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  1. #151
    Just managed to do a legendary roll!

    The All Bronze roll of course!

    Im at 39 roll since my last rainbow now...im going to need a sacrifice soon!
    FKG ID: 428782982 (DMM)

  2. #152

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    It's time for another salt-story kids.
    I needed Lavender Valentine or Oncidium Bride for my Kerria debuff team. So, I tried Lavender reissue gacha:
    Tales from the Gacha-46throll_lavender...ereissue-54e9bd4.jpg
    Gold, dupe and not even a girl from the gacha. At least she is Valentine themed.

    Tales from the Gacha-47throll_lavender...ereissue-54e9be1.jpg
    Salt pot. i don't know why they don't give special reward for silver pot. They now it's a bad roll. They already gives some compensation for 5* and 6* dupes. Why they don't gives at least some extra Rainbow Shards? Not a lot more. Juste 2 extra shards would be welcomed. Anyway.

    Tales from the Gacha-48throll_lavender...ereissue-54e9be5.jpg
    Lucky! Really lucky. I got her with only 150 FG. I still have 506 FG in my wallet for the incomming (sooner or later) 5* St Paulia.
    I'm really happy with her. I needed her and Lavender was one of the first 5* I really wanted on my firsts days on Nutaku (before I know she was actually an event girl and not included in the gacha). I like her for that reason. She reminds me my firsts step in the game. Good old days when 4* and event 5* were good girls. Good memories.

    Now, she is my 6th natural 6* and my 8th 6* if I count promoted Camelia and our dear 6* Altroemaria.
    And thanks to Lavender, i'm almost certain to pick Snowdrop with the R-medals.

    ID: 481766521 (DMM)
    Name: maotd
    Good old memories
    10+1 roll in a nutshell

  3. #153

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    Looks lie your luck also stepped up.
    Good to see

    What will be your last Team Member?
    I guess you will also use Peony for the extra Crit in your Team?
    Hmm don't know but if there is another Crit/Debuff Hybrid out there it could be a good idea to consider such a girl. I guess you have planed something similar anyway

    DMM FKG ID: 986648592
    Name: Wutan

  4. #154

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    May 2016
    Lavender is a pretty damn solid support character with 15% Boss dmg, and -15% debuff, with skill act to boot.
    Congratz on getting your waifu

    *haha now I know who your waifu is ! You just spilled all the beans with you waning her since day 1. Now I can make you a signature hue hue hue heu fufufufufu ~~~ >:3
    Nah just kidding. Teasing you a little bit is all, I know you prefer running without it. :P
    Last edited by Myrdin; 08-09-2018 at 12:45 AM.

  5. #155

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    Apr 2017
    Almost 2 weeks since last post, now I calmed down a lot and well, my luck pretty much migrated to another game. (again) So yeah, just say F to my luck in FKG and moving on.

    @maotd And I just have to see another rainbow!? /jk
    Congratz on pulling her. Be careful for her god horrid speed though since Kerria also has below average speed. But with Snowdrops it should balanced out.

  6. #156

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    Thanks all.

    Wutan> My team will be Kerria, Snowdrop, Lavender, Snowdrop, Haloween Peony and certainly Rainbow Rose. With that setup, I don't reach the maximum debuff but I got two win condition instead of one and Rainbow Rose will reach max Crit Rate with H. Peony.
    I could use White Tulip but I don't really like her even if she is a great support. She is too expensive in term of Rainbow Shards and I want to promote some other girls before.

    Myrdin> Sorry but Lavender is not mah waifu. I like her as I like some other girls. I'm really happy with Lavender Valentine because she is the perfect team mate for Kerria but not really for waifu reasons. I don't have actual waifu. If I really need one she will be more Money Tree, Pink Miko or St Paulia.

    game> nice to see you again. I know her speed is a big issue. But I still can use promotion abilities to counter act it. After all she can survive without a +15% ATK turn one if I really need speed.
    edit: I tried with placeholdergirls and the team mentionned above reach 485 speed. A bit low but I just need to give one +20 speed promotion ability to one girl (Snow Drop or H. Peony) and I will be in the 500-600 speed range. I guess it works.
    Last edited by maotd; 08-09-2018 at 10:56 AM.

    ID: 481766521 (DMM)
    Name: maotd
    Good old memories
    10+1 roll in a nutshell

  7. #157

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    Cool, cool. But hear me out - how about instead of 3 golds I will never use I get... I don't know, maybe like... a single rainbow? It's been a while now since I pulled a legit one.

    Signature done by Myrdin

  8. #158

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    But, Money Tree is a good girl to use . And she brings luck.

    ID: 481766521 (DMM)
    Name: maotd
    Good old memories
    10+1 roll in a nutshell

  9. #159

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    I actually use Money Tree in my crit team, with Ume and AstroMaria. But she already has all equipment slots unlocked and maxed skill.

    Signature done by Myrdin

  10. #160

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    Nutaku: July 2016 | Flower Knight Girl: 835228859 | DMM: 646263953 飢えたハンター

    Plays Flower Knight Girl, Aigis, Kamihime
    Dropped Harem Heroes. Staff deleted my nice reason for not spending $.

    Signature made by Myrdin

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