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  1. #501

    Join Date
    Nov 2016

    Title: Let's go get some sweets

    Cactus: Trick or treat... trick or treat...
    Cactus: ...there we go, now that I did my best and practiced a lot, let's go get some sweets...
    Heliotrope: Huh? What are you doing in such a place, Cactus?
    Cactus: !
    Cactus: Heliotrope...! Trick or trick! .........Ah.
    Heliotrope: Huh!?
    Heliotrope: T... trick or trick!? So Helio is getting pranked either way!? Wa~it... wa~it...
    Cactus: No... You see...
    Heliotrope: I, I'll give you everything here, so don't prank me please~!
    Cactus: Eh!? Wait, I can't take... that much...
    Name: Volarmis
    DMM ID: 317568967

  2. #502

    Join Date
    Nov 2016

    Title: Epic poem

    Cattleya: Our Knight Commander made quite some contributions to this world, so there's just something wrong with the fact that he isn't receiving any recognition for it like we are! There should at least be a heroic tale or an epic poem dedicated to him. <complaining>
    Flowering Peach: I think so too!
    Flowering Peach: <...is what I showed my support for, but>
    Flowering Peach: <what's an epic poem!?>
    Flowering Peach: <I haven't asked about it...>
    Cattleya: That leaves me, who is blessed by this world, no choice but to celebrate that myself. I'll be hosting a party at my mansion, so could you help me with it, Flowering Peach?
    Flowering Peach: Y, yeah! Of course!
    Flowering Peach: <Ah! Could it be she meant to say woman-ji [joshiji] instead of epic poem [jojishi]1? So it was woman-ji! I don't know what the "ji" stands for, but it'll be a party full of women!>
    Flowering Peach: <...Which means>
    Flowering Peach: A feast of debauchery!?
    Cattleya: What are you talking about!?

    1 If anyone has an idea how to translate this so it makes sense in English, feel free to contact me
    Name: Volarmis
    DMM ID: 317568967

  3. #503

    Join Date
    Nov 2016

    Title: 1 sheep

    Japanese Dock: There's a belief in the old folklore that when you're trying to fall asleep you should count sheep like "1 sheep, 2 sheep..." and you'll sleep really well.
    Blushing Bride: Is that so...! I'll try it out!
    Blushing Bride: Just counting sheep will do the trick, right? ......Let's see...
    Blushing Bride: 1 sheep... 2 sheep...
    Blushing Bride: <......Fufu, they're so fluffy and cute.> <fluffy sheep bleating>
    Blushing Bride: 3 sheep... 4 sheep...
    Blushing Bride: ............102 sheep...... 103 sheep...... Ugh...... Uugh......
    Blushing Bride: I'm getting buried under them...! Save me... Commander......!
    Last edited by Volarmis; 11-24-2023 at 05:29 AM.
    Name: Volarmis
    DMM ID: 317568967

  4. #504

    Join Date
    Nov 2016

    Title: Red-nosed reindeer

    Common Zinnia: Back during the Christmases when I was in the orphanage or when I was attending the knight school, Zinnia usually volunteered for the Santa Claus role.
    <Common Zinnia: I'm a reindeer!>
    <Zinnia: Common Zinnia, that's so cute~!!>
    Common Zinnia: I kept her company by playing the reindeer... that was so much fun.
    Blue Lotus: Fufu... Today is Common Zinnia's turn to be Santa Claus.
    Common Zinnia: Yes! That's right.
    Common Zinnia: Then again, at this age I wouldn't be able to play the red-nosed reindeer, since it's a bit embarassing. <Ahaha...>
    Blue Lotus: Is that so?
    Passerby: A gunshot!
    Zinnia: Are there any red pompoms around here!? Common Zinnia is so cute as the red-nosed reindeer that I want everybody to see it!!
    Blue Lotus: Zinnia!?
    Name: Volarmis
    DMM ID: 317568967

  5. #505

    Join Date
    Nov 2016

    Title: A type of banquet

    Nadeshiko: Well, a Christmas party is a type of banquet. Maybe we should consider organizing a side show...?
    Manuka: In that case, how about we go with a simplified version of "Tea-testing Contest"?
    Manuka: While referencing a sheet of tea characteristics, we compare the taste of a number of different teas and try to guess which is which♪
    Nadeshiko: I see...! Sounds like fun.
    Nadeshiko: Are there any winners or losers in that?
    Manuka: The one who correctly guesses the most wins. Since we're already making it a banquet, it might also be a good idea to prepare a punishment game or something.
    Nadeshiko: A banquet's punishment game, huh...
    Nadeshiko: ...but stripping is... a bit too much...
    Nadeshiko: <That's the thing where you remove clothes one by one, right?>
    Manuka: Eh?
    Name: Volarmis
    DMM ID: 317568967

