Hmm... Sakura? That Ara Ara Nee-san type? Not owned, again. *paper only*

Sakura must be one of the easiest to talk about for me because she and Ume almost the same exact copy aside from abilities and speed. She was also one of the very popular girl back then in Nutaku, like for every 3 helpers one must have her. Not so much in DMM but she still there especially when new broken stage introduced. Let's go with it.

1. Raw stat: Just copy-paste what I said about Ume and there you go. Oh, but her speed can be a hindrance when trying to form specific team in specific stage. So a little lower score than her best friend.
Grading: B+

2. Skill: Now just copy-paste with slight difference, Sakura kills magic-weak pests.
Grading: A

3. Abilities: The first two are nothing to talk much. Solid but not impressive.
-Increase 35% atk when facing boss is great however, as the only problem you will face in this game is boss. I mean, Kodaibana stages are the only place where fodder pests can hit you like 5 trucks run over but other than that? They really are just fodder. This skill makes your party go with 57% atk. Very high value for party buff that few girls can surpass this even with power creep nature recently.

-Increase damage when facing boss by 12%. It has low percentage considered there are 'Increase damage for party when attacked by 35%' or 'Increase damage from skill by 18%' But I suspected that all 3 are calculated separately rather than just flat addition. How is it calculated? No one knows or at least we just not really that devoted into this game like some players out there. Anyway considered that this skill boost 15% top, 12% is far from bad and will help Sakura punishes any boss especially magic-weak one.
Grading: A

Final verdict: Just like Ume, she got A. While her abilities set is not as universally useful like Ume's crit set(which got buff yet again), there are too few normal pests that gonna give you trouble. And just like Saboten, she need supporter or at least, those with damage boost to sync with her high atk boost. She's a great unit as boss killer and will does her job splendidly.

Extra: Sakura, when compared to Ume, is much more light-hearted. She is the famous 'ara ara maa maa' type Onee-san who is like super human that can does everything perfectly on first try and will either spoil you rotten or has fun teasing you endlessly, only to turn out that she too has zero experience in romance. Oh what an irony. This type of character not really clicked with me due to I being the youngest in my family. My older cousins, while friendly and I do love them, are not really reliable unlike what you see in manga/anime. So you can say it's the delusional case like who has younger sister IRL won't find imouto trope charming... like at all.
Her attack animation is epic though, it's like Sora's warp snipe from KH2. Move quicker than eye can see and fire bullets vs. Teleport before enemy's bullet and kick it back to them.