Just like that, I did my daily gacha for the mission:
Tales from the Gacha-isitanepicroll-54aaf85.jpg
It's pretty good for a normal gacha.

So, I tried my luck and burned my 8 saltickets:
Tales from the Gacha-eight_saltickets10-54aaf95.jpg
It was a lucky day. Sadly, I should keep my ton of FG for Saffron/Kerria/5* St Paulia gacha. I will not try more luck here.

Valentine Snapdragon is not my favorite but she is my first chocolate healing panel girl so, why not. it's still usefull for some maps.
Radiant Cyclamen is nice. I don't love her but I still wanted her anyway. I'm glad with that.
Maybe that new FG system is bringing me luck (yeah... keep dreaming...)