  6. #506

    Join Date
    Nov 2016

    Title: Cute babies

    Westringia: My cute little babies...! Mama will give you lots of pat pats, yes she will~♪ <patting>
    Lycoris: Now that's some doting. I don't think I can imitate that.
    Westringia: That's not the case at all! Go ahead and pet the sheep please.
    Lycoris: No choice then... Ho-ra1... little babies~ I wonder, what would you like mommy to do to you~? ......Something like this?
    Lycoris: Hora, hora, I won't know if you don't speak up.
    Westringia: <When Lycoris is the one doing it...>
    <Lycoris: As an exception, it's ok to get spoiled by mommy~>
    Westringia: <it somehow makes it look more alluring...!!>

    1 No idea if there's a good English equivallent of this
    Name: Volarmis
    DMM ID: 317568967

  7. #507

    Join Date
    Nov 2016

    Title: A wonderful outfit

    Cyclamen: With "timid" being the meaning of my flower name, is it really fine with me receiving the blessing of the Tree of Life? Even this wonderful outfit...
    Coral Bush: That's not the case at all!
    Coral Bush: I also have slightly guilty thoughts like "Wasn't Chloranthus more fitting for the role?"...
    Cyclamen: Eeh!? Th, that can't...! It really fits you, Coral Bush!
    Coral Bush: Thank you very much... Truth to be told, as everyone is telling me similar things, the guilty feeling is gradually being replaced by happy thoughts.
    Cyclamen: Ah...! I, I can understand that! I also have similar thoughts!
    Cyclamen & Coral Bush: Ehehe...
    Nazuna: <Here I thought I'd need to follow up, but it became so dazzling, I can't even get close...!>
    Name: Volarmis
    DMM ID: 317568967

  8. #508

    Join Date
    Nov 2016

    Title: In a giant stocking

    Christmas Begonia: I want to express my gratitude to Santa(Ionocidium) when I'll be receiving my presents. <Hmmm...>
    Lamb's Ear: In that case, how about waiting for her in a giant stocking?
    Christmas Begonia: I see! I would be able to say my words of gratitude when she'll try to put presents in!
    [Christmas day]
    Ionocidium: Ho, Ho, Ho~ Here's Santa~ <opening door>
    Ionocidium: ...Well then, I need to drop off this present now that Christmas Begonia is sleeping~
    Ionocidium: And sleeping well she is - now then, let's leave the present... here.
    Christmas Begonia: <sleeping> Santa, thank you... Munya...
    Name: Volarmis
    DMM ID: 317568967

  9. #509

    Join Date
    Nov 2016

    Title: Obi spin1

    Pinkladies: This outfit has some romance to it, since it makes you think of those "Oh~my~"-like situations.
    Pinkladies: <The one where he's like "It's fine, isn't it~">
    Saffron: "Obi spin", huh... Then again, putting on a kimono is a lot of work and it's pretty complicated. Would that really work all that well in practice I wonder. <Hmmm...>
    Pinkladies: True, that seems to be the case... In that case, let's practice. <For Commander's sake>
    Saffron: Eh!?
    Commander: It's fine, isn't it, it's fine, isn't it~
    Saffron: Wa-
    Saffron: Wait a moment...
    Saffron: Stop! If you pull like that...
    Saffron: The Asphal-brand order-made kimono will get ruined! I'll take it off neatly, so switch with me!
    Pinkladies: Eeh?

    1 Often referenced erotic play where the man, usually of higher status, pulls on the woman's kimono belt (obi) which makes her spin and disrobes her - usually saying the same lines Pinkladies mentions
    Name: Volarmis
    DMM ID: 317568967

  10. #510

    Join Date
    Nov 2016

    Title: Great growth

    Dwarf Lilyturf: Happy New Year. I've made some Ozouni. <steaming>
    Makino: Master... Thank you.
    Makino: I have a feeling I'll be able to grow a lot during this year too. Since I have stomach medicine on the ready, today I'll be eating until I can't anymore and make my body really big. <chowing down>
    Dwarf Lilyturf: Go ahead and eat a lot.
    Makino: There are a lot of ingredients in this... ...Master, is this... <still chowing>
    Dwarf Lilyturf: Yeah, since it's the New Year, I wanted to include ingredients that bring good luck or colorful ingredients... among others.
    Dwarf Lilyturf: Commander was worried about his waistline, so I put in a lot of ingredients that won't increase it even if you eat a lot of them. <Fufu...🌸>
    Makino: Not fair......!!
    Name: Volarmis
    DMM ID: 317568967

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