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  1. #471

    Join Date
    Nov 2016

    Title: Cookbook and drama collection

    Habanero: Ah! Could that book be...!!
    Habanero: Is that the great author Pouch Flower's drama collection!? I'm the biggest fan of hers! <pumped>
    Cranberry: Huh...? What I was reading was a cookbook on bread crust though...
    Habanero: Ah! My mistake... It has a similar color to the book I just brought with me... P, please forget what just happened...! <embarrassed>
    Cranberry: Fufu, you must like it quite a lot to get all worked up like that. ^v^
    Habanero: Only the cover's color looks alike... I'm so sorry.
    Cranberry: Oh my! The color really is similar~
    Tristine: Pyui!
    Name: Volarmis
    DMM ID: 317568967

  2. #472

    Join Date
    Nov 2016

    Title: Kiss dispersion

    Turep: Crown of Thorns... I've already told you many times that this kind of thing~...
    Crown of Thorns: <Mmm~❤> What's wrong? Come on, let's kiss just like always.
    Turep: I... I... can't... No... you know~ It's like I just can't~ Or like the long ones......... are just shameless~
    <Turep: It's not like I want to hurt your feelings~>
    Crown of Thorns: Hm~ It can't be helped then.
    Crown of Thorns: In that case, how about putting a hold to the lo~ng kisses for now and going for a lot of small kisses?
    Crown of Thorns: Dispersing them like that no longer makes it shameless, right?
    Turep: ...Tha, that's true!?
    <Crown of Thorns: Right?>
    Common Sorrel: Turep!! You're getting deceived!!
    Name: Volarmis
    DMM ID: 317568967

  3. #473

    Join Date
    Nov 2016

    Title: Toilet countermeasure

    Balloon Flower: Miko priestess clothes have surprisingly outstanding breathability♪
    Common Sorrel: If I were to wear such clothes, I think I'd actually need to go to the toilet more often~
    Balloon Flower: Is that really the case? If you're so worried about going to the toilet,
    Balloon Flower: why not just not wear anything underneath, so you can go anytime you need?
    Common Sorrel: Eh!?
    Common Sorrel: .........Now that you say that .........it makes sense.
    Balloon Flower: Right?
    Common Sorrel: Since it feels so breezy now, the number of times I go to the toilet went up~!! <running in panic>
    Common Sorrel: Why didn't I think of this before~!
    Name: Volarmis
    DMM ID: 317568967

  4. #474

    Join Date
    Nov 2016

    Title: One of the sisters

    Red Tulip: I have some deluxe "service" in store for our overworked Commander♪ Mfufu, what do you think that means?
    White Tulip: You're saying such things again... Red sister, you're still doing as you please! <Come on~>
    Red Tulip: Oh my, don't worry about it♪
    White Tulip: No! I'm also a full-fledged member of the four Tulip sisters!
    White Tulip: I'm not just going to shut up and watch you do whatever you want!
    Red Tulip: Eeh!?
    White Tulip: Even if big sister's like that, she's still a splendid doctor and flower knight. Considering that, if she keeps getting away with that bad habit of hers...
    Red Tulip: Wa... wait~!!
    Commander: ......
    Name: Volarmis
    DMM ID: 317568967

  5. #475

    Join Date
    Nov 2016

    Title: Experimentation subject for the new medicine

    Yellow Tulip: Every time I'm searching for a subject to test my new drug, Purple Tulip is nowhere to be seen~ I wonder if she's reading my mind.
    Yellow Tulip: ...so I thought, but actually there she is!
    Yellow Tulip: Hey! Purple Tulip!
    Yellow Tulip: ...Wait, what!? She disappeared!? Could it be that in addition to reading minds she even has the ability to teleport......!?
    <Yellow Tulip: So mysterious~>
    Purple Tulip: ......
    Yellow Tulip: Purple Tulip, where are you~
    Purple Tulip: <...Phew> That was too close...
    Name: Volarmis
    DMM ID: 317568967

  6. #476

    Join Date
    Nov 2016

    Title: The ideal wedding cake

    Ivy: I want to have a cake made in the image of a dragon or a holy sword as my wedding cake!
    Monkshood: Wedding cake...
    Monkshood: I haven't thought on what kind would be good. <Cake...>
    Ivy: Shouldn't it be fine just to put something you love on top of it?
    Monkshood: Something I love......... <Hmmm...>
    Monkshood: ......that would be Commander.
    Ivy: In that case, how about drawing a magic circle on the top of the cake and summoning Commander from it!?
    Monkshood: Huh...? <Magic...?>
    Last edited by Volarmis; 06-05-2023 at 11:35 PM.
    Name: Volarmis
    DMM ID: 317568967

  7. #477

    Join Date
    Nov 2016

    Title: Big family?

    Huechera: White Dead Nettle, you're a big sister, right? I'm also the eldest daughter!
    White Dead Nettle: Oh my, is that so? We're alike♪
    Huechera: My family is so big, we could play a beisaball game with just us!
    White Dead Nettle: That sounds just lovely.
    White Dead Nettle: We also play beisaball if my little sister wants to♪
    Huechera: Huh? Do you have a lot of sisters, White Dead Nettle?
    White Dead Nettle: No, only one. I play as the pitcher and catcher at the same time and my little sister Hime1 is the batter.
    <White Dead Nettle: I'm ready to play!>
    Huechera: Is that even physically possible?

    1 Red Dead Nettle (Himeodorikosou)
    Name: Volarmis
    DMM ID: 317568967

  8. #478

    Join Date
    Nov 2016

    Title: A new recipe

    Duranta: Thinking about my future, I need to learn more recipes.
    Musk Rose: In that case, what do you think about wrapping fried chicked in cheese and salty-sweet sauce~?
    <Musk Rose: It's one of my favorites~>
    Duranta: There was such a recipe...
    Musk Rose: Then again I need to count my calories, so I always need to limit myself not to eat too much of it~ It does use a lot of oil and sugar after all~
    Duranta: Calories...!?
    Duranta: Perfect for fattening someone up....
    Musk Rose: Eh!?
    Name: Volarmis
    DMM ID: 317568967

  9. #479

    Join Date
    Nov 2016

    Title: A song for the marriage ceremony

    Sandersonia: You look so beautiful, Anemone!
    Anemone: Thank you.
    Sandersonia: I really need to practice the song we'll sing at the marriage ceremony.
    Anemone: N, no matter what, isn't it to early to think about that... is what I believe......
    Anemone: <Then again... When I actually will be getting married...>
    Anemone: <It'd be wonderful if my friend Sandersonia celebrated it with one of her songs...>
    Sandersonia: No! I don't think it's to early to practice the song! Let's get to practicing it immediately!
    <Sandersonia: Here's the score!!>
    Anemone: I'm singing too!?
    Name: Volarmis
    DMM ID: 317568967

  10. #480

    Join Date
    Nov 2016

    Title: Cinnamon roll

    Cinnamon: Oh my... what a cute pencil you have there. Where did you buy it? Could you tell big sister here, please?
    <Child: That store over there~>
    Chervil: You really like your cute goods, don't you, Cinnamon?
    Cinnamon: Fufu, just looking at them makes me smile.
    Chervil: In that case, wouldn't it be cute if you made a cinnamon roll in the shape of a bear, for example, and give it a cute color too?
    Cinnamon: That's a really great idea! It'll turn out cute for sure!
    Chervil: ......Somehow it turned out ominous.
    Cinnamon: ......It sure did.
    Last edited by Volarmis; 07-12-2023 at 03:13 PM.
    Name: Volarmis
    DMM ID: 317568967

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