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  1. #1

    Join Date
    Nov 2016

    Valentine's Day Cards 2019

    As I've already mentioned somewhere in the Chat thread I will be translating the Valentine's cards once they arrive.
    The time has come, so let's get crackin'.

    For the fellow Commanders who don't know the drill, it's the same as with the Christmas cards:
    - Send me a PM with the cards you'd like to have translated.
    - You can send as many as you'd like, as many times as you'd like, as long as you'll give me enough time to translate them.
    - I'll make a separate post for each Commander in this thread with the translated cards.

    For those who missed their chance, you can still view the cards here.
    Last edited by Volarmis; 02-20-2019 at 01:24 PM.
    Name: Volarmis
    DMM ID: 317568967

  2. #2

    Join Date
    Nov 2016


    Red Ginger

    To Commander,

    Let me give you my Valentine's chocolates.
    I'm preparing some for the children as well, but... I wanted to give you yours first.
    For me, both you and them are important beings. However the meaning of important is different...
    My feelings for you are... love. I want you to never forget that.

    Red Ginger

    Name: Volarmis
    DMM ID: 317568967

  3. #3

    Join Date
    Nov 2016


    Lycoris (Shrine Maiden of the World Flower)

    To Commander,

    I wonder what would be a Shrine Maiden of the World Flower-like chocolate.
    Are you curious too, Commander? That's why I tried packing it full of magic.
    If Commander eats this chocolate you'll become fluffy too-kon1!
    Just kidding~! It's a joke, it's not magic I've packed it full of... but my feelings.

    from Lycoris

    1That's what the fox says (in Japan).


    To Commander Myers,

    I already got used to delivering other people's chocolates, but the moment
    I deliver my own to the person in my heart I still get nervous.
    Fufu, it's not like me at all, but since it's for you, it's fine.
    Commander, my heart's desire chocolate1, will you receive it I wonder?


    1There are a few types of chocolate the Japanese give out, for example:
    giri choco - out of obligation
    tomo choco - to friends
    honmei choco - to their special person, like in this case


    To Commander,

    This year's handmade Valentine chocolate's taste is on a different level.
    I've aimed to make it befitting my flower meaning - "lofty dignity",
    if I do say so myself. Now then... as you know, my flower meaning is not
    only that1. Do you know what I'm trying to say, Commander?


    1 Echinacea - lofty dignity, deep love

    Easter Cactus (Swimsuit)

    To Commander Myers,

    I wanted to give the absolute most delicious chocolate to Commander,
    so I sampled many different ones... uuu, I feel like my swimsuit got too tight...
    Then again, after all that the taste should be perfect, so I'm sure you'll like it!
    I'd love it if you'd receive it with these hot feelings of mine.

    Easter Cactus

    Water Lily

    May I take your time? Master,

    You may be feeling great after receiving chocolates from the ever increasing number of flower knights, but
    among all those handmade chocolates, the ones that took the most effort to make are my chocolates.
    Be sure to properly taste the crab pie... no, wait, chocolate coming out of the dough,
    that is packed with my love, which naturally is the best in the whole world~!

    Water Lily


    To Commander,

    Overeating is bad for your body, so you won't be getting any chocolate from me~! Just kidding.
    You're always showing me lots of chocolates, so I had the urge to tease you, you know?
    Then again, I also put my feelings into it... I did my best, you know?
    I understand the feeling of wanting the Commander to eat what I made myself.

    from Nandina

    Anemone (Radiant Princess)

    To Myers,

    With all this being chosen as the Radiant Princes, I've been a bit busy at first.
    Then again, I made absolutely sure to set aside the time to make Valentine's chocolates.
    For you, of course. Since I did my best and prepared them full of my love,
    can I look forward to your return gift? ...fufu, just kidding.

    from Anemone

    Hare's Ear

    To Commander,

    Since handing out Valentine's day chocolate just like that is boring,
    since I'm a card dealer, let's make it a game where I'll give you them if you win.
    Of course, I won't be giving you anything like a handicap.
    Then again... I prepared them knowing that if it's you, you will surely win.

