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  1. #1

    Join Date
    Nov 2016

    Title: Sauna

    Asian White Birch: Before we do anything, let's use the sauna to the fullest first. Everything else will go well afterwards!
    Felicia: It's a bit hard to endure, but you sweat a lot and it feels really good.
    Asian White Birch: Dendrobium, you still have your cat ears on, is that OK?
    Dendrobium: No problem, I'm a cat-eared maid right now after all. Considering my usual training, this is nothing hard.
    Dendrobium: <...actually, the one who tried to look all strong right now is actually at her limits with this heat and the weight on her head...> <panting>
    Dendrobium: <Then again, quite some time has passed since we entered, so I just need to keep enduring it like this...> <panting>
    Asian White Birch: Since we heated up our bodies to a good degree, let's throw some water at the sauna stone and bathe in the steam that comes out to finish things off♪
    <Asian White Birch: Here we go~♫>
    Dendrobium: Waaaaaah~~
    Name: Volarmis
    DMM ID: 317568967

  2. #2

    Join Date
    Nov 2016

    Title: Limited edition shiruko

    October Stonecrop: I've bought the limited edition instant shiruko! The mochi in it is in the shape of a cat.
    Cymbidium: Woah! So cute.
    October Stonecrop: I've been wondering about one thing though. This... Nya... "Nyan-nyan-nya...
    October Stonecrop: Nya...... Nyanderf......"
    October Stonecrop: ...That's some name for a shiruko product... This is what I mean - I can't even say it properly because I'm embarassed...
    Cymbidium: Is that so...? Since I'm now a ca, cat-eared maid I might be able to say it!
    Cymbidium: Nya... "Nyan-nyan-nyanderful☆shiruko-nya~n
    Cymbidium: M, Meow delicious...
    Cymbidium: shiruko... nya......" <embarassed>
    Name: Volarmis
    DMM ID: 317568967

  3. #3

    Join Date
    Nov 2016

    Title: Ball of fascination

    Nipplewort: Here's your tea, master.
    Persian Speedwell: <Nipplewort... She sure has a lot of ball hair ornaments...♪>
    Persian Speedwell: <Aah... I want to touch them...>
    Persian Speedwell: <If I had to pick, I'd play with them while poking them with my fingers and rubbing my cheeks on them like this~~> <imagination>
    Persian Speedwell: But I just can't go and say all that obviously!!
    <Persian Speedwell: No matter how much of an honest girl I am~~>
    Nipplewort: You're already saying all of that, you know!?
    Persian Speedwell: Eh!?
    Name: Volarmis
    DMM ID: 317568967

  4. #4

    Join Date
    Nov 2016

    Title: Fat-burning tea

    Fortune Saxifrage: In the end these did become way too voluptous... <Heavy...>
    Yew Plum Pine: In that case may I recommend some tea with fat-burning effects? I just finished making it!
    Fortune Saxifrage: ! There's that type of tea too?
    Yew Plum Pine: I confirmed these leaves would be delicious during tea sniffing1, so I believe it should be easy to drink.
    Fortune Saxifrage: <gulp> You're right! It's more bitter than regular tea, but the astringent taste is gone and it actually makes it delicious...
    Yew Plum Pine: !!
    Yew Plum Pine: I know, right!? That's it! The tea from Bergamot Valley's well-know store... <excited>
    Yew Plum Pine: will be just right for bringing out the great taste of sweets! Let's try eating them together!
    Fortune Saxifrage: ...! I'm in...

    1 I didn't find any official phrase for this - the practice of smelling the tea during the process of making it
    Name: Volarmis
    DMM ID: 317568967

  5. #5

    Join Date
    Nov 2016

    Title: Sexy policy

    Checkerberry: I'm so jealous of bunny girls following the sexy policy like Blackberry!
    Checkerberry: Lemon Grass also looks sexy with that tightly fitting swimsuit-like outfit...
    Blackberry: Is that so...? I guess my clothes can be considered sexy...
    <Lemon Grass: What's going on?>
    Checkerberry: I'll also wear clothes like Blackberry... and I'll also be all ~my, oh my~ and sexy like that! <Ku ku ku>
    Checkerberry: Thi... this is...
    Checkerberry: Tofu!?
    Name: Volarmis
    DMM ID: 317568967

  6. #6

    Join Date
    Nov 2016

    Title: Imaged hairstyle

    Blueberry: Could that hairstyle of yours be in the image of a frog~?
    Obako: That's right! I made it match with the frog from the illustration-!
    <Obako: Not with a real frog!>
    Obako: How about trying to base your hairstyle on something you like, Blueberry? It's fun!
    Blueberry: Something I like, huh...
    Blueberry: Since I like sweets, how about some fluffy marshmallow curls ...or something? <Though it's a bit embarrassing~>
    Obako: Marshmallow!?
    Obako: Since you're so voluptuous, the image is a marshmallow body, you say!? Damn you!! <triggered>
    Blueberry: Eh, eeh!?
    Name: Volarmis
    DMM ID: 317568967

  7. #7

    Join Date
    Nov 2016

    Title: Salty seal

    Sigillaria: Nazuna... what are you doing?
    Nazuna: I was sprinkling the meat with salt! Doing so traps the umami inside the meat while its being fried!
    Sigillaria: "Trapping" the umami......
    Sigillaria: If we're talking about seals, I can do that too~ I'll help you with the rest of the meat. <Fufu... Meat...>
    Nazuna: Thank you very much!
    Nazuna: Ah...
    Nazuna: Remember not to put too much salt, since then we'll have a salt crust baked meat~ or something...
    Nazuna: Exactly that!!
    Name: Volarmis
    DMM ID: 317568967

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