From now on, I'll try to share my opinion about the predictions of upcoming races.
Keep in mind these are only my interpretations (including the predictors' abilities) and I have been wrong once or twice on my own.

Hare's Ear - marks when the place determined initially by the odds goes from even to odd (double circle) and odd to even (circle).

Peach - marks with a heart when a racer will have a better* position than determined initially by the odds for everyone but the x10 racer.
* or possibly equal, comment below

From the get go we can concentrate on the racers whose placement will not be even using Hare's Ear's predictions.
This means that 1st place will go either to x20, x50 or x10.
Using Peach's prediction we know who will do better than the odds say.
This means that x20 and x10 are left, since x50 will not do better.
Normally, we could also eliminate x10 here as well, but in a previous race at this event, a racer heart-marked by Peach that had x20 odds did not win (causing me to lose the bet). Even though the translation says that she marks only those who'll do better, I decided to leave some room and vote for x10 just in case, especially since Nazuna also predicts the chance of x10 winning.