View Poll Results: Which Tier does Black Baccara belongs to?

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  1. #131

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    I guess one girl each 5 days is not a bad thing. I'm for!

    ID: 481766521 (DMM)
    Name: maotd
    Good old memories
    10+1 roll in a nutshell

  2. #132

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    Ok after i have heard the opinion of game and Shad i'll change the schedule. I would also like to hear twilight's opinion but it looks like he also has a lot of stress lately.

    I don't think they have a problem with a 5 day schedule either.

    The new rule applies instantly and Chocolate Lily's new Deadline would be the 25.06.2018
    Last edited by Wutan; 06-21-2018 at 11:17 AM.

    DMM FKG ID: 986648592
    Name: Wutan

  3. #133

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    Go ahead with the plan, I have one heck of a week as is and next month... Damn I just don't want to think about it.

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    [Just a guy with bad self control and blow his gems for more salt and sodium chloride]

  4. #134

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    Allright then it's settled.

    Choco Lily's new Deadline is the 25th of june.

    DMM FKG ID: 986648592
    Name: Wutan

  5. #135

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    Rice-choco-fritrilrirlathing Lily. Not an easy girl to rate. I have her on Nutaku but that's not helpful at all.

    HP: That's low. Too low. To be honset, she has the lowest HP of all natural 6*. That's a shame.
    ATK: That's better and she is on the top of the list but there is still girls with higher ATK.
    DEF: That's low too. She is not the worst but she is on the botom anyway.
    So, we have a glass canon. High ATK, bad DEF and HP. But her ATK is too weak if you look at her

    2.9x damage to all, 34% chance of activation. It looks a bit better than the common 2.8x damages but thoses 2.8x have 37% skill act. So, it's not better, espacially with her main ability.
    Not bad but not good. Damage to all enemies is usefull on certain fights but a single target high damages or life drain would be better for her.

    I will keep her main signature ability for the end.

    +20% ATK for all.
    That's OK. Even if there is better ability of this kind. Nothing much to say. She benefit from it and she can support her team.

    +30% Crit Act for all.
    That's good even if she lacks of Crit damages. She can be a good option if you lack Crit Act to reach the max 80%. Most of Crit Act + Crit Damages girls have less than 30% Crit Act.

    x1.2 Skill Act.
    Good old ability but for her it's espacially good due to her main ability. She just need it. Here too, she can be a good support for her team with that. And that support supports her. That's a nice deal.

    +30% ATK on boss fights.
    Usefull... and maybe not that much. I mean, that's a great boost for her and her team mates for sure, but due to her skill and ability set, she will be better against group of pests instead of boss fights. Ok, there is boss fights with minions or more than one boss, but there is also many solo bosses in the game. Against that kind of bosses, she will only be a good suporter but will not use all her potential.
    But, that's still a good thing.

    Increases Attack for oneself by 16% each time a party member uses a Skill (Up to 96%).
    Good? Not good? I can't say. On the paper, that ability is insane. Put her in a turn 1 skill act and she will have 130% ATK by herself in only one turn. Add the buff from her allies and she will have an insane ATK stat.
    But, that's on the paper only. Because of two littles things.
    First, her skill don't fit it at all. A super high ATK boost is good but spread between 3 pests when you have only one... it's just like dealing normal damages with a single target skill. Or maybe worst in fact...
    Second... remember what I said about Stats. She is a Glass Canon. And her main signature ability apply ONLY after the end of the turn. If she can't survive at least one turn, she will not be able to use that crazy ATK buff. Now, with her low HP and DEF, she will be dead against strongests boss and she will have issue to survive many small pests assaults.
    Gerbera is a better user of that ability. She is just a gold and she is... weak. Too weak. But at least, she has a 1 target Skill and HP drain, giving her more chance to survive and abuse of her boost. And she has a good chance to be better than Rice-choco Lily after 6* promotion.

    A lot of potential but her awful defensives stats and her contradictory abilities and skill ruin it a bit too much. She can be a nice girl anyway because she is rainbow and fit in many teams but it's hard to find her a place in a serious team to tryhard the hardests parts of the game.
    I don't hate her at all and she can be a monster on easier map but she can't do her job perfectly.
    And Rice-Choco Lily sounds like chocolate puffed rice cereal.

    Final verdict:
    That's hard to give her a rank to be honest. I guess I want to give her a B Tier... A C Tier is a bit too hard for her but even with a lot of good points, she is less good than other B Tier (okay the only B Tier is Black Baccara). Even Cattleya seems better than her in a certain way.
    Actually, Rice Choco Cereal Lily can be a good girl but it depend only on how long she can survive. And she defensives assets are... inexistent. If she can survive several turns she can deal a lot of damages but if she die on the first turn... she will do nothing at all. And above all, she will have all her buff gathered from the first turn wasted.
    At the end, I guess I will give her a B Tier. But it will not count if she gather the same number of B Tier and C Tier at the end.

