Title: Fluffy snacks

Chinese Lucky Grass: As expected, when you're tired, hugging Rysy's1 fluffy body is just the best. <Hugs❤>
Euryops Daisy: Then how about taking a break to eat some fluffy snacks~? I took a page out of Lucky's book and prepared some avant-garde snacks~
Euryops Daisy: The inside of this mountain of kinako is actually filled with mochi.
Chinese Lucky Grass: Since it's filled up so much, it looks like it will spill out once I start eating.
Euryops Daisy: Fu, fu, fu-
Euryops Daisy: Eating it while thinking how to do that without spilling it is the proper way to enjoy this snack~
<Euryops Daisy: If you want to add some brown sugar syrup, then here you go.>
Chinese Lucky Grass: That's so avant-garde!!

1 Euryops Daisy's pet name