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  1. #1

    Join Date
    Nov 2016

    Golden Week 2019 Salt Pact

    1-6 May 2019

    1. Volarmis (host)
    2. unknown67
    3. Myers
    4. phob
    5. ShadwNinjaX
    6. durrem
    7. HungryHunter

    We roll anyday we want to during the timeframe, but post our results on the last day or the day after (6-7th May).
    The amount of tickets used is up to each commander to decide.
    After everyone's results are posted, I'll prepare a summary in this post.
    I've taken the initial participants' list from the main chat thread, but if anyone is still interested then post here and I'll sign you up.

    I was wondering if signing up is actually a necessary step at all in our future pacts, but I think in the end it's more fun to declare your participation since it has a more "community" or even (true to our name for it) "pact"-like feeling. We can discuss this point here if anyone has their own ideas about it.

    Let's hope that this week, being named as it is, gives as at least more golds.
    Good luck commanders!
    (and if you're rolling on the 4th, then may the Force be with you! )

    Commander Tickets Golds Gold ratio Rainbows Rainbow ratio
    Volarmis 50 Azuki 2% - 0%
    durrem 50 Creeping Jenny 2% Herbaceous Peony (Halloween) 2%
    phob 8 Chocolate Cosmos 13% - 0%
    unknown67 55 Balloon Vine (Easter)
    Tree Peony
    Cherry Sage
    7% - 0%
    Myers 60 Peperomia
    Lady's Sorrel
    Setaria (Flower Festival)
    8% Cactus 2%
    HungryHunter 20 Nymphea (Maturing Conspirator) 5% Viburnum (Beisaball) 5%
    ShadwNinjaX 50 Tiger Lily (Christmas)
    Cherry Sage
    4% Lavender (Valentine) 2%

    Congrats on all the rainbows!
    Personally, I'm not happy with my results, seeing as I had the least success, but overall I get the feeling the results were actually quite good.
    Thanks for participating!
    Last edited by Volarmis; 05-08-2019 at 12:20 PM.
    Name: Volarmis
    DMM ID: 317568967

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