Title: Chii

[Chickpea has a plushie she secretly treasures.]
[She got it from Bean and Pea in the past and named it Chii.]
Chickpea: Even though I travel to many different countries, I'd love to take Chii along. However, I don't really want people to know... <sigh>
<Chickpea: It's a bit embarassing since we still sleep together...>
Pea: Young lady~~~~!
Pea: Finally found you! Good grief~ That sure was a search~! <panting>
Chickpea: Uugh...! Pea...! Bean...!
Chickpea: Wh, what is it!? I thought I told you not to chase after me, didn't I!?
Pea: Young lady!? Did you hit a growth spurt in the time we didn't see you!?