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  1. #1

    Join Date
    Nov 2016

    Christmas Cards 2018

    As I've previously mentioned, I will be translating the Christmas cards that we, the Commanders, are receiving this year as well.
    Anyone who is interested in what their favorites are wishing them for this special time of the year, please write me a PM containing the cards you would like to see translated.
    I'll make a separate post in this topic for each Commander. By doing so, you can send more than one card, even at a later date, and they will all be available in one place.
    Depending on the numer of requests, please be patient. Considering the situation last year, it might take a while.

    EDIT: If you're looking for a good source of the cards for this year you can find them here.
    Last edited by Volarmis; 02-20-2019 at 01:23 PM.
    Name: Volarmis
    DMM ID: 317568967

  2. #2

    Join Date
    Nov 2016


    Red Ginger

    To Commander,

    Merry Christmas, Commander.
    Tonight I will be secretly playing the role of Santa Claus for the children.
    With all the presents and cake, I want to make the children smile as soon as possible.
    As for my own Santa Claus... will Commander become him for me?

    Red Ginger

    Last edited by Volarmis; 12-20-2018 at 12:01 AM.
    Name: Volarmis
    DMM ID: 317568967

  3. #3

    Join Date
    Nov 2016


    Lycoris (Shrine Maiden of the World Flower)

    To Commander,

    Even though being a Shrine Maiden of the World Flower doesn't fit my character,
    despite that, don't you think I've put in quite a lot of effort into it, considering it was me we're talking about?
    That's why today... don't you think it's fine for Santa Claus to pamper the great shrine maiden who did her best, right, mister Santa?



    To Commander Myers,

    Merry Christmas... eh, I'm still not used to it, but it's not a bad feeling.
    I wonder if that's because I noticed that it's an enjoyable thing to spend this day by your side.
    Fufu, a somewhat mysterious feeling... a kind feeling.
    Thank you, Commander. From now on and always, I hope to spend this day with you.


    Last edited by Volarmis; 12-22-2018 at 12:33 PM.
    Name: Volarmis
    DMM ID: 317568967

  4. #4

    Join Date
    Nov 2016



    To Commander Wutan,

    I think I've finally understood the feeling of celebrating Christmas.
    We celebrate by praying for the peace and happiness for everyone, not just for myself.
    Since I'm aiming to be number one, I want to be the number one in wishing everyone happiness.
    I may still be clumsy with that, but if Commander is with me...

    From Maple

    Maple (Christmas)

    To Commander Wutan,

    Merry Christmas, I've prepared a present for Commander.
    I'm giving you not something with a form, but the me, who will continue aiming to be number one next year as well.
    Number one as a flower knight and Commander's number one... I'll always continue aiming to be those.
    That's why, tonight, can I stay together with you, Commander?

    From Maple


    Commander Wutan,

    Merry Christmas...
    Christmas is... a marvelous day... which you spend with the ones you love.
    I love... Commander. ...I love you ...the most.
    If Commander... thinks of me as his number one too... I will be very happy.


    Cactus (Bride of Fos)

    Commander Wutan,

    This Christmas... I want to spend with just the two of us...
    I am... a bride after all...
    I've prepared the food, including the cake... and I'm waiting for you...
    That's why... let's spend... a wonderful Christmas together...~!


    To Commander Wutan,

    I'm looking forward to the Christmas party this year as well.
    Lively celebrations with a lot of people make my heart pound with excitement.
    However, what I'm looking forward to the most is what happens later...
    The night spent with only the Commander... I'm so looking forward to it, I can barely contain myself...~!



    To Commander,

    Merry Christmas, Commander.
    I1... no, do you remember the promise you made with me1?
    Fufu, today is Christmas. It's the day you spend with your loved ones, right?
    I want you to come to my room later. I'll offer Commander the highest grade of love!


    1 She changes the way she refers to herself from the more masculine "boku" to the feminine "watashi".

    Lycoris (Shrine Maiden of the World Flower)

    To Commander,

    Even though being a Shrine Maiden of the World Flower doesn't fit my character,
    despite that, don't you think I've put in quite a lot of effort into it, considering it was me we're talking about?
    That's why today... don't you think it's fine for Santa Claus to pamper the great shrine maiden who did her best, right, mister Santa?


