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  1. #451

    Join Date
    Nov 2016

    Title: Special New Year's Eve soba noodles

    Nazuna: I heard that the wish carried by New Year's Eve soba noodles is something along the lines of "May we live a long life".
    Nazuna: Let's splurge a little today and let's try making really long soba noodles to maximize the effects of that wish!
    Others: Oka~y!
    Canola: Since we're already doing this, I'd like to include many other wishes in this meal along with the one for a long life.
    Saint Paulia: That does sound like a good idea~
    Canola: How about mixing in a gold leaf to increase luck with money?
    Saint Paulia: Since high class wine is golden in color~ how about adding it to the soup stock~?
    Di Yu: Truly, garnish with eels to increase endurance?
    Cepha Lanthera: What if we add some red food coloring to the noodles to make them pink, so that they increase luck in romance...
    Nazuna: Sounds great! I absolutely want to adopt Cepha Lanthera's idea!
    <Nazuna: There we go- Let's keep adding more->
    Canola: In the end, you only chose the idea that is easy on the wallet, didn't you!?
    Name: Volarmis
    DMM ID: 317568967

  2. #452

    Join Date
    Nov 2016

    Title: It's our year-usa!

    Hare's Tail Grass: I have a weird feeling that we'll be the main characters of this year-usa!
    Suzuki Grass: Let's do a lot more pranks!
    Hare's Tail Grass: I feel like we can even prank Pitahaya now! Let's run away after knocking at her door-usa! <knock knock>
    <Hare's Tail Grass: <laughing> Nishishi>
    <Suzuki Grass: <excited> Doki doki>
    Pitahaya: ...Huh? I thought somebody's come to visit me, but nobody's here. And here I thought it was Hare's Tail Grass and Suzuki Grass.
    Pitahaya: It's such a shame, I even wanted to give them their otoshidama.
    Hare's Tail Grass: Otoshidama!! We're here!!
    Suzuki Grass: Ah.
    Name: Volarmis
    DMM ID: 317568967

  3. #453

    Join Date
    Nov 2016

    Title: Omikuji

    Silk Tree: I took a page out of your book, Di Yu, and made some omikuji♪
    Di Yu: I'll test my luck then? <draws>
    Di Yu: Great luck... A really rare one?
    Silk Tree: Not really, all of these omikuji are like that. I just wanted to make everyone smile... <Ehehe...>
    Di Yu: Truly, these are no longer lots?
    Silk Tree: Yes, but there are different types of them! Some of them even have a winking face♪
    Di Yu: Trading cards?
    Name: Volarmis
    DMM ID: 317568967

  4. #454

    Join Date
    Nov 2016

    Title: Sewing buttons on

    Pincushion: Sewing buttons on to a shirt is crazy hard~~! I went an' said I'd do it, but ain't I in trouble!?
    Eremophila: Would you like me to do that for you? I'm used to doing it, so just leave it to me.
    Pincushion: R'ly!? Do it~! Please~!
    Eremophila: Using the occasion, how about using a flower-shaped one?
    Pincushion: <Eh!?> A'some! Sr'sly cute! God~!
    Pincushion: With that, Commander will be happy too! Thanks~! <Ahaha, peace, peace>
    Eremophila: This was Commander's!? I thought it belongs to someone of the flower knights for sure...
    Name: Volarmis
    DMM ID: 317568967

  5. #455

    Join Date
    Nov 2016

    Title: Fluffy snacks

    Chinese Lucky Grass: As expected, when you're tired, hugging Rysy's1 fluffy body is just the best. <Hugs❤>
    Euryops Daisy: Then how about taking a break to eat some fluffy snacks~? I took a page out of Lucky's book and prepared some avant-garde snacks~
    Euryops Daisy: The inside of this mountain of kinako is actually filled with mochi.
    Chinese Lucky Grass: Since it's filled up so much, it looks like it will spill out once I start eating.
    Euryops Daisy: Fu, fu, fu-
    Euryops Daisy: Eating it while thinking how to do that without spilling it is the proper way to enjoy this snack~
    <Euryops Daisy: If you want to add some brown sugar syrup, then here you go.>
    Chinese Lucky Grass: That's so avant-garde!!

