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  1. #11

    Join Date
    Nov 2016
    Oh yeah, there were those as well. If I find any of the old ones I'll write them down here.

    By the way, recently there's been a trend in the gacha to give out a reward for rolling a specific number of times - just like the one right now on the 4th tab (a 11-roll gets you a `18 seal stone) or the 5th tab (22 rolls give you two Centies).
    On each gacha, the top-right button on the banner lists the knights available in the gacha.
    Name: Volarmis
    DMM ID: 317568967

  2. #12

    Join Date
    Sep 2016
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    The 18' 5* stone for a 50 FG roll is totally worth it for a new player. 50 FG are easy to get when you start and a free gold of your choosing (from 2018) is an excellent thing. Especially with all thoses good 5* last year (Hare's Ear, Pickerel Weed, Straw Flower, Pinkladies (Heavenly Flower's Young Lady)
    <3, Worm Wood (Christmas)...).
    2 Centies may be not usefull right now unless you already have a solid rainbow.
    Last edited by maotd; 05-11-2019 at 01:33 PM.

    ID: 481766521 (DMM)
    Name: maotd
    Good old memories
    10+1 roll in a nutshell

  3. #13
    Unregistered Guest
    Quote Originally Posted by Volarmis View Post
    Ok, KanjiTomo. I did not know such a program existed.
    That will surely help with the translations, thanks.
    Written Japanese is a bit of a headache, as you can know over a thousand kanji, but if an unfamiliar one appears, the whole sentence's meaning may be different than you predict.
    Yeah, it's a godsend. Extremely useful for things like reading scanned light novels and playing games that allow you to pause the dialogue. Too bad it's in Java.

    Knowing what the kanji means is only half a battle, unfortunately. For example, the Nutaku version translator has translated あの方 as "that way" when 方 is actually a very common polite word for person/people.

    Quote Originally Posted by Unregistered View Post
    Serial codes actually exist on DMM:
    PC7LDNCACCP5ARBB for the banner with several 4*s (this one expires eventually)
    97W9LX9GDXKR66RK for lv100 manyu set from TGS 2017
    K1ZNDORKMLCFDALE for manyu from TGS 2015
    Not all heroes wear usernames.

    Quote Originally Posted by maotd View Post
    The 18' 5* stone for a 50 FG roll is totally worth it for a new player. 50 FG are easy to get when you start and a free gold of your choosing (from 2018) is an excellent thing.
    Those 0 stamina training camp missions sure helped. That's nearly 1/7th of a full premium pull right there.

  4. #14

    Join Date
    Nov 2016
    Quote Originally Posted by Unregistered View Post
    Yeah, it's a godsend. Extremely useful for things like reading scanned light novels and playing games that allow you to pause the dialogue. Too bad it's in Java.

    Knowing what the kanji means is only half a battle, unfortunately. For example, the Nutaku version translator has translated あの方 as "that way" when 方 is actually a very common polite word for person/people.
    Yup, hou/kata = direction/method/person as I've learned it.
    I can't really remember the specific examples but I also had a few chuckles on such translations.

    On a different note, as maotd mentioned her, Pinkladies (エノテラ) is a good pick for the '18 Seal Stone if you're looking for a great girl post-promotion.
    Personally, I also like her suggestive character.
    Name: Volarmis
    DMM ID: 317568967

  5. #15
    Unregistered Guest
    Quote Originally Posted by Volarmis View Post
    On a different note, as maotd mentioned her, Pinkladies (エノテラ) is a good pick for the '18 Seal Stone if you're looking for a great girl post-promotion.
    Personally, I also like her suggestive character.
    Well, got the + '18 stone gacha and what do you know, I drew that creepy yandere girl Lavender. Don't know if it's bad luck or good luck.

    Anyway, thanks for the suggestions. Any other suggestions for girls are welcome too, as I never bothered with anything like tactics on Nutaku, since you could roll over nearly any mission with pure strength.

    I've got one '15 and one '16 ticket and so far my lineup consists of 6* Lavender, 5* Hare's Tail Grass (Halloween) (Nutaku Lagurus), 5* Himalayan Creeping Saxifrage (Nutaku Bergenia), 5* Pinkladies, and the new event wossname girl.

  6. #16
    For all those new people, I do feel it is important to let you know of another important difference between Nutaku and DMM: it's gacha. One thing I give Nutaku credit for, it's gacha was extremely friendly when I played it a few years ago. This gacha is not so much. It's not FGO bad, but there will be more than one occasion where you will experience multiple 50FG 11-pulls and not get a single gold. The positive side is that DMM gives FGs so much more than Nutaku ever did, so you have more chances to roll.