    Corn Cockle

    Dearly beloved Commander,

    I sincerely believe that I managed to grow up so much as a person, thanks to meeting Commander.
    That's why I think I will finally be able to meet Santa Claus this year.
    Despite that, right now I would rather spend time with Commander instead of getting any present, no matter how wonderful.
    I'll be really happy if you help me fulfill this wish of mine.

    From your Corn Cockle

    Scotch Broom (Christmas)

    Commander Wutan, Merry Christmas!
    I may be a dull, clumsy, worth as much as a water flea person,
    but wearing these clothes prepared by my grandma,
    I feel like I'm able to bring other people happiness.
    Tonight, the happiness of such a person as myself... re, receive it properly, please!


    To Commander,

    Merry Christmas. Sorry, but today you'll be spending the whole day by my side.
    It's a bothersome day when I'm receiving lots of invitations to parties, or whatever,
    but with Commander close by I think I'll somehow live through it.
    Also, well... being together, I won't get bored, since I really enjoy it.


    Rainbow Rose

    To Commander Wutan,

    I'm thinking of organizing a party with the children who come to my experiment classroom.
    Of course, I'm planning a feast and cake and wonderful experiments as well.
    I'd be really happy if Commander shows up too.
    Let's spend an enjoyable and wonderful Christmas together with everyone.

    Rainbow Rose

    Easter Cactus

    To Commander Wutan,

    Christmas is a cold day, but if I'm spending it with Commander it's just right I think.
    We join our hands, watch the scenery, enjoy the feast...
    Doing so, I believe in both body and heart I will feel pleasantly warm.
    I believe such warmth of the heart would be the best present for me.

    Easter Cactus

    Black Locust

    To Commander,

    I'm fondly looking back on this year that we managed to live through safely like this.
    Surely, both of us will be really busy on Christmas,
    but I'd be really happy if we managed to set aside some time to spend together.
    Even without doing anything special... some time to stay close to each other would be more than enough.

    Black Locust

    Tall Stewartia (Christmas)

    To Commander,

    It seems that this is a special day when men and women who think fondly of each other spend the night together.
    The combination of this outfit and the beautiful me is not something one should let go of.
    I'm looking forward to all the love Commander is going to shower me with, you know?
    Aah, but the night has yet not fallen, don't do that now...!

    Tall Stewartia

    Fir Tree

    To Commander,

    Commander, thank you for a whole year of hard work this year.
    Lately I've been relying on Commander for everything... I feel like I'm a failure as the manager.
    That's why, at least today, I want to personally relieve you of your fatigue... I do.
    This season is cold, so I will thoroughly warm you up. Fufu~!

    Fir Tree

    Worm Wood (Christmas)

    To Commander,

    Because of the meddlesome Scotch Broom and this outfit made by the legendary witch they gave me,
    I was really busy, being dragged along and doing preparations all over the place.
    Since I've already been forced to do things that are so much outside of my character,
    I want to spend at least tonight with just the two of us... it's fine, right?

    Worm Wood

    Night Phlox (Christmas)

    To Commander Wutan,

    You may have already seen this outfit, that I prepared especially to show you, but...
    I want to become your own personal Santa Claus tonight.
    I already prepared presents along with the gratitude from the bottom of my heart and many other things.
    Slowly, throughout the day, I want to show you my gratitude. Fufu~.

    Night Phlox

    Last edited by Volarmis; 12-23-2018 at 11:02 AM.
    Name: Volarmis
    DMM ID: 317568967

  5. #5

    Join Date
    Nov 2016

    A Time to Screw

    Trailing Abutilon (Athletic Meet)

    Commander, Merry Christmas.
    My beisaball training and matches as a flower knight's mission...
    I think I was able to give it my best in everything because Commander has told me to attend to it.
    Today's party conveys all that gratitude and challenges we faced, so let's enjoy it fully.
    After that, it'll be time for the individual reward... Fufu, look forward to what's in store for you~!

    Trailing Abutilon


    To Commander,

    Commander, Merry Christmas.
    Commander, have you written a letter to Santa Claus?
    Loquat has already written one. What I've written in it... that's a secret.
    I will tell you if you listen to my request.