    Hare's Ear

    Last edited by Volarmis; 02-11-2019 at 12:28 PM.
    Name: Volarmis
    DMM ID: 317568967

  4. #4

    Join Date
    Nov 2016


    Money Tree

    To Commander maotd,

    Arranged according to feng shui, chocolates with the perfect taste, looks and wrapping!
    For the place to give them, Commander's room will be good!
    I'll go and bring them to your room, so wait for me there~!
    With this, today the Commander is a super lucky boy!

    Money Tree

    Pinkladies (Young Lady of the Heavenly Flower)

    To Commander maotd,

    I've tried making chocolates infused with love potion, so go ahead and eat them.
    As a test, Pinkladies also ate one, but there wasn't really any effect.
    Both before and after sampling it, Pinkladies is love love with Commander, so I can't really say.
    By the way, except the love potion, there's also Pinkladies's love inside them, so please eat up.



    To Dassan,

    Commander! Ya wanna eat my handmade chocolates, right~?
    I've got a special mission for Dassan if ya honestly say ya wanna eat it!
    I've hidden the chocolates I brought on me, so if ya find 'em I'll give ya an okay to eat 'em!
    I'll unlock the door to your room and wait there, so come find me quick, smooch~!


    Cowslip (Maid)

    To Master,

    The chocolate that fits even the bit~ter coffee they make ya learn at the 'fe1!
    I think it'll surely fit Dassan's tastes too~!
    After that, there's also the injection of all the love of a big-breasted maid, but
    if that's not enough, I'll also give you hugg~~ies with my boobs~!

    from big-breasted maid Cowslip


    Red Nae

    To Commander,

    Commander is always taking good care of me, so
    I've put all my feelings of gratitude into my
    handmade chocolates. They're absolutely delicious. Eat a lot of them.

    Red Nae of the Tree of Life

    * The contents of this message are a delusion.

    Purple Nae


    Commander is always tired from work, so
    I'm bestowing you chocolates. Commander will be
    a husband in the future, so I want you to be lively.

    Purple Nae of the Tree of Life

    * The contents of this message are a delusion.

    Petit Centy


    Reiter on- qwickwee-
    Ah'll becam a splendid grownap- Ah wanna-
    Dat's wai- Ah'll grow biggar an' biggar-


    * The contents of this message are only a mental image.

    Red Nae Doll

    Happy Valentine's-gurumi~.
    I've made chocolates-gurumi! Eat up-gurumi!
    Eat it up quickly and replenish nutrients just like that-gurumi!
    Receive sweet love-gurumi.

    Red Nae's feelings of appreciation

    * The contents of this message are only a mental image.

    Blue Nae Doll

    Happy Valentine's-gurumi~.
    Are you eating chocolate-gurumi? It'll recover your fatigue-gurumi.
    It, it's not like I'm worried about Commander-gurumi!
    ...I want to always be together.

    Blue Nae's feelings of appreciation

    * The contents of this message are only a mental image.

    Ring Forgespirit


    Thank you for always getting along with everyone.
    I hope your chocolate will be sweet.

    Ring Forgespirit

    * The contents of this message are only a mental image.

    Rainbow Elixir


    Happy-shubibi! Commander! Vale-shubi! Commander!
    Shubibibibi!? Chocoooooooooh!?
    Commandaaaa! I love-shubiiiiiiii!!!!

    from Rainbow-color sparkling secret blooming medicine

    * The contents of this message are only a mental image.

    Stamina Potion

    To half-Commander,

    It will not fill up the tank~
    The eight tenths of your stomach, no no, I'll restore 50%.
    What are the ingredients you ask? Those are... I wonder what.
    The taste of honey is the fragrance of youth.

    * The contents of this message are only a mental image.

    Solar Blast Button


    Valentine's, the gauge isn't filled up!
    Happy, the gauge isn't filled up!!
    By the way, I've brought choco- BOOOOOOOM!

    written as Extreme Sunlight Release, read as Solar Drive

    * The contents of this message are only a mental image.

    Office Armor

    To Commander, who I've been meeting ever since he assumed his office,

    Put me on at least once please.

    from the still brand-new armor

    * The contents of this message are only a mental image.

    Name: Volarmis
    DMM ID: 317568967

  5. #5

    Join Date
    Nov 2016



    Commander ShadwNinjaX,

    Since there are many flower knights who want Commander to eat delicious chocolates,
    in a way it's a showdown between rivals... is how one can see this.
    Above all else, I wanted Commander to be pleased, so I tried out a lot of things.
    Please enjoy this deliciously melting chocolate cake, packed full of my devotion and passion!


