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  1. #1
    Unregistered Guest
    Quote Originally Posted by Volarmis View Post
    Ok, KanjiTomo. I did not know such a program existed.
    That will surely help with the translations, thanks.
    Written Japanese is a bit of a headache, as you can know over a thousand kanji, but if an unfamiliar one appears, the whole sentence's meaning may be different than you predict.
    Yeah, it's a godsend. Extremely useful for things like reading scanned light novels and playing games that allow you to pause the dialogue. Too bad it's in Java.

    Knowing what the kanji means is only half a battle, unfortunately. For example, the Nutaku version translator has translated あの方 as "that way" when 方 is actually a very common polite word for person/people.

    Quote Originally Posted by Unregistered View Post
    Serial codes actually exist on DMM:
    PC7LDNCACCP5ARBB for the banner with several 4*s (this one expires eventually)
    97W9LX9GDXKR66RK for lv100 manyu set from TGS 2017
    K1ZNDORKMLCFDALE for manyu from TGS 2015
    Not all heroes wear usernames.

    Quote Originally Posted by maotd View Post
    The 18' 5* stone for a 50 FG roll is totally worth it for a new player. 50 FG are easy to get when you start and a free gold of your choosing (from 2018) is an excellent thing.
    Those 0 stamina training camp missions sure helped. That's nearly 1/7th of a full premium pull right there.

  2. #2

    Join Date
    Nov 2016
    Quote Originally Posted by Unregistered View Post
    Yeah, it's a godsend. Extremely useful for things like reading scanned light novels and playing games that allow you to pause the dialogue. Too bad it's in Java.

    Knowing what the kanji means is only half a battle, unfortunately. For example, the Nutaku version translator has translated あの方 as "that way" when 方 is actually a very common polite word for person/people.
    Yup, hou/kata = direction/method/person as I've learned it.
    I can't really remember the specific examples but I also had a few chuckles on such translations.

    On a different note, as maotd mentioned her, Pinkladies (エノテラ) is a good pick for the '18 Seal Stone if you're looking for a great girl post-promotion.
    Personally, I also like her suggestive character.
    Name: Volarmis
    DMM ID: 317568967

  3. #3
    Unregistered Guest
    Quote Originally Posted by Volarmis View Post
    Look through the exchange store, as there are some goodies there.
    The twelth is generally unusable, because as far as I know the currency is only aquired through promotions (at least I've never had any of it, even after clearing all the maps).
    I got a bunch of them starting out and more from the quest dungeon stages. At one point I had over 20, but I stupidly used 10 them in the gacha.

  4. #4
    If you're referring to these tickets, they're for mobile users who does daily rolls only. Perhaps due to billing process being handled differently by ios appstore and google playstore, the daily 100 yen roll on DMM are increased to 120 yen. As a result, you're given 4 ticket pieces, which 20 pieces will allow you to convert into 1 full ticket to roll.

    DMM and Nutaku differences-ticketpiece.png

  5. #5
    Unregistered Guest
    Yes, those very same. I've no idea about mobile, but these are the reward for the first and last quest dungeon stages, and you can also use them to draw from the premium ticket gacha.

  6. #6
    Unregistered Guest
    Sorry, *quiz dungeon. Had a brain fart.

  7. #7

    Join Date
    Nov 2016
    I'm talking about the currency to get those.
    The tickets themselves are the same ones we use in our little salt pacts once in a while.
    Plus, I knew there must have been some spelling errors in that long post, thanks for accidentally pointing it out.
    Name: Volarmis
    DMM ID: 317568967

  8. #8

    Join Date
    Mar 2018
    Some differences from Nutaku
    - Instead of a fast forward for cut-scenes, there is now a skip button.
    - There is no auto-run like in Nutaku, there is a partial one though (Go to options and turn on the 3rd row, right column option).
    - You can greatly reduce the time it takes to display buffs at the beginning of a battle (Go to options and turn on the 4th row, right column option).
    - Stamina is not lost when you lose a subjugation or retreat from it.
    - Nation missions no longer require you to have only girls from that nation, so they are significantly easier now.
    - Every single girl has her CSQ and thus her Character Equipment.
    - Every single girl with bloom art will also have her 2nd Scene as well as her 4th CSQ.
    - Quest completion now stacks.
    - The regular 80 stamina Secret Garden is much better, spinning tilers were removed so you can get 100% of the chests every time.
    - The Bonus Stages spawned from the Phase 1 event stages give event currency, so farming in phase 1 is much easier.
    - The event girl is always the reward for the beginner level mission of the event. You don't get her from the exchange shop.
    - You get two copies of the event girl, one at 99% AFF, the other at 0. You can just sell the 0% AFF one since getting event skillblooms/dressblooms are easy.
    - After an event it over and a new one has begun, the exchange is still open and you can get the things you've missed.
    - You get party slots 7-12 for free without having to purchase them with Flower Gems.
    - You get 300 character slots by default.
    - DMM has a significantly better warehouse that basically works as infinite storage, items stack. No need to keep things in your giftbox for long periods of time anymore.
    - You can have multiple assistant leaders that can appear on your Home.
    - You can forge 20 year old Manyus into 100 year old Manyus (3:1).
    - You can forge Bloom Dragons, lower rarity dragons to higher rarity dragons and vice versa.
    - You get a lot more premium tickets.
    - There are a lot more ally slots than Nutaku.
    - Since there are way more players, there will always be a bunch of Raid Bosses available to hit.
    - Manyu Keys are a consumable item that spawns stages that drop a specific type of Manyu, of your choice. They cost 0 stamina and give a large amount of EXP.

    New Features
    - There are two story missions now.
    - There are quiz stages, which are temporary but aren't limited time. Meaning if you don't do them now, they'll come back later.
    - Aqua Shadow Missions. They reward much more Honour medals that Concept maps.
    - DMM has a feature called Stamina Cut. A certain amount of missions have a 30% cut of stamina. You can check the wikia homepage to know which missions are currently cut.
    - There is a new material called Centy. They allow a level 80 rainbow to have her max level increase by 5 (Can happen 4 times for a maximum level of 100).
    - There are also Petite Centies, which are easier to get. 100 can be forged to create a Centy.
    - There are High Amplues. They're pretty hard to get and can be used to get a max Ampied girl even more stats (+3000/+400/+100).
    - There are Garden Coins, which are grey coins with a pot on them. Use these to buy items in the garden instead of regular coins.
    - There are a few new exchanges: Flower Gem Exchange, Coin Exchange, Flower Medal Exchange. Flower Medals are only acquired from a Nidhogg event, so don't worry about them.
    - There are things called Seal Stones, they will have a number on them ('15, '16', '17, '18). It's basically a 5* ticket that can be used to get a 5* released from that year. You can use them in the exchange if you own. They also never expire.
    - There are now Date Scenes that you get when you reach 100% affection with a girl. On the All Agesversion this is what you get instead of H Scene, On the 18+ version, you can view both in the Office page.
    - Rarity Growth
    - Instead of just being able to use one filter, you can use a combination of filters.
    DMM Flower Knight Girl | Name: Myers | ID: 152744586 [133/145]

    Waifu Helper Team:

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