    Commander, Merry Christmas!
    It seems there's a giant Christmas Cake challenge event being organized.
    As soon as I've heard you can participate in two-person teams, my heart began wavering.
    Spending time with just the two of us is a wonderful idea, but...
    If it's OK with Commander, will you accept the challenge with me?


    Anri (Rue Anemone)

    To Commander,

    Merry Christmas, Commander.
    Today is a special day, as it seems that everyone is livening things up.
    I'm also coming back just now from a musical performance meet myself.
    ...If you wish so, should I come to your room to host a little concert?

    from Anri


    To Commander,

    Do you remember the promise to go drinking with everyone today?
    Everyone, me included, is really looking forward to your visit!
    ...then again, I'd have been happy to spend Christmas with just the two of us.
    Commander, should we secretly sneak out together? Just~kidding~!


    Fritillaria (New Year)

    To you,

    I had no interest in dressing up, but I guess that thanks to Geranium,
    I've started thinking that these clothes are not so bad.
    Also, at least bit, I want to look beautiful in front of you... I think.
    If it's fine with you, could we go together for a walk through the town tonight?


    Pussy Ears

    To Commander,

    Commander, I want you to sleep together with me on Christmas.
    That's because, if Santa Claus tried to do something to me while I'm asleep, it'd be awful...
    If Commander is sleeping with me, I'm fully safe from Santa Claus.
    Yaaawn... Now that I feel safe, I became sleepy... Commander, let's go to bed, OK?

    Pussy Ears (廿x廿)


    To Commander,

    Commander... here, present... will you open it?
    ...ahahaha! It was a prank gift box! Did I scare you?
    Ah, worry not, I have your real present right here~!
    Tonight, I'll deliver it to Commander, so wait for me in your room~!


    Easter Cactus

    To Commander,

    Christmas is a cold day, but if I'm spending it with Commander it's just right I think.
    We join our hands, watch the scenery, enjoy the feast...
    Doing so, I believe in both body and heart I will feel pleasantly warm.
    I believe such warmth of the heart would be the best present for me.

    Easter Cactus

    Easter Cactus (Swimsuit)

    To Commander,

    Despite liking the hot and lively partying with everyone,
    I also like the silent and warm Christmas spent with just me and the Commander.
    It may be greedy of me, but I'd like to enjoy both together with Commander.
    That's why today... from morning to evening, let's be together all the time!

    Easter Cactus


    To Commander,

    Welcome back and Merry Christmas, Commander.
    Since it was surely chilly out there, let's begin the feast and warm ourselves up.
    Since it's a special day, I've prepared the food with lots of affection...
    It may be impudent of me, but besides the feast, there's something I'd like to tell you personally.

    from Fireweed


    To Commander,

    A year has gone by this year again.
    Enjoyable memories, sad memories, lots and lots...
    From now on as well, with my past, I will be growing as a person.
    That's why... Commander. I want you to always watch over me while staying by my side.


    Kitsune no Botan

    To Commander,

    There is a great feast at the Christmas party.
    They prepared my favorite, inarizushi as well. Can't wait, can't wait.
    With this, if Commander comes, it'll become even more enjoyable.
    That's why, absolutely attend to the party. It's a promise, ok?

    Kitsune no Botan

    Di Yu (Maturing Strategist)

    To Master,

    Master, today, schedule is unexpectedly free?
    That is because of Di Yu's plan?
    Di Yu, to spend today with Master, used the Dawn Breeze1 tactic?
    That's why Master, today eat a lot of cake with Di Yu?

    Di Yu

    1 This is actually a historical Chinese phrase.
    運斤成風 apparently also reads as "Jacket into the wind" and means "superb skill", "easy to use".

    Coral Flower

    To Big Brother,

    Big Brother, will you stay with me until Santa Claus comes?
    That's because... he's sneaking into the room while I'm sleeping, right...?
    I know he's doing that to give me a present, but I can't keep calm about it...
    Big Brother, why are you laughing? Come on... I'll get angry, you know?

    Coral Flower



    Today specially, it's fine for Commander not to do anything.
    Santa Plumeria will prepare the meals and the change of clothes~!
    I'll let Commander, who's always doing his best, use my lap as a pillow and I'll clean your ears, too.
    Don't hold back on my Christmas present, please~!