    Also don't forget to look at the DMM Subforum Friend's List. A lot of us here have some pretty powerful teams that can help you power through some of the tougher event maps. When I started, a Jap player who was lvl 180 helped me like this. I'd be happy for my girls to help you out now too in paying it forward.
    Last edited by ShadwNinjaX; 05-11-2019 at 07:55 PM.
    DMM FKG ID: 536701334 IGN: ShadwNinjaX Allies: 53/63

  7. #17

    Join Date
    Dec 2017
    Quote Originally Posted by Unregistered View Post
    Well, got the + '18 stone gacha and what do you know, I drew that creepy yandere girl Lavender. Don't know if it's bad luck or good luck.

    Anyway, thanks for the suggestions. Any other suggestions for girls are welcome too, as I never bothered with anything like tactics on Nutaku, since you could roll over nearly any mission with pure strength.

    I've got one '15 and one '16 ticket and so far my lineup consists of 6* Lavender, 5* Hare's Tail Grass (Halloween) (Nutaku Lagurus), 5* Himalayan Creeping Saxifrage (Nutaku Bergenia), 5* Pinkladies, and the new event wossname girl.
    Well '15 has Cymbidium recommended. I used her for a very long time until I got some 1.65 girls that were sufficient. May need her again someday never know Also Camellia and Kale are good

    Lavender is very good but is slow so you need some fast ones to balance out a team.

  8. #18

    Join Date
    Nov 2016
    Quote Originally Posted by Unregistered View Post
    Well, got the + '18 stone gacha and what do you know, I drew that creepy yandere girl Lavender. Don't know if it's bad luck or good luck.
    If it was the gacha where you got the '18 stone, that means you drew the 6* Lavender, didn't you?
    If so, that was lucky.
    I don't know how long you've waited in Nutaku for your first rainbow, but getting one that early is something else.
    Name: Volarmis
    DMM ID: 317568967

  9. #19

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    I've got one '15 and one '16 ticket and so far my lineup consists of 6* Lavender, 5* Hare's Tail Grass (Halloween) (Nutaku Lagurus), 5* Himalayan Creeping Saxifrage (Nutaku Bergenia), 5* Pinkladies, and the new event wossname girl.
    Congrats for 6* Lavender. Considering she is the one and only 6* in that 18' stone gacha (it's a special gacha for the new bloomed artworks for 6* Lavender, 5* Lady's Sorrel and 5* Clover and thoses 3 are the only 6* and 5* in it), you are lucky.

    For the 15' stone, you must go for Cymbidium. She is the most useful girl here wit her unique x2 skill activation turn 1.
    For the 16' stone, you must pick Pink Miko (aka Dianthus (Miko) on Nutaku). She is the most powerful 5* in the game, better than some 6* when she is max equipement slots. Even now, she is still helping me on the hardests maps.

    ID: 481766521 (DMM)
    Name: maotd
    Good old memories
    10+1 roll in a nutshell

  10. #20
    Unregistered Guest
    Quote Originally Posted by Volarmis View Post
    If it was the gacha where you got the '18 stone, that means you drew the 6* Lavender, didn't you?
    If so, that was lucky.
    I don't know how long you've waited in Nutaku for your first rainbow, but getting one that early is something else.
    I've never pulled a rainbow on Nutaku. The only rainbow girls I got (aside from the crappy one that everyone gets eventually) were from an apology exchange ticket and from FG step up gacha.

    Quote Originally Posted by maotd View Post
    Congrats for 6* Lavender. Considering she is the one and only 6* in that 18' stone gacha (it's a special gacha for the new bloomed artworks for 6* Lavender, 5* Lady's Sorrel and 5* Clover and thoses 3 are the only 6* and 5* in it), you are lucky.
    Well, at least there will be a ton of money saved on garbage disposal. Though, on the other hand, there's also the higher than average chance to get murdered in your sleep.

    Quote Originally Posted by maotd View Post
    For the 15' stone, you must go for Cymbidium. She is the most useful girl here wit her unique x2 skill activation turn 1.
    For the 16' stone, you must pick Pink Miko (aka Dianthus (Miko) on Nutaku). She is the most powerful 5* in the game, better than some 6* when she is max equipement slots. Even now, she is still helping me on the hardests maps.
    Done and done. It's really a big help, all these suggestions. There's already a ton to learn while trying to make up for lost ground and while I'm not above doing some research myself, it's not like I want to get a PhD in FKG.

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