    Balloon Vine

    To Commander,

    Oh, oh no, after I made the chocolates to be given to Commander,
    we, well... I've put them between my breasts...
    Commander, will you reach for them please? I will remake them!
    Eeh!? You want to eat them like this...? A, are you serious...?

    Balloon Vine

    Black Baccara

    To you,

    Hey! I'll be giving you some Valentine's day chocolates.
    Somehow... I feel like this is really out of character for me though.
    Well, that just shows how grateful I am to you, so be sure to accept them!
    Hehe... of course, I'm also fine with eating them together!

    Black Baccara

    Winter Cherry

    To Commander ShadwNinjaX,

    Apparently today is the day to convey feelings of gratitude to the people who are most important to you.
    In that case, Commander. Thank you for all the things you do.
    The thing is, I've heard rumors that it's not only gratitude that people are supposed to express today.
    Me too... No, after this, I'll directly express myself, so please wait for me.

    Winter Cherry

    Cepha Lanthera

    To Commander ShadwNinjaX,

    Commander, happy Valentine's.
    I've put all my feelings for Commander into my chocolates, but
    before I noticed I prepared a whole mountain load of them...
    E, even so, if you'd be so inclined, will you receive them...?

    Cepha Lanthera

    Balloon Vine (Easter)

    To Commander,

    Inspired by Easter eggs, balloon-shaped chocolates!
    These chocolates are brightly colored and light, you can crunch them down easily~!
    ...eh? Did I sample that many of them?
    Fufu... that's a secret. Let's eat them together later on!

    Balloon Vine

    Hare's Ear

    To Commander,

    Since handing out Valentine's day chocolate just like that is boring,
    since I'm a card dealer, let's make it a game where I'll give you them if you win.
    Of course, I won't be giving you anything like a handicap.
    Then again... I prepared them knowing that if it's you, you will surely win.

    Hare's Ear


    To Commander,

    Along with these Valentine's day chocolates, I'm giving you this letter.
    Well, there are a lot of thing I'm dissatisfied about or simply that I want to redo, but
    the thing I want to say the most, well... I, I'm grateful for everything you're doing for me.
    That's why, well... from now on as well, stay together with me!


    Cattleya (Swimsuit)

    To Commander ShadwNinjaX,

    It becomes really hot while making chocolates, doesn't it?
    That's why I decided to cook wearing an apron over the swimsuit I wore in the summer.
    Since I've put so much effort into it, taste them properly.
    ...by the way, if you're having weird thoughts, I'll be confiscating those chocolates!


    Cherry (June Bride)

    To Commander,

    I've prepared a lot of chocolates filled with my love
    for daddy, who's always doing his best at work~!
    Even though I'm always the one being pampered, I also want you to rely on me...
    When daddy becomes lively, I want to be pampered again, fufu~!



    To Commander,

    Thank you for the hard work da... Commander.
    Sweet things are good to recover stamina, so go ahead and eat these chocolates.
    You see, additionally to restoring stamina, their meaning... yes, there's another one.
    ...Happy Valentine's, daddy~!



    To Commander,

    Happy Valentine's, Commander...
    I don't think I'll ever get used to events like this.
    Then again, a one of the very few chances to express my honest feelings...
    Commander, please accept my chocolates.



    To Commander,

    I've made chocolates for Commander. Handmade, of course~!
    I want you to eat them as soom as possible, so right after reading this letter please come to my room.
    I also have gifts other than chocolate, which I'm absolutely sure
    that will satisfy Commander... Are you curious? Look forward to it!




    Sexy chocolates, that will make you absolutely smitten from the bottom of the heart!
    I've made them only for Commander, so I'll be happy if you eat them~!
    After that, me as well of course... just kidding, fufu.
    Did that perk you up, I wonder? If so, that's a success~!

    from your personal sexy patissier Kurenai

    Japanese Anemone


    Love is like an illusion. This fine day is also about making a fuss about nothing special.
    I thought like that, though seeing you pampering me like that,
    my heart can't seem to calm down...
    Therefore... understand that these are not for Valentine's, but simple teatime confectioneries.