    Plumeria (June Bride)


    Merry Christmas, Commander!
    Since today is Christmas, I want to treat you even more kindly than usual.
    I want to pamper Commander and I also want to be pampered by Commander,
    so let's pamper each other without holding back!


    Purple Pansy

    To Commander,

    Ho ho ho, Merry~ Christma~s.
    My idiot of an older sister seems to still believe in Santa Claus,
    so we're dressing up with the oldest sister and we're currently in the middle of planning operation present.
    Go ahead Commander, try to change into the Santa Claus costume. You'll look good in it, for sure.

    from Purple Pansy

    Rainbow Rose

    To Commander,

    I'm thinking of organizing a party with the children who come to my experiment classroom.
    Of course, I'm planning a feast and cake and wonderful experiments as well.
    I'd be really happy if Commander shows up too.
    Let's spend an enjoyable and wonderful Christmas together with everyone.

    Rainbow Rose

    Cattleya (Early Childhood)

    To Commander,

    Somehow, I feel that a Christmas spent together with you is super special.
    The cake, the feast, the presents, the stories, everything!
    Yesterday I've slept a lot at home, so stay with me today all the time, ok?
    Until the night... no, I want to be with you until morning comes.



    To Commander,

    Commander. It's a real pity, but today Commander's fortune seems to be bad.
    What should we do... is something we have no time to be worrying about.
    Today, for the whole day, not separating for a moment, I'll be supporting you with my fortune telling, so please be calm.
    For me to have a chance to be together with Commander, it's shaping up to be a wonderful Christmas... it is.



    To Commander,

    Merry Christmas, Commander!
    Today, with great vigor1, let's eat cake1, to prepare well for the next opportunity1 to give it our best!
    Of course, I've properly2 prepared chicken2
    and I also heated up some of my newest joke material! That's because I know you've been waiting for it~!


    1 Each of those is read "keiki".
    2 "Properly" is written with the syllables "ki chi n to", while the "chicken" she uses is written with "chi ki n" - similar syllables.

    Nymphaea (Maturing Conspirator)

    To Commander,

    From time to time, I think of properly enjoying Christmas.
    Normally, I'm always causing problems for Commander and you may wonder what in the world am I talking about, but... today is a special day.
    Please look forward to the presents and cake I've prepared for the sake of today.


    Mint (Maturing Virtue)

    To Commander,

    This year as well, it's time for Christmas. Time sure flies, doesn't it?
    Since I'm being together with Commander, I feel it's doing that needlessly.
    That's because the time you get to spend with your loved ones goes by you so fast.
    ...from now on, can I stay by your side, Commander?


    Royal Princess

    To Commander,

    Commander, Merry Christmas.
    I'm grateful from the bottom of my heart that today is the day which you spend with your beloved.
    If I continue being together with you, we'll surely give birth to many miracles of love...
    That's why, from today onwards and forever, please let me be with you.

    Royal Princess

    Last edited by Volarmis; 12-22-2018 at 12:21 PM.
    Name: Volarmis
    DMM ID: 317568967

  6. #6

    Join Date
    Nov 2016


    Pinkladies (Young Lady of the Heavenly Flower)

    To Commander JLP603,

    It was an exciting year, wasn't it? Pinkladies was also chosen as a Young Lady of the Heavenly Flower.
    That's something worthy of receiving a reward, don't you think so? You think so, right?
    In that case, please spend this holy night with Pinkladies. It's a promise.
    I've also prepared a special wine for us to drink together. I'm already excited for it today.



    To Commander,

    Concerning my plans to distribute presents with the children, surely you are already busy,
    but I'd be really thankful if you could come with me.
    ...if you're fine with it, would you like to celebrate this holy night with just the two of us afterwards?
    I know that wasn't very much like me. Despite that, I'd be happy if I got a positive reply.

    from Adenium

    Cattleya (Swimsuit)

    To JLP603,

    A bikini Santa for Christmas... surely you're not having weird thoughts like that, right?
    ...well, if it's only for you, I could do that I guess.
    In return, throughout Christmas, you are to always listen to me.
    If you won't show your love to me properly, I can't guarantee what will happen to you.

    from Cattleya

    Cowslip (Maid)