    PS: sorry if my english is awful or not clear, I'm a bit too tired and I can't even write or think correctly.
    Last edited by maotd; 06-22-2018 at 12:44 PM.

    ID: 481766521 (DMM)
    Name: maotd
    Good old memories
    10+1 roll in a nutshell

  6. #136
    Alright! Woooooo! Finally the weekend and I am free from this CRAZY week at work! Time to analyze as promised.


    Alright, since Sakura shares the same name and hair color of an anime character that seriously annoyed me of how much she was a bitch at first pining her love over some guy that treated her like crap and still touted her obsessive love for him despite the fact that he literally attempted to straight up kill her at one point and at the end of the series somehow still ends up with the emo bastard!!! *DEEP BREATH* I'm okay.... I'm okay... So I digress, I will not let the shared namesake sway my judgment unfairly.

    As far as her stats go, she is literally the exact same copy of Japanese Apricot. Average HP, great ATK and DEF. Even her ability is single target with the same dmg rating and activation rate. One major difference between the 2 is that SPD stat. Holy moly is that abysmally slow! This means she could be great for anyone to slow down a team who has very fast units and is preventing 3* the map. But there aren't many girls with super speed to require such a need for an "anchor" character to slow them down. So this lessens her a bit compared to Japanese Apricot.

    I guess where Sakura begins to show her worth is in her abilities. Standard increase in ATK and skill activation rate ability. But where she comes in the shine is her other abilities. While Japanese Apricot is stuck with the garbage light gauge ability, Sakura increases the attack of her teammates against bosses as well as increasing damage against those bosses. So if you put her on a powerhouse team, she will definitely work to help out the overall effectiveness against monsters like Nidhogg or whale missions.

    So despite her terrible speed, Sakura's abilities make her slightly better than Japanese Apricot in my opinion. Final Judgment: A Tier

    Waifu Judgment
    Sakura is just as her namesake implies, an attractive woman that embodies the floral beauty of cherry blossom trees in bloom. Long beautiful pink hair. OPPAI!!! While I'm not really into the whole differing color eyes, it's not too jarring to be a detractor. I have to say her evolved form artwork is lovely but they really disappointed with her bloomed artwork. Her grace and beauty gives a strong sense that to only desire sleeping with this woman is blasphemy. This is definitely a woman you would want to make your wife.

    Waifu grade: A Tier

    Chocolate Lily

    Looking at CL's stats compared to the last 2 rainbows, she is not quite as impressive. Her HP is lower that JA/Sakura. It's actually the worst HP out of all the girls we've reviewed so far. Sadly, she does not make up for this with her DEF stat as it is one of lower DEF stats we've seen too. Her ATK stat is probably the only redeeming factor as it pretty good. Her skill attacks all enemies with the same damage and activation rate as Cattleya. In fact, that is how she is in essence. CL is the slice girl equivalent to what Cattleya is as a magic girl; a glass canon.

    There is a notable difference in abilities to differentiate her some from Cattleya. CL at least doesn't have a worthless light gauge ability. Instead she has he nice ability of BOOST!.. er I mean increasing her attack every time anyone uses their skill up to 96%!!! Wow! So if you have another member with a high skill trigger rate, it's like giving your glass canon a nice BOOST!.. er power up every turn with the right team mates. So by itself, this would be okay but to go along with it, she also increases that potential by increasing the skill activation rate for her team mates so they can, in turn, help her. Then to make her potentially hit harder with her BOOST! (okay I'll stop resisting) she increases the critical activation rate for her team. And to make things even better, she increases attack against bosses. My heavens! Despite having lackluster stats, her abilities are the all around dream team to help make a team and herself battle ready to take on bosses like Nidhogg! The key is hoping she can last long enough. And that in itself doesn't seem too likely to happen sadly.

    So in all, CL's abilities saved her from being a worse version of Cattleya to where she can be useful with the right team mates. But those terrible stats just hold her back to where I have a hard time seeing her lasting long enough to make full use of her abilities. Wasted potential. If those stats were much better, she would definitely be A tier and maybe even approach S tier level. But as it stands: B Tier

    Waifu Judgment
    Hrmmm…. She's not oppai, that's for sure. But she's got some nice perky breasts for her slender frame. So not too bad overall. Nice long hair. Not a big fan of the twin ponytail style but she makes it work alright. I like her dark design and clothing aesthetics. Something about it is very appealing and makes her appear like quite a cool character to me. Her artwork certainly gets better with each upgrade.

