glossy fur with your tails being so shiny and fluffy. <It must be so nice to the touch...>
    Lycoris: Oh my, is that so? Even though it's forbidden to touch them, if it's only gazing at them, I'm fine with that.
    Stokes' Aster: Woah... It's so fluffy... <heart beating>
    Stokes' Aster: It's beauty truly fits the term "bewitched by a fox".
    Lycoris: Hm? Doesn't that have a different meaning?
    Stokes' Aster: Uh-oh! So... So that's how it is... Thanks for enlightening me... Haha...
    Lycoris: "Bewitched by a fox", exactly as the words suggest1, means to be pinched by a fox like this. <pinching>
    Stokes' Aster: Ai, ai shee!
    Cepha Lanthera: <I don't think that's correct either...!!>

    1 The phrase literally translates to "being pinched by a fox"
    Last edited by Volarmis; 11-30-2021 at 01:23 PM.
    Name: Volarmis
    DMM ID: 317568967

  8. #388

    Join Date
    Nov 2016

    Title: Dance practice

    Cepha Lanthera: One, two, one, two- to the right, to the left... Spin around...
    Bluet: Cepha Lanthera, what might you be doing?
    Cepha Lanthera: Wah... so you saw me? I was practicing my dancing skills.
    Bluet: Dancing!? Bluet wants to do that too!
    Bluet: It is required to show your belly button while dancing, right? I'll do it right now!
    Cepha Lanthera: Eh!? <Why!!?>
    Bluet: Why? If you say dancing you mean "belly dancing", right? That's what Red Cat's Tail told me!
    <Red Cat's Tail: If someone says dancing it means belly dancing>
    <Red Cat's Tail: ...or something like that~ Or maybe it actually doesn't~>
    Cepha Lanthera: Eeh!? Is that really so...? <I wonder if thats the case in Banana Ocean...>
    Name: Volarmis
    DMM ID: 317568967

  9. #389

    Join Date
    Nov 2016

    Title: Whereabouts of the presents

    Elder Flower: Medicine to be used during missions, stock for Ryne's use, presents for delivery... Aah~~! I've got so much baggage it's hard to walk around with all of it~!
    Leucocoryne: Are you ok, Elder Flower? Can I help you?
    Elder Flower: Ryne! That'd be great~! <happy>
    Elder Flower: Ah! The baggage is getting lighter and lighter! Thank you, Ryne~!
    Leucocoryne: Huh? I'm not helping you yet though...
    Elder Flower: Eh?
    Elder Flower: Ah!! The bag ripped and the presents are falling out-!
    Elder Flower: On top of that, a hungry Reeves Spirea appeared!!
    <Reeves Spirea: I wonder what this is. Is it food? <stomach growling>>
    Name: Volarmis
    DMM ID: 317568967

  10. #390

    Join Date
    Nov 2016

    Title: Lion's Ear's ears

    Christmas Bush: Lion's Ear, your ears are pretty unusual, aren't they?
    Lion's Ear: Are you saying that because you want to pluck off Lio's ears and eat them!?
    Christmas Bush: Why would I eat them!?
    Lion's Ear: I see... Ehehe. Lio's ears are a no-go, but you can eat these cookies.
    Christmas Bush: Yaay~! Thank you very much!
    Lion's Ear: Lio tried making them in the shape Lio's ears. They're cute, right?
    Christmas Bush: They sure are! However, it looks like I'm eating Lion's Ear's ears in the end... Is that okay?
    Lion's Ear: That's right...!! <realization>
    Christmas Bush: You just didn't notice that!?
    Name: Volarmis
    DMM ID: 317568967

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