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  1. #6

    Join Date
    Nov 2016


    Pinkladies (Young Lady of the Heavenly Flower)

    To Commander JLP603,

    It was an exciting year, wasn't it? Pinkladies was also chosen as a Young Lady of the Heavenly Flower.
    That's something worthy of receiving a reward, don't you think so? You think so, right?
    In that case, please spend this holy night with Pinkladies. It's a promise.
    I've also prepared a special wine for us to drink together. I'm already excited for it today.



    To Commander,

    Concerning my plans to distribute presents with the children, surely you are already busy,
    but I'd be really thankful if you could come with me.
    ...if you're fine with it, would you like to celebrate this holy night with just the two of us afterwards?
    I know that wasn't very much like me. Despite that, I'd be happy if I got a positive reply.

    from Adenium

    Cattleya (Swimsuit)

    To JLP603,

    A bikini Santa for Christmas... surely you're not having weird thoughts like that, right?
    ...well, if it's only for you, I could do that I guess.
    In return, throughout Christmas, you are to always listen to me.
    If you won't show your love to me properly, I can't guarantee what will happen to you.

    from Cattleya

    Cowslip (Maid)

    To Master,

    For Cowslip's special service, what would ya like?
    As I thought, how 'bout a fresh cream decoration on my boobs?
    Mmm~... it's something ya won't know until ya actually do it, ya know~.
    In this case! I'll go prepare my service, so wait in your room!

    from big-breasted maid Cowslip

    Asiatic Dayflower

    To Commander,

    A Christmas spent with everyone from our knight order is so much fun, isn't it?
    Just like that, it gives me energy. This is all thanks to Commander...
    For me, Commander is someone like Santa Claus.
    I'll be a good girl from now on as well, so please let me be with you, OK? Fufu~!

    from Asiatic Dayflower

    Water Lily (June Bride)

    To Master JLP603,

    Fufu~! I've waited and waited and it's Christmas with Master~!
    Come one, I'll take really good care of.... wait, I almost got ahead of myself, but
    if you desire a romantic night, fitting these clothes of mine...
    I've prepared the outfit for Master as well, so first let's change clothes. Fufu~!

    Water Lily

    Purple Nae


    Is Commander spending today alone, I wonder?
    It'd pitiful, so Nae would be together with you.
    That's why, please be alone. You must be, OK?

    Purple Nae of the Tree of Life

    * The contents of this message are a delusion.

    Rainbow Rose

    To Commander JLP603,

    I'm thinking of organizing a party with the children who come to my experiment classroom.
    Of course, I'm planning a feast and cake and wonderful experiments as well.
    I'd be really happy if Commander shows up too.
    Let's spend an enjoyable and wonderful Christmas together with everyone.

    Rainbow Rose

    Japanese Anemone


    Since we're celebrating Christmas, allow me to bestow you a present ahead of time.
    Now I'm scheduled to play the role of Santa Claus and set out towards those two big children
    to hand out presents for them. That's right, why don't I request your company?
    With you as an accomplice, tonight I'll have you accompany me until the end~!

    Japanese Anemone

    Lotus (June Bride)

    To JLP603,

    Since I'm already wearing the perfect clothes and a mask, let us enjoy this Christmas party,
    without worrying over social standings or occupations.
    I... as no one especially, just me, want to stay by your side, good sir.
    Also, from now on as well, please let me stay by your side, good sir. Is it fine with you?


    Hare's Ear

    To Commander,

    I can't take a day of from being a dealer, even though it's Christmas.
    Actually, I'm even more busy than usual.
    With all this, if only for the night, I'd like to be with you... I'm thinking like that.
    That's why, can we spend tonight together in my room...?

    Hare's Ear


    Commander JLP603,

    Co, Commander, tonight, the fact that we're spending tonight together,
    I, I'm so extremely happy, just thinking about it, kufu, kufufu!
    I've already taken a bath more than 10 times since this morning and I keep changing into brand-new,
    expensive, really well-made underwear and shoes! I'm way too ex, excited for this~!

    from Commander's Sedum

    Home button

    Mister Commander,

    Hm, are you pushing the button? Wait just a moment. Lick, is this!?
    I see, so that was it!! That's why that person at that time...!?
    Furthermore, it's elementary for a button, get it? For a button.1(sparkle)


    * The contents of this message are only a mental image.

    1 I don't get it. EDIT: After consulting Kurenai, this might be a reference to how this button is the most "basic/elementary" thing in the game, considering how often it is used. However this is still a wild guess.
    2 Pun for Holmes (Sherlock).

    Solar Drive button


    I won't shoot, the gauge isn't filled up!
    I won't shoot. The gauge isn't filled up!!
    By the way, Merry Christma- BOOOOOOOM!

    written as Extreme Sunlight Release, read as Solar Drive

    * The contents of this message are only a mental image.

    Commander Nidhoggr

    How dare you seal me! Oi!
    Well, as a Commander myself, I approve of your strength!
    As fellow Commanders, let's peacefully wish each other Merry Christmas today, why don't we.
    Come, bring some cute flower knights with you! I'll be waiting!

    * The contents of this message come from Nazuna's dream.


    To Commander JLP603,

    When were you going to visit me, come on... I was lonely.
    There are no presents for bad children who ignore good women, you know?
    If you understand, then come visit soon~!
    I've prepared tasty side dishes and champagne and I'm waiting for you.


    Cherry (June Bride)

    To Commander,

    Small children were eagerly expecting to receive presents from Santa Claus.
    They were so cute, I think I kind of understood how daddies and mommies must feel.
    Commander as the daddy with me as the mommy... is what I thought, though
    as expected, I want to be daddy's daughter and be pampered a lot...~! Ehehe~!



    Commander JLP603,

    The year I've spent with you... without even putting it to words,
    warm memories are spreading through my heart.
    If I were to make a wish, then from now on always... please let me be with you.
    And may this day as well become a happy memory for the two of us.



    To Commander,

    About me being handed the role of supervising the preparation of the Christmas party,
    I've asked about it and I've heard it was Commander who recommended me for it...
    ...isn't that unfair to do without giving me a present first?
    Commander, I'll have you accompany me today, so be prepared.


    Last edited by Volarmis; 02-09-2019 at 07:01 AM.
    Name: Volarmis
    DMM ID: 317568967

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