    To Master,

    For Cowslip's special service, what would ya like?
    As I thought, how 'bout a fresh cream decoration on my boobs?
    Mmm~... it's something ya won't know until ya actually do it, ya know~.
    In this case! I'll go prepare my service, so wait in your room!

    from big-breasted maid Cowslip

    Asiatic Dayflower

    To Commander,

    A Christmas spent with everyone from our knight order is so much fun, isn't it?
    Just like that, it gives me energy. This is all thanks to Commander...
    For me, Commander is someone like Santa Claus.
    I'll be a good girl from now on as well, so please let me be with you, OK? Fufu~!

    from Asiatic Dayflower

    Water Lily (June Bride)

    To Master JLP603,

    Fufu~! I've waited and waited and it's Christmas with Master~!
    Come one, I'll take really good care of.... wait, I almost got ahead of myself, but
    if you desire a romantic night, fitting these clothes of mine...
    I've prepared the outfit for Master as well, so first let's change clothes. Fufu~!

    Water Lily

    Purple Nae


    Is Commander spending today alone, I wonder?
    It'd pitiful, so Nae would be together with you.
    That's why, please be alone. You must be, OK?

    Purple Nae of the Tree of Life

    * The contents of this message are a delusion.

    Rainbow Rose

    To Commander JLP603,

    I'm thinking of organizing a party with the children who come to my experiment classroom.
    Of course, I'm planning a feast and cake and wonderful experiments as well.
    I'd be really happy if Commander shows up too.
    Let's spend an enjoyable and wonderful Christmas together with everyone.

    Rainbow Rose

    Japanese Anemone


    Since we're celebrating Christmas, allow me to bestow you a present ahead of time.
    Now I'm scheduled to play the role of Santa Claus and set out towards those two big children
    to hand out presents for them. That's right, why don't I request your company?
    With you as an accomplice, tonight I'll have you accompany me until the end~!

    Japanese Anemone

    Lotus (June Bride)

    To JLP603,

    Since I'm already wearing the perfect clothes and a mask, let us enjoy this Christmas party,
    without worrying over social standings or occupations.
    I... as no one especially, just me, want to stay by your side, good sir.
    Also, from now on as well, please let me stay by your side, good sir. Is it fine with you?


    Hare's Ear

    To Commander,

    I can't take a day of from being a dealer, even though it's Christmas.
    Actually, I'm even more busy than usual.
    With all this, if only for the night, I'd like to be with you... I'm thinking like that.
    That's why, can we spend tonight together in my room...?

    Hare's Ear


    Commander JLP603,

    Co, Commander, tonight, the fact that we're spending tonight together,
    I, I'm so extremely happy, just thinking about it, kufu, kufufu!
    I've already taken a bath more than 10 times since this morning and I keep changing into brand-new,
    expensive, really well-made underwear and shoes! I'm way too ex, excited for this~!

    from Commander's Sedum

    Home button

    Mister Commander,

    Hm, are you pushing the button? Wait just a moment. Lick, is this!?
    I see, so that was it!! That's why that person at that time...!?
    Furthermore, it's elementary for a button, get it? For a button.1(sparkle)


    * The contents of this message are only a mental image.

    1 I don't get it. EDIT: After consulting Kurenai, this might be a reference to how this button is the most "basic/elementary" thing in the game, considering how often it is used. However this is still a wild guess.
    2 Pun for Holmes (Sherlock).

    Solar Drive button


    I won't shoot, the gauge isn't filled up!
    I won't shoot. The gauge isn't filled up!!
    By the way, Merry Christma- BOOOOOOOM!

    written as Extreme Sunlight Release, read as Solar Drive

    * The contents of this message are only a mental image.

    Commander Nidhoggr

    How dare you seal me! Oi!
    Well, as a Commander myself, I approve of your strength!
    As fellow Commanders, let's peacefully wish each other Merry Christmas today, why don't we.
    Come, bring some cute flower knights with you! I'll be waiting!

    * The contents of this message come from Nazuna's dream.


    To Commander JLP603,

    When were you going to visit me, come on... I was lonely.
    There are no presents for bad children who ignore good women, you know?
    If you understand, then come visit soon~!
    I've prepared tasty side dishes and champagne and I'm waiting for you.