    Japanese Anemone

    Easter Cactus

    To Commander ShadwNinjaX,

    No matter how cold the weather is, today becomes a hot day.
    Of course that's because today is Valentine's day!
    I want to express the hot feelings I've put into my chocolates without holding any back.
    Ehehe, I love you, Commander!

    Easter Cactus

    Fir Tree

    To Commander ShadwNinjaX,

    This day only, bringing everyone together is absolutely impossible.
    After all, I want to have Commander all to myself...
    Then again, I can also understand everyone's feelings, so let's leave it at giving you my chocolates.
    Commander, please accept everyone's chocolates too.

    Fir Tree


    To Commander ShadwNinjaX,

    To Commander, who I'm in the care of day by day, well...
    I've tried making Valentine's day chocolates, but
    will you be willing to accept them...?
    That which I normally never voice, my... heartfelt feelings...


    Lycoris (Shrine Maiden of the World Flower)

    To Commander,

    I wonder what would be a Shrine Maiden of the World Flower-like chocolate.
    Are you curious too, Commander? That's why I tried packing it full of magic.
    If Commander eats this chocolate you'll become fluffy too-kon1!
    Just kidding~! It's a joke, it's not magic I've packed it full of... but my feelings.

    from Lycoris

    1 That's what the fox says (in Japan).


    To Commander,

    Now that I think about it, I've never given any chocolates to any man other than you.
    That's right, my heart's desire chocolates1, there are only one of those. ...fufu, how about that?
    Are you feeling even more thankful now? Be sure to taste them properly when eating them.
    After all these are the chocolates I personally made without relying on magic.


    1 There are a few types of chocolate the Japanese give out, for example:
    giri choco - out of obligation
    tomo choco - to friends
    honmei choco - to their special person, like in this case


    Commander ShadwNinjaX,

    It may be an abuse of my authority, but using my star reading, I've looked into the chocolate that fits the Commander's preferences and physical and mental condition like a glove... Kufufu, I've made it! The biggest
    hurdle is handing it over to you, since only by imagining it, many different types of sweat
    won't stop coming out of my body ...kufu! Enough to left me all dried out, Commander~!

    from Commander's Sedum


    To Commander ShadwNinjaX,

    Love is indestructible... Therefore I, being a transcendental being myself, am close to it.
    Furthermore, to prove this pledge of love, this jet black, sweet...
    I mean, this chocolate, it turned out pretty good you know?
    This form of my love, receive it properly, Commander!

    ☨ the incarnation of indestructible love, Ivy ☨


    To Commander,

    I'm sending Commander chocolates packed with the gratitude of everything you do for me daily.
    After meeting you, I've experienced many... wait, somehow I can't get into the right mood.
    The truth is, I've been thinking on what is the best way to give you these chocolates, but...
    As I thought, just being me is the best way I guess. Thank you for everything you do.


    Heavenly Bamboo

    To Commander,

    Overeating is bad for your body, so you won't be getting any chocolate from me~! Just kidding.
    You're always showing me lots of chocolates, so I had the urge to tease you, you know?
    Then again, I also put my feelings into it... I did my best, you know?
    I understand the feeling of wanting the Commander to eat what I made myself.

    from Heavenly Bamboo

    Southern Cross


    Happy Valentine's, Commander.
    The inspiration for this year's chocolates is a starry sky, so I tried putting many different toppings on it.
    The shape might easily collapse, which I'm worried about, but did I make it well enough, I wonder?
    I'll ask you for your impressions later on, so I want you to enjoy it not only with your tongue, but with your eyes as well.

    Southern Cross

    Coral Flower

    To big brother,

    I've been making chocolates with Hypericum and now I'm somewhat tired.
    Since I'm already waiting in big brother's room, can I rest a little?
    Let's eat chocolates while cuddling together.
    If I'm with big brother, my fatigue will quickly fly away.

    Coral Flower


    To Commander ShadwNinjaX,

    What makes the best chocolates? Their looks, their taste, their price... or maybe the affection inside them?
    In the end, I wonder if it simply depends on the person.
    That is, fufu... a result unfitting for a researcher though.
    Taking that into consideration, my personal opinion is that these are the best chocolates. I want you to receive them.