    1 Euryops Daisy's pet name
    Name: Volarmis
    DMM ID: 317568967

  6. #456

    Join Date
    Nov 2016

    Title: Dissolving dress

    Isogiku: This dress that represents my flower meaning: "tidy beauty"... Even though I really like it
    Isogiku: I can't just dive bomb into the water in it, so I need to practice taking it off...
    Bird's Foot Trefoil: Preparations are important after all. Let me think of other countermeasures with you.
    Isogiku: <beaming> Really!?
    Bird's Foot Trefoil: How about you try making this a dress that dissolves once you jump into the water?
    <Bird's Foot Trefoil: Once it gets wet, it just melts away.>
    Isogiku: I see! That really would be the fastest method!
    Isogiku: I can't get out of the sea like this!! <shocked>
    <Isogiku: I realized just now...!>
    Name: Volarmis
    DMM ID: 317568967

  7. #457

    Join Date
    Nov 2016

    Title: The day of 8

    Bloss: Apparently, today is a lucky day we celebrate the number 8!
    <Bloss: Spreading out like a fan like this~>
    Nazuna: Yes! That's right.
    Nazuna: Just as I said that a black cat came out and crossed my way!! <My luck!!>
    Black Cat: Meow~
    Bloss: A black cat is troubling you? How about we make black cats a sign of good luck then?
    Nazuna: Ahaha, even if it's Bloss of the World Flower, I don't think such a thing is possible...
    Bloss: Flower~!
    [Few days later]
    Everyone: Black cats are the best!!
    Tacca Chantrieri: <confused>
    Nazuna: <scared>
    Name: Volarmis
    DMM ID: 317568967

  8. #458

    Join Date
    Nov 2016

    Title: Her first Ultimate Curry

    Alstroemeria: Let's celebrate happy moments with Ultimate Curry-! I've made a lot of it, so let's treat a lot of people-!
    Kangaroo Paws: It's my first time eating Ultimate Curry~ <Woah~ Looks great>
    Alstroemeria: Is that so!? You need to try it!
    Kangaroo Paws: Ho-
    Kangaroo Paws: Hot!!
    Kangaroo Paws: Ah... But with this I think I can go on an adventure in a new land... There's a flowery meadow on the other side...
    Alstroemeria: Wait, what!? Isn't that kinda bad!? Kangaroo Paws, come back~!
    Name: Volarmis
    DMM ID: 317568967

  9. #459

    Join Date
    Nov 2016

    Title: Powder chocolate

    Common Sundew: Since slamming chocolate with the bat just pulverizes it, I can't slam it~ <Too bad...>
    Ghost Weed: Then again, if it's powder chocolate from the start, you'll be able to resist that urge, won't you!?
    <Common Sundew: Great idea!!>
    Ghost Weed: If we make it into a fine powder like this, you won't be able to send it flying with the bat.
    Ghost Weed: By the way, I used white chocolate and made it look like snow!
    White Clover: It's unusual and carries a feeling of being special, which makes it just wonderful. ...If we want to make it into an even rarer chocolate, how about we cool it down or something? <Just like snow...>
    Ghost Weed: Sounds good!
    White Clover: ...As a result of following that train of thought, we decided the single most special thing to do is to give someone actual snow for Valentine's Day.
    <White Clover: I've brought you some as the representative.>
    Commander: .........
    Name: Volarmis
    DMM ID: 317568967

  10. #460

    Join Date
    Nov 2016

    Title: Turn around three times

    Adlay: I made some chocolate for Commander and filled it with a prayer to heal any fatigue he might be feeling.
    Knotweed: There's no need to pamper Commander like that~
    Knotweed: Commander is just a doggy after all. You can give it to him after he turns around three times and barks♪
    <Knotweed: Since he likes that~>
    Adlay: Turn three times...? Bark...?
    <Adlay: Doggy...??>
    Knotweed: You don't know what I mean~? Turn around three times like this... Bark♪ <panting❤>
    Knotweed: If he can't do it properly doggy-like, you make him do it again♪
    Adlay: ...? <Why...?>
    Knotweed: Aaah!! Somehow I just did all that!
    Knotweed: Forget about it please!!
    Name: Volarmis
    DMM ID: 317568967

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