    Cherry (June Bride)

    To Commander,

    Small children were eagerly expecting to receive presents from Santa Claus.
    They were so cute, I think I kind of understood how daddies and mommies must feel.
    Commander as the daddy with me as the mommy... is what I thought, though
    as expected, I want to be daddy's daughter and be pampered a lot...~! Ehehe~!



    Commander JLP603,

    The year I've spent with you... without even putting it to words,
    warm memories are spreading through my heart.
    If I were to make a wish, then from now on always... please let me be with you.
    And may this day as well become a happy memory for the two of us.



    To Commander,

    About me being handed the role of supervising the preparation of the Christmas party,
    I've asked about it and I've heard it was Commander who recommended me for it...
    ...isn't that unfair to do without giving me a present first?
    Commander, I'll have you accompany me today, so be prepared.


    Last edited by Volarmis; 02-09-2019 at 07:01 AM.
    Name: Volarmis
    DMM ID: 317568967

  7. #7

    Join Date
    Nov 2016


    Red Nae

    To Commander,

    Merry Christmas, Commander.
    Nae is small, so please give me a present.
    In return, once I grow up, Nae will be the one to give you a present.

    Red Nae of the Tree of Life

    * The contents of this message are a delusion.


    To Myrdin,

    Spending the holy night with a god of death might be bad for the mood, but
    if it's fine with you, I want to spend tonight together with you.
    Being a death god, I'm surprised myself about having feelings
    of wishing for such a thing to happen. You're a mysterious man...


    Fritillaria (New Year)

    To Myrdin,

    I had no interest in dressing up, but I guess that thanks to Geranium,
    I've started thinking that these clothes are not so bad.
    Also, at least bit, I want to look beautiful in front of you... I think.
    If it's fine with you, could we go together for a walk through the town tonight?



    To Commander,

    Spending Christmas together with Commander...
    My heart is still beating wildly, it feels like I'm dreaming.
    Sniff... for such a happy thing to exist...
    I'm sorry, sniff, it's just, my heart is feeling so full... Waaaaah...


    Mei Plumblossom

    To Commander,

    I'm happy to welcome Christmas together with you this year as well, Commander.
    I'm sure a popular man like you got asked out to many different places today.
    Despite that, also giving me some of Commander's time makes me happy.
    I'm hoping to spend time with Commander too, after all. Don't forget that please.

    Mei Plumblossom


    To Commander Myrdin,

    Commander, Merry Christmas.
    Commander, have you written a letter to Santa Claus?
    Loquat has already written one. What I've written in it... that's a secret.
    I will tell you if you listen to my request.


    Wolf Berry

    To Commander Myrdin,

    Commander, Wolf Berry, this year, good girl. Present, qualification gained!
    Wolf Berry, Santa's is a different thing, Commander's, present, wishes for.
    Holy night... Commander, stomach, monopoly! Cold wind, growing cold, Wolf Berry, defends!
    Commander, pleasant, Wolf Berry, satisfied! Such present, ideal!

    Wolf Berry

    Herbaceous Peony

    To Commander,

    Thank you for always paying attention to me.
    Commander's sincerity... it's warm and I like it...
    Since it's Christmas, I wanted to express my gratitude with cooking... and I prepared it.
    I'm not completely confident, but... I'll be happy if Commander eats it.

    Herbaceous Peony

    Plumeria (June Bride)

    Commander Myrdin,

    Merry Christmas, Commander!
    Since today is Christmas, I want to treat you even more kindly than usual.
    I want to pamper Commander and I also want to be pampered by Commander,
    so let's pamper each other without holding back!


    Aizoon Stonecrop

    To Commander Myrdin,

    Even though it's Christmas, let's try not to get ahead of ourselves.
    That's because people with social standing, no matter what time, may be getting targeted without even knowing.
    Wherever we may go, always being careful is not a bad idea.
    ...that's why, for the whole day today, I could be by you side, you know?

    from Aizoon Stonecrop

    Anemone (New Wife Apron)

    To Myrdin,

    During cleaning I've found Christmas decorations and tried attaching them here and there... how is it?
    To spend time with you in a decorated room... it feels like a dream.
    ...being married, is such a feeling, I wonder? Fufu, I'm a bit embarrassed.
    I'm happy to spend time with you. Merry Christmas.

    from Anemone

    Flowering Peach

    To Commander Myrdin,

    A lively party and delicious dinner may be wonderful, but
    I want to spend today with you Commander, just the two of us, in the same room as always.
    That's because Christmas is a day for lovers to reaffirm their love, after all...
    You have to, you simply have to come with me, Commander!

