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  1. #11

    Join Date
    Nov 2016



    To Commander,

    It's already the season, isn't it? What would you like for a Christmas present?
    As I thought, how about a collar? ...fufufu, just joking.
    Even without a collar, you can no longer be apart from me...
    Even after Christmas ends, be forever by my side.


    Name: Volarmis
    DMM ID: 317568967

  2. #12

    Join Date
    Nov 2016

    Nae & Nazuna

    Red Nae

    To Commander,

    Merry Christmas, Commander.
    Nae is small, so please give me a present.
    In return, once I grow up, Nae will be the one to give you a present.

    Red Nae of the Tree of Life

    * The contents of this message are a delusion.

    Blue Nae


    ...I'll be receiving your present now. It's not like I'm hoping for it.
    Commander loves Nae, so if I don't receive it I would feel sorry for you.
    Feel free to thank me later. ...next year, you'll give me one as well ...right?

    Blue Nae of the Tree of Life

    * The contents of this message are a delusion.

    Yellow Nae


    On Christmas~ there's a big feast and a lot of fun~.
    Though Nae loves feasting~ I love having a feast with
    Commander the most~. Commander, I love you~.

    Yellow Nae of the Tree of Life

    * The contents of this message are a delusion.

    Purple Nae


    Is Commander spending today alone, I wonder?
    It'd pitiful, so Nae would be together with you.
    That's why, please be alone. You must be, OK?

    Purple Nae of the Tree of Life

    * The contents of this message are a delusion.

    Red Nae Doll

    Merry Chrismtas-gurumi~
    Become strong and popular with my present-gurumi.
    Zuba, zaku, dokaan!
    You won't be sleeping tonight-gurumi.

    Red Nae's feelings of appreciation

    * The contents of this message are only a mental image.

    Blue Nae Doll

    Merry Christmas-gurumi~.
    Giving presents like that, it will surely be nice if you become popular-gurumi.
    It, it's not like I'm jealous-gurumi!
    ...I want a present-gurumi.

    Blue Nae's feelings of appreciation

    * The contents of this message are only a mental image.

    Yellow Nae Doll

    Merry Christmas-gurumi~.
    Become fashionable, popular and strong-gurumi~.
    Za, gaba, kyuu!
    Waa~, so cool-gurumi~!

    Yellow Nae's feelings of appreciation

    * The contents of this message are only a mental image.

    Purple Nae Doll

    Merry Christmas-gurumi.
    Receive the love of the holy night and please become strong-gurumi.
    Yawawa, poyoyo~n, fuu-!
    Ufufu~ Commander is awesome-gurumi.

    Purple Nae's feelings of appreciation

    * The contents of this message are only a mental image.


    To Commander,

    Merry Christmas, Commander~!
    Please receive your Christmas present!
    In order to give everyone a special Christmas,
    as a reindeer, I'll fulfill my role splendidly! <pumped up>

    from red-nosed Nazuna

    We meet again, Commander~!
    Were the Christmas presents you received sufficient?
    It seems everyone is spending Christmas just as they like.
    I was thinking that if you visit and check up on them, they will probably be delighted. <blushing>
    You know, if you want to, to my place as well...

    from (awaiting her present) Nazuna

    And so we meet once again, Commander!
    This time I'm in a Santa Claus swimsuit! As expected, it's a bit cold. <seal>
    I wasn't cold when riding the waves though, isn't that mysterious?
    Now I want to become warm and toasty!
    May this Christmas make Commander feel warm at your heart as well!

    from (wanting to be by the fireplace together) Nazuna

    And so we meet once again, once again, Commander!!
    Aw, awesome, Commander... <elated>
    To think you're look at Nazuna this much, it's making me extremely happy!
    At this point, Commander is already an expert at finding Nazuna~!
    Once again, from now on as well, please take good care of Nazuna!

    from Commander's Nazuna

    Last edited by Volarmis; 12-27-2018 at 04:01 AM.
    Name: Volarmis
    DMM ID: 317568967

  3. #13

    Join Date
    Nov 2016




    It's a good holy night, isn't it? It has a disgusting ring to it. Did Commander have a good day, I wonder?
    Fufu, you're not thinking of ending the day so lazily,
    while having me by your side, now are you?
    I'll properly stand up to your expectations, so be a good boy~!


