Title: Big cleaning

Cepha Lanthera: Let's properly finish our big cleaning so that we can welcome the new year with fresh spirits!
<Di Yu: Surely, just as planned?>
Cepha Lanthera: I've heard that the first step in the process of cleaning should be "segregation". You start with dividing the items between those that are still useful and no longer useful.
Nazuna: I see! Let's try doing that!
<Saint Paulia: ~♫>
Nazuna: These anniversary glasses and swimsuit are still useful... 1
Nazuna: I might wear this costume again... <Hmmmm...>
Nazuna: Next year I still want to play with the flower knight karuta deck I prepared this year, so obviously it's considered useful... 2
Nazuna: ...
Nazuna: At this point, it'd be faster to just use the rest of our budget to buy a warehouse, right!? <running from reality>
Canola: Isn't that an abuse of authority!?

1 See chapter 100
2 See chapter 335