    Flowering Peach

    Pygmy Water Lily

    To Myrdin,

    Tonight anyone and everyone can spend in happiness, without worrying over social standings or positions...
    Me too, not bothering about my social standing, if I could
    spend a happy night with Commander... is what I've been thinking about.
    I'm waiting for you with your present prepared.

    Pygmy Water Lily


    To Commander Myrdin,

    Hallo-nya! Christmas has come-!
    After all this battling and washing away the sweat, let's party together!
    Let's celebrate with delicious cola and cake! Ehehe, I can't wait~!
    If I'm together with Commander, we will surely have a wonderful, dream-like time!

    from Nightmaher of Katakuri

    Blue Nae Doll

    Merry Christmas-gurumi~.
    Giving presents like that, it will surely be nice if you become popular-gurumi.
    It, it's not like I'm jealous-gurumi!
    ...I want a present-gurumi.

    Blue Nae's feelings of appreciation

    * The contents of this message are only a mental image.

    Name: Volarmis
    DMM ID: 317568967

  8. #8

    Join Date
    Nov 2016


    Moon Vine

    [Chat Chit] DMM FKG-moonvinecard.jpg
    To Commander,

    Big Brother, Merry Christmas!
    Since we're throwing a party tonight with everyone,
    if it's fine with Big Brother, would you like to come too? Both Morning Glory and Calystegia
    will surely fall asleep halfway, so please make sure I won't feel bored... OK?

    Moon Vine

    Name: Volarmis
    DMM ID: 317568967

  9. #9

    Join Date
    Nov 2016


    Worm Wood

    To Commander,

    In the past, I could never have imagined that there would come
    a Christmas day which I would spend with such a calm and gentle feeling in my heart.
    I think that's because of you simply being by my side.
    Only today... I will convey my honest feelings to you.

    Worm Wood

    Worm Wood (Christmas)

    To Commander,

    Because of the meddlesome Scotch Broom and this outfit made by the legendary witch they gave me,
    I was really busy, being dragged along and doing preparations all over the place.
    Since I've already been forced to do things that are so much outside of my character,
    I want to spend at least tonight with just the two of us... it's fine, right?

    Worm Wood

    Name: Volarmis
    DMM ID: 317568967

  10. #10

    Join Date
    Nov 2016


    Money Tree

    To Commander maotd,

    Did I bring Commander lots of luck this year as well, I wonder.
    Today I will specially give it my all and entertain Commander!
    It's Christmas after all, so I want to make lots and lots of memories~!
    I'll be preparing in my room, so look forward to it~!

    Money Tree


    To Commander,

    Today we're having a party with everyone from the knight order!
    I'm really looking forward to it, so make sure you're not late and come join us, Commander~!
    ...don't forget the promise for after the party as well.
    That's because I'm also immensely looking forward to the time I'll be spending alone with Commander, just the two of us!



    To Dassan,

    As I thought, if it's Christmas, it should be a rich, melting, milky kiss~!
    My handmade is explosively d'licious~! How about it? Ya wanna try, right~?
    I'll be waiting in Dassan's room, so for now, con - trol - your - self!
    If ya control yourself, I'll huggy-huggy ya a lot! Fufu~!

    from Cowslip

    Blue Nae


    ...I'll be receiving your present now. It's not like I'm hoping for it.
    Commander loves Nae, so if I don't receive it I would feel sorry for you.
    Feel free to thank me later. ...next year, you'll give me one as well ...right?

    Blue Nae of the Tree of Life

    * The contents of this message are a delusion.

    Purple Nae Doll

    Merry Christmas-gurumi.
    Receive the love of the holy night and please become strong-gurumi.
    Yawawa, poyoyo~n, fuu-!
    Ufufu~ Commander is awesome-gurumi.

    Purple Nae's feelings of appreciation

    * The contents of this message are only a mental image.

    Last edited by Volarmis; 12-27-2018 at 03:00 AM.
    Name: Volarmis
    DMM ID: 317568967

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