    Overall waifu grade: B Tier
    Last edited by ShadwNinjaX; 06-22-2018 at 07:53 PM.
    DMM FKG ID: 536701334 IGN: ShadwNinjaX Allies: 53/63

  7. #137

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    Finally crawl out of the hellhole and will have 1 week of respite before July of death... Oh well here goes, not gonna waste time complaining here.

    Kuroyuri, who I prefer to call Kuro-chan as parallel to Shiro-chan (Dusty Miller) Or well just any name that's not Nutaku's name. So hard to spell (type) even if I know it's a genus of the flower... Well Kuro-chan used to be the first rainbow I got in Nutaku and she served me well back then. Too bad she's not in my plan for crit team so I may not get her in DMM for a long, long time. Not to mention she has one of the most wrecked skill and abilities jumble that's not go well together. Let's take a look.

    1. Raw stat: Her HP is really horrid. Maybe because her death seeker nature or something but 18k HP is absolutely horrible for rainbow. Combine with rather low def she will fall real quick, her atk is pretty high at 8100ish though but it's not as high as I wish with 2 bad stats to balance. Her speed is slightly low at 475 but not something unsolvable. On short this section is quite disappointed for me.
    Grading: C-

    2. Skill: 2.9x at 24% for lv.1 and 34% top. Considered that one of her ability is working with how often you pull skill off, the trade off is not appealing with just 0.1x more damage vs 4% of skill act rate.
    Grading: C

    3. Abilities: As usual, I will skip atk boost that's not higher than 25% and 1.2x skill act. They are good but standard load-out for rainbows by now. We will focus on other 3.
    -Extra 30% atk when fighting boss is good, as I said most of the problems lie in boss fight and 50% atk is great. But where is damage boost to syncc with...?
    -30% crit act is again, fine. But most of the girls got crit act and damage package by now and Kuro-chan just has to be the one left-out? Give the poor shinigami a break. It's also VERY EASY to reach 80% crit rate capped with full rainbow lineup anyway and what's more important is damage since this one doesn't have capped.
    -Finally the main focus of Kuro-chan, 16% atk boost for every skill atk up to 96%, which means 6 times to reach the capped. There are 2 questions/problems about this ability however.
    1. Is this ability reset after every battle or works for entire mission? If it reset after every battle its usefulness pretty much hit the rock bottom due to Kuro-chan's low hp and def so she couldn't survive long until she get full buff especially in hard boss fight.
    2. Her sweeper skill works best on first turn to clear out fodders before hard hitter can attack boss or more dangerous target. Even if the boost last entire mission this ability would be more useful if Kuro-chan has boss killer skill instead of sweeper like this. Against bosses it wouldn't be very useful and 2.9x is much paler compare to 5.4x
    Can I ask Wutan to confirm my first question?
    Grading: C-

    Final Verdict: *sigh* C. Yes, I know I'm harsh in grading her. But there are much better sweeper than her with better stat or abilities set. Her abilities doesn't work well as supporter and not selfish enough, not to mention that her skill is not tailored to fit selfish abilities as well. She just lacking in so many way. Sorry for my bluntness, Kuro-chan.

    Extra: While I'm harsh in grading her, I still fond of her as my first rainbow and back in Nutaku when there were no broken stages, she helped my team splendidly in many events and stages. Too bad she doesn't get any good rebuff. I do like her personality though even if it seems like she's some kind of chuunibyou or death seeker. I wonder if her final character quest would make her better?
    Last edited by game2534; 06-23-2018 at 05:26 PM.

  8. #138

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    Quote Originally Posted by game2534 View Post
    1. Is this ability reset after every battle or works for entire mission?
    Can I ask Wutan to confirm my first question?
    Yeah sure
    Sadly the answer won't please you i am afraid.
    The Atk she gathers in one fight doesn't carry over to the next one. You have to collect that boost again.
    Last edited by Wutan; 06-23-2018 at 09:13 AM.

    DMM FKG ID: 986648592
    Name: Wutan

  9. #139
    Quote Originally Posted by Wutan View Post
    You have to collect that boost again.

    Okay, I'll stop now...
    DMM FKG ID: 536701334 IGN: ShadwNinjaX Allies: 53/63

  10. #140

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    Damn... Kuro-chan couldn't get her well deserved buff at all. Fix a bit on ability section grading but final grading is the same. She just too lacking compare to other sweeper archtype.

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