    Lamb's Ear

    To Commander ShadwNinjaX,

    I've prepared special handmade chocolates,
    filled with my feelings of gratitude for Commander, who is always with me
    and my wish to be together from now on as well...!
    I-, if you eat it with great taste, I'll be very happy!

    Lamb's Ear


    To Munaru,

    According to the report of my loyal squire, detectives everywhere are scurrying around,
    trying to get in the way of the wondrous performance of this phantom thief which is myself.
    Therefore... the one who moves first, takes the win, so let me give you this jet black sweetness!
    It's advised to eat it before it melts, so keep that in mind.

    the bitter and sweet phantom thief, Nightshade

    Maple (Christmas)

    To Commander ShadwNinjaX,

    The fact that Commander, who's my number one, is also the most popular in the eyes of other people is obvious.
    That's why you receiving the chocolates that other people give you does not bother me.
    However, in that regard I don't intend to lose...!
    Since I also want to become Commander's number one... here you go.



    To brother ShadwNinjaX,

    Happy Valentine's. I've tried making Valentine's day chocolates.
    Will you try eating them? I'm experienced at living on the go,
    so my cooking skills are at least that level, but... it seems there's a different knack needed for making sweets.
    Everything is an experience, Commander. Fufu, I'll make you accompany me.


    Moon Vine

    To Commander,

    Happy Valentine's big brother.
    I'm late in giving you these, not because I didn't manage to get up early in the morning,
    but because I've been giving my best to make them good until the very last moment, you know? I'm not lying.
    That's why, the chocolates I seriously made... will you receive them?

    Moon Vine


    To Commander ShadwNinjaX,

    The eyes of all the girls who came to me to teach them how to make chocolates were sparkling.
    Me as well, maybe my eyes were sparkling the same as theirs, who knows.
    Commander, thank you for always being by my side.
    These chocolates carry my gratitude and love... Here you go, eat up.


    Ivy (New Year)

    To Commander ShadwNinjaX,

    During our day to day lives, there are moments that take form of a special bond.
    These may be commemorative tablets or days of anniversary, well...
    Since it's Valentine's I want to go on a date with just the two of us.
    Then the chocolates. I think they taste normal... I love you, Commander!

    † the Protector of Life † true • Ivy

    Night Phlox

    To Commander ShadwNinjaX,

    For Commander, who's always doing his best, I've made chocolates full of my love.
    Not unusual in any way, just simple chocolate, though...
    What I'm saying is that it's good to eat sweet things when you're tired.
    After that, how about relaxing over some tea?

    Night Phlox


    To Dassan,

    Commander! Ya wanna eat my handmade chocolates, right~?
    I've got a special mission for Dassan if ya honestly say ya wanna eat it!
    I've hidden the chocolates I brought on me, so if ya find 'em I'll give ya an okay to eat 'em!
    I'll unlock the door to your room and wait there, so come find me quick, smooch~!


    Easter Cactus (Swimsuit)

    To Commander ShadwNinjaX,

    I wanted to give the absolute most delicious chocolate to Commander,
    so I sampled many different ones... uuu, I feel like my swimsuit got too tight...
    Then again, after all that the taste should be perfect, so I'm sure you'll like it!
    I'd love it if you'd receive it with these hot feelings of mine.

    Easter Cactus


    To Commander,

    I'm sending my chocolates to Commander!
    Truth to be told, I thought about sending something else to lift your spirit more, but
    then I thought that since it's Valentine's it should be chocolate! Uihihi~!
    Not to mention handmade! It's handmade, Commander! Be sure to taste it properly while eating.


    Water Hyacinth

    To Commander ShadwNinjaX,

    Commander, here you go, receive your Valentine's day chocolates!
    Fufu, it may not fit the usual me, but... I guess it's that thing when a woman's in love, right?
    Wanting to prepare chocolates you can't even stand it...
    Let me be in love with you now and forever! Commander!

    Water Hyacinth


    To my beloved,

    Happy Valentine's.
    By eating chocolate, to say in short, there can be many different effects depending on the ingredients used.
    I've studied many different ones and picked only the healthy ingredients to make my chocolates.
    Of course, all of them are for you. I want you to eat them without holding back.

    from Leucocoryne

    Queen of the Night

    To my Lord,

    The chocolate that's both sweet and bitter... it's like a person's life.
    I wonder if that's why the taste seems even deeper.
    The world is not only made out of sweet things, but I wish
    to be with my Lord now and forever together... That's what I'm thinking.