    Green Bell

    Commander AgentHunter,

    Christmas has come, hasn't it, Commander?
    Today, everywhere you look you can see party preparations.
    Wearing Santa Claus or reindeer outfits... no, I'm not wearing one, you know?
    Though if Commander says he really wants me to... then when we're all alone, OK?

    Green Bell


    To Commander AgentHunter,

    Fufu, with my perfect taste, I've prepared the best party!
    I've order food from the store I regularly attend, so each and every meal tastes delicious!
    I've prepared the cake specially for you, you know? You simply must come.
    As a special service, this time only... I'll feed you by hand.


    Apple of Sodom

    To Commander AgentHunter,

    Merry Christmas. Commander.
    As you'd expect, today's a special day, isn't it?
    DIfferent than usual, I'm so conscious of that... It's a bit embarrassing.
    We're spending tonight together, of course? Fufu.

    Apple of Sodom


    To Commander,

    To spend Christmas perfectly, you need a perfect plan and preparations.
    To that end, I've carefully selected the meals to cook and presents about ten days ago.
    That's why today I'll be able to offer Commander the best, perfect moment.
    I won't lose to Ume or Sakura, so... please look forward to it!


    Cowslip (Maid)

    To Master,

    For Cowslip's special service, what would ya like?
    As I thought, how 'bout a fresh cream decoration on my boobs?
    Mmm~... it's something ya won't know until ya actually do it, ya know~.
    In this case! I'll go prepare my service, so wait in your room!

    from big-breasted maid Cowslip

    Water Hyacinth

    To Commander AgentHunter,

    And so it came, the long awaited Christmas!
    Has Commander been a good boy this year? You have, haven't you?
    In that case let's give Commander, who's been a good boy, a present!
    Come on, go ahead and tell me what you want. Fu... of course, that would be me, right?

    Water Hyacinth


    To Commander,

    Merry Christmas. Tonight, I won't let you sleep until the morning comes~!
    Ummm, m, men love that king of seductive invitations... right?
    Since it is Christmas, I thought you'd be delighted by my assertive approach. I, I'm already
    experienced with what happens afterwards, but... I thought it would be nice to experience it with Commander.

    from Zephyranthes~!


    To Dassan,

    As I thought, if it's Christmas, it should be a rich, melting, milky kiss~!
    My handmade is explosively d'licious~! How about it? Ya wanna try, right~?
    I'll be waiting in Dassan's room, so for now, con - trol - your - self!
    If ya control yourself, I'll huggy-huggy ya a lot! Fufu~!

    from Cowslip

    Balloon Vine

    To Commander,

    This season, the town's just so lively!
    Just looking at it, I feel like flying up to the sky.
    Tonight, I want to fly with Commander, or something~!
    Ah, I wonder if we'll bump into Santa Claus with that...?

    Balloon Vine

    Balloon Vine (Easter)

    To Commander,

    The people walking through the town look so happy... fufu, I am too though.
    It's thanks to Commander that I'm spending time in such happiness.
    After all, I belong to Commander...
    I have a feeling I can go anywhere if it's with Commander.

    Balloon Vine


    To Commander AgentHunter,

    Commander, Merry Christmas!
    Tonight only, as the contractor who's touched by the blessing of light, it is my duty to
    distribute blessed holy goods and the sweet Holy Communion among the children!
    Ummm... I'm delivering presents and cake to the orphanage, so help me please!

    ♰ also serving as the Protector of the Holy Night, Ivy ♰

    Name: Volarmis
    DMM ID: 317568967

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