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  1. #1

    Join Date
    Nov 2016

    Title: Bewitched by a fox

    Stokes' Aster: Lycoris, you have an absolutely fine glossy fur with your tails being so shiny and fluffy. <It must be so nice to the touch...>
    Lycoris: Oh my, is that so? Even though it's forbidden to touch them, if it's only gazing at them, I'm fine with that.
    Stokes' Aster: Woah... It's so fluffy... <heart beating>
    Stokes' Aster: It's beauty truly fits the term "bewitched by a fox".
    Lycoris: Hm? Doesn't that have a different meaning?
    Stokes' Aster: Uh-oh! So... So that's how it is... Thanks for enlightening me... Haha...
    Lycoris: "Bewitched by a fox", exactly as the words suggest1, means to be pinched by a fox like this. <pinching>
    Stokes' Aster: Ai, ai shee!
    Cepha Lanthera: <I don't think that's correct either...!!>

    1 The phrase literally translates to "being pinched by a fox"
    Last edited by Volarmis; 11-30-2021 at 01:23 PM.
    Name: Volarmis
    DMM ID: 317568967

  2. #2

    Join Date
    Nov 2016

    Title: Dance practice

    Cepha Lanthera: One, two, one, two- to the right, to the left... Spin around...
    Bluet: Cepha Lanthera, what might you be doing?
    Cepha Lanthera: Wah... so you saw me? I was practicing my dancing skills.
    Bluet: Dancing!? Bluet wants to do that too!
    Bluet: It is required to show your belly button while dancing, right? I'll do it right now!
    Cepha Lanthera: Eh!? <Why!!?>
    Bluet: Why? If you say dancing you mean "belly dancing", right? That's what Red Cat's Tail told me!
    <Red Cat's Tail: If someone says dancing it means belly dancing>
    <Red Cat's Tail: ...or something like that~ Or maybe it actually doesn't~>
    Cepha Lanthera: Eeh!? Is that really so...? <I wonder if thats the case in Banana Ocean...>
    Name: Volarmis
    DMM ID: 317568967

  3. #3

    Join Date
    Nov 2016

    Title: Whereabouts of the presents

    Elder Flower: Medicine to be used during missions, stock for Ryne's use, presents for delivery... Aah~~! I've got so much baggage it's hard to walk around with all of it~!
    Leucocoryne: Are you ok, Elder Flower? Can I help you?
    Elder Flower: Ryne! That'd be great~! <happy>
    Elder Flower: Ah! The baggage is getting lighter and lighter! Thank you, Ryne~!
    Leucocoryne: Huh? I'm not helping you yet though...
    Elder Flower: Eh?
    Elder Flower: Ah!! The bag ripped and the presents are falling out-!
    Elder Flower: On top of that, a hungry Reeves Spirea appeared!!
    <Reeves Spirea: I wonder what this is. Is it food? <stomach growling>>
    Name: Volarmis
    DMM ID: 317568967

  4. #4

    Join Date
    Nov 2016

    Title: Lion's Ear's ears

    Christmas Bush: Lion's Ear, your ears are pretty unusual, aren't they?
    Lion's Ear: Are you saying that because you want to pluck off Lio's ears and eat them!?
    Christmas Bush: Why would I eat them!?
    Lion's Ear: I see... Ehehe. Lio's ears are a no-go, but you can eat these cookies.
    Christmas Bush: Yaay~! Thank you very much!
    Lion's Ear: Lio tried making them in the shape Lio's ears. They're cute, right?
    Christmas Bush: They sure are! However, it looks like I'm eating Lion's Ear's ears in the end... Is that okay?
    Lion's Ear: That's right...!! <realization>
    Christmas Bush: You just didn't notice that!?
    Name: Volarmis
    DMM ID: 317568967

  5. #5

    Join Date
    Nov 2016

    Title: SantasuSanta1

    Wax Vine: Under the cover of darkness, bringing people happiness...
    Wax Vine: 3+3 is for Santa ...I'm here!
    Hardenbergia: 3+3...? How does that work...?
    Wax Vine: It's a pun. Since puns bring people happiness...2 Hardenbergia, would you like to think some up with me?
    Hardenbergia: Puns, huh... I don't mind ♪ Since it makes me happy to be relied on...
    Hardenbergia: How~about...
    Hardenbergia: Sanjou no Santa dajou-! (Here's Santa in a disaster scene!)
    Hardenbergia: Santa Kuro-su san taku kurou suru! (Santa Claus has trouble making 3 choices!)
    Wax Vine: A... amazing...!
    Hardenbergia: Tonakai to nakaii? (Are you friends with raindeers?)
    [It is said that a thousand new puns were invented that day]

    1 3+3 can be read as "san tasu san", so either add the last "ta" or leave it at "san" for "Santa-san"
    2 See event story "The Snowy Forest's Gifts" (Lamb's Ear's event, no. 48)
    Name: Volarmis
    DMM ID: 317568967

  6. #6

    Join Date
    Nov 2016

    Title: Pounding the M

    Hare's Ear: It's the first time I'll be giving mochi pounding a try, so I wonder if it'll go well...
    Jack-in-the-pulpit: I can see Hare's Ear having no problem with it.
    Hare's Ear: The kids in the town said the same thing to me just now...
    <Hare's Ear: The ears and the kimono have a strong "moon viewing" feel to them...>
    Jack-in-the-pulpit: Fufu, the trick is to strike like your putting your weight into it and then connecting it.
    Hare's Ear: I see... Let's do this... EI!!
    Jack-in-the-pulpit: Aah ❤
    Jack-in-the-pulpit: Amazing... With such strength... ❤
    Hare's Ear: Eh...?
    <Hare's Ear: What was that just now...?>
    Jack-in-the-pulpit: I'm looking forward to the mochi ♪
    Name: Volarmis
    DMM ID: 317568967

  7. #7

    Join Date
    Nov 2016

    Title: Big cleaning

    Cepha Lanthera: Let's properly finish our big cleaning so that we can welcome the new year with fresh spirits!
    <Di Yu: Surely, just as planned?>
    Cepha Lanthera: I've heard that the first step in the process of cleaning should be "segregation". You start with dividing the items between those that are still useful and no longer useful.
    Nazuna: I see! Let's try doing that!
    <Saint Paulia: ~♫>
    Nazuna: These anniversary glasses and swimsuit are still useful... 1
    Nazuna: I might wear this costume again... <Hmmmm...>
    Nazuna: Next year I still want to play with the flower knight karuta deck I prepared this year, so obviously it's considered useful... 2
    Nazuna: ...
    Nazuna: At this point, it'd be faster to just use the rest of our budget to buy a warehouse, right!? <running from reality>
    Canola: Isn't that an abuse of authority!?

    1 See chapter 100
    2 See chapter 335
    Name: Volarmis
    DMM ID: 317568967

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