    Queen of the Night

    Rainbow Rose

    To Commander ShadwNinjaX,

    Making chocolate has always been harder than experimenting.
    However, making them by trial and error while thinking of you proved to be really fun.
    Even though I'm really happy to convey such feelings to you...
    Thank you for everything you do, Commander. From now on and forever, let's be together.

    Rainbow Rose


    Commander ShadwNinjaX,

    It seems you can also send things other than chocolates, like bouquets for example.
    I considered asking which would be better, but it is the day to express my own feelings.
    I can't keep the fire blazing in my chest under control.
    Let me offer you this day as sweet as melting chocolate. Fufu~!


    Red Ginger

    To Commander,

    Let me give you my Valentine's day chocolates.
    I'm preparing some for the children as well, but... I wanted to give you yours first.
    For me, both you and them are important beings. However the meaning of important is different...
    My feelings for you are... love. I want you to never forget that.

    Red Ginger


    To Commander ShadwNinjaX,

    I already got used to delivering other people's chocolates, but the moment
    I deliver my own to the person in my heart I still get nervous.
    Fufu, it's not like me at all, but since it's for you, it's fine.
    Commander, my heart's desire chocolate1, will you receive it I wonder?


    1There are a few types of chocolate the Japanese give out, for example:
    giri choco - out of obligation
    tomo choco - to friends
    honmei choco - to their special person, like in this case


    To Commander,

    I bring you the gift of chocolates.
    Even though it doesn't fit my character, I did make them myself. Taste them properly while eating them.
    For allowing me to always work by your side, let me do at least this.
    Please continue to be my, to be our Commander from now on as well.


    To Commander ShadwNinjaX,

    You've probably already received lots of them from other flower knights, but here are my chocolates.
    I've heard that the standard for Valentine's is to make them by hand. If you like them, I'll be happy.
    I've practiced making chocolates each evening, so much I'd like to take a break from it...
    If it's with Commander, it might become a somewhat different sampling I think. Fufu.


    Worm Wood

    To Commander,

    Popular men have it rough, huh. If you have that much, do you really need any from me, I wonder?
    ...just kidding, it's a joke. I've properly prepared you some chocolates.
    The only chocolates handmade by the black witch in the entire world.
    They are yours. Be sure to taste them well.

    Worm Wood


    Commander ShadwNinjaX,

    My flower meaning... my feelings of "gratitude" have been
    packed into the Valentine's day chocolates I'm sending you.
    If it's to see Commander's delighted face, I can do my best with anything.
    That's why, please be with me forever.



    To Commander ShadwNinjaX,

    Truth to be told, I think it's best to eat meat, but
    on this day only I'll be sending you chocolates as well.
    I know myself that such a thing doesn't fit me, but well, go ahead and receive it.
    Well, I am a woman too... I also have feelings I want to express this way.



    To Commander,

    I've tried making chocolates.
    Other flower knights are giving you chocolates to grab your attention, right?
    Seeing that, my fighting spirit got ignited...
    I don't have much confidence in them, but please receive them. Those are my feelings.


    Tiger Lily

    To Commander ShadwNinjaX,

    I wanted to make a chocolate that Commander would like the very most,
    so I made a lot of them and also failed many times.
    However, as it was for the sake of Commander's smile, I'm fine with it.
    I'm delivering the single most tasty chocolate to my important Commander.

    from Tiger Lily

    Tiger Lily (Christmas)

    To Commander ShadwNinjaX,

    It's a chocolate present from Tiger Lily Santa Claus.
    ...that is, was that a bit too cliche?
    Then again, I made the chocolates with this plan in mind.
    If they make Commander say they're delicious, I will be really happy.

    from Tiger Lily

    Night Phlox (Christmas)

    To Commander ShadwNinjaX,

    Today is Valentine's day, isn't it, Commander~?
    For the sake of today, I've made chocolates to the best of my abilities!
    Eat them up and let me hear your opinion on them.
    If it's for Commander, it's not only chocolates I'd like to make for you, but also many other things.~!

    Night Phlox

    Worm Wood (Christmas)

    To Commander,

    Fufu, do you want my Valentine's day chocolates, I wonder?
    I thought that would be the case, so I've been prepared since a while ago.
    Be thankful... well, you don't really need to, but remember at least that
    I don't make them for just anybody. Well, I don't hate you when you're being thickheaded, you know.

    Worm Wood

    Apple of Sodom

    To Commander ShadwNinjaX,

    Today is Valentine's day, right?
    I hope that's not the case, but you haven't forgotten, right?
    ...fufu, just kidding. Here you go, I'm sending you Valentine's day chocolates.
    I did my best, since I wanted to see Commander's smiling face, so taste them well while eating them.

    Apple of Sodom

    Last edited by Volarmis; 02-10-2019 at 11:18 AM. Reason: added translations
    Name: Volarmis
    DMM ID: 317568967

  6. #6

    Join Date
    Nov 2016


    Worm Wood (Christmas)

    To Commander,

    Fufu, do you want my Valentine's chocolates, I wonder?
    I thought that would be the case, so I've been prepared since a while ago.
    Be thankful... well, you don't really need to, but remember at least that
    I don't make them for just anybody. Well, I don't hate you when you're being thickheaded, you know.

    Worm Wood

    Worm Wood

    To Commander,

    Popular men have it rough, huh. If you have that much, do you really need any from me, I wonder?
    ...just kidding, it's a joke. I've properly prepared you some chocolates.
    The only chocolates handmade by the black witch in the entire world.
    They are yours. Be sure to taste them well.

    Worm Wood

    Name: Volarmis
    DMM ID: 317568967

  7. #7

    Join Date
    Nov 2016


    Pygmy Water Lily

    To skasio,

    Making chocolates by hand is surprisingly difficult...
    However, thinking that it's for Commander, it didn't matter at all.
    The shape may be a bit distorted, but I guarantee the taste.
    My feelings... Receive them please.

    Pygmy Water Lily


    To Commander skasio,

    Happy Valentine's!
    Commander is immensly popular, so you probably received
    loads of chocolates, but I'd be happy if you'd receive mine too.
    I've crammed them full of the gratitude I feel each day... and my love too, so I have confidence in those chocolates!


    Oncidium (Bride of Fos)

    To Commander skasio,

    Since I'm a bride, making chocolates is a walk in the park for me!
    I've made them so delicious, I felt like dancing on the spot, so
    please eat a lot and let's go dance our hearts out~!
    Then, once we're tired from all that dancing, how about I act bride-like and give you a lap pillow?



    To Commander,

    I've failed a lot of times, so these became normal chocolates with a high cost.
    Making them by hand is difficult... then again, thinking how it would be eaten with great taste,
    in the middle of making it, somehow my heart started beating faster~!
    As I thought, Chloranthus should learn how to cook too, I wonder...?


    Purple Tulip

    To skasio,

    Happy Valentine's, dear.
    These chocolates, which were made to fit your preferences and state of health and
    filled with my love are the only chocolates of their kind in the whole wide world.
    Go ahead, let your heart be only mine... or would that be aiming too high, I wonder?

    from Purple Tulip

    Toad Lily (Swimsuit)

    To Commander skasio,

    Valentine's day is a day were girls try their very best... isn't it?
    Summoning all their courage... their hidden feelings for their most important person...
    Like this outfit of mine, can I become so bold, I wonder...?
    Commander... Today I'll do my best, so... Will you come to see me?

    from Toad Lily

    Name: Volarmis
    DMM ID: 317568967

  8. #8

    Join Date
    Nov 2016



    To Commander AgentHunter,

    Unhappy Valentine's, Commander~!
    Are you having a perverted look on your face ever since you've received chocolates from other flower knights, I wonder?
    I've prepared chocolates as well. Just to make your face get even more perverted.
    No, it's possible it'll get dyed with despair. I'm looking forward to it, fufu~!


    Green Bell

    Commander AgentHunter,

    Commander, happy Valentine's.
    Knowing Commander will obviously receive lots of chocolates from other flower knights,
    I've tried making a giant chocolate pudding.
    If it's fine with you, may we eat it together?

    Green Bell

    Name: Volarmis
    DMM